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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9NH6527 from New Jersey answered…5 days5D

whatever it feels it needs because yes it would be nice, but we also already have a lot of greener around the planet.

 @9NFZ4WQ from Georgia answered…6 days6D

Yes, and those green spaces should include native plants that make sense for the landscape, and those spaces should not be turf grass lawns.

 @9NFXYDB from West Virginia answered…6 days6D

In circumstances where this could potentially create financial problems for local citizens due to gentrification, then no.

 @9NDK585 from Arkansas answered…7 days7D

We should restrict new development and incentivize utilizing property that is already developed for rezoning.

 @9NDJ6QN from Minnesota answered…7 days7D

The city should work with developers to determine if green space should be incorporated for each individual project

 @9NCW7BK from Georgia answered…1wk1W

Yes, the gready developers are trying to build on every square inch of land and it looks terrible - it's ruining our community! Numerous studies show improved mental health and quality life when nature or green spaces surround us.

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