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928 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y


 @9HJ2HMB from Pennsylvania  agreed…1yr1Y

After a certain age, your brain does not work as well as it used to. Which is why we need limits on age.

 @B39P8YZagreed…7 days7D

Joe Biden couldn't run again due to his health and mental issues and he also has been wandering off a lot and never staying on topic he just looked silly in office.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

Yes, and politicians of any age should be required to pass a mental competency test

 @9F78M2X from Washington  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think that if they want to still be in the government and be at that age that they should make sure they're mentally okay.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

Yes, and ban anyone over the age of 75 from running for office

 @9H3WP2C from Tennessee  disagreed…1yr1Y

The age of retirement is mandated by the government, it has no connection to mental competency. Someone could be young and mentally incompetent, while someone else can be extremely old and mentality fit.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

No, I would prefer term limits instead

 @9HJ2HMB from Pennsylvania  disagreed…1yr1Y

Mental competency testing is important, because the president has alot of duties. And if they can't pass a mental competency test, then they should not be president.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

No, this discriminates against older politicians

 @B39P8YZdisagreed…7 days7D

That's what it meant for people who aren't capable of being in office and If you are to old to pass the test you aren't old enough to make decision for the country.

 @B2V8F4FIndependent from Illinois  disagreed…3wks3W

There is a lot of discrimination against politicians either way, and age typically isn't the reason, however the older politicians make no logical sense to a lot of people and also have outdated views, we should focus on different kinds of discrimination other than age, because most old politicians are senile and incapable of learning new things.

 @B2L3FBQ from Michigan  disagreed…1mo1MO

All politicians over the age of 70 should be required to take a cognitive assessment. Elderly people with cognitive dysfunction should not be in a position of power.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

 @9BTY39B from Georgia  answered…2yrs2Y

No, because our government needs experienced leaders and mental competency is too subjective and the testing process could be abused.


How would you feel if your favorite public leader had to retire at a certain age, regardless of their abilities?

 @9WY95TQProgressive from New York  answered…4mos4MO

 @9WY64LVConstitution from Wisconsin  answered…4mos4MO

Its stupid, if someone can still do there job, why are you not letting them?

 @9WY5KFR from California  answered…4mos4MO

I would love that. I feel our last few candidates couldn’t fully understand the issues of our day

 @9WY5C4T from North Carolina  answered…4mos4MO

i think that it only makes sense to encourage younger public figures to provide new insights and viewpoints

 @9DS3NSFAmerican Solidarity from New Jersey  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, ban anyone over the age of retirement from running for office, and politicians of any age should be required to pass a mental competency test

 @9BHS34XGreen from Alabama  answered…2yrs2Y

 @99JTH56 from New Jersey  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, politicians of any age should be required to pass a mental competency test, but there should also be a ban on much older politicians

 @9FVTKHQ from New York  answered…1yr1Y

Mental competency tests are too subjective and could be abused, if they were reliable I would say yes. However, I do think there should be age limits on certain offices. Generally, I think candidates older than 70 are out of touch with the desires of the general public/voters and are loosing mental competence.

 @9C7CH96 from Massachusetts  answered…2yrs2Y

 @84ZWD6LLibertarian from Pennsylvania  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, all politicians should be required to pass a mental competency test, and ban all politicians over the age of retirement from running for office

 @9D7GKZD from Delaware  answered…2yrs2Y

Politicians of all ages should be required to pass a mental competency test. In addition, there should be a mandatory retirement age of 75 for all political offices.

 @9B2HXP7 from Massachusetts  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9GLGNDR from Pennsylvania  answered…1yr1Y

Ban anyone over retirement age from running and mandate a mental competency test for all politicians.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia  commented…1yr1Y

Mental competency test? No. Age maximum? Absolutely.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington  commented…1yr1Y

Why no competency test? Because you fear AOC would get a negative IQ score?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia  commented…1yr1Y

No because competency tests have a long history of being abused by people to defame others, and have a shady past at best.

 @9CDLKSDGreenfrom Guam  answered…2yrs2Y

Until 80. I prefer Age Limits Till 85.

 @9CF39LRfrom Guam  agreed…2yrs2Y

Finally someone who agrees.

 @VotingValet from New York  asked…2yrs2Y

I'm glad we're on the same page! What do you think should be the key components of a mental competency test for politicians?

 @9S2PDWW from Virginia  answered…7mos7MO

The United States should implement age limits and mental competency test to ensure That the people who enter Congress are of sound mind and are better connected with the younger generations. But it must be implemented in such a way that does not discriminate, that is flexible to a person on a case by case basis, and these competency test should be done for people of various ages, not just those who are at the age of retirement.

 @9LVBDCN from Louisiana  answered…10mos10MO

Yes, require a mental competency test for politicians of any age and ban anyone who fails the test or is over the age of retirement from running for office/seeking reelection

 @99GKD73Socialist from Wisconsin  answered…2yrs2Y

No because this system could be hijacked by politics and used to bar political opponents from running while distracting from real issues


In what ways might mandatory retirement ages impact the diversity and representation in politics or judiciary?

 @9TQC5QS from Maryland  answered…6mos6MO

 @9TQJBRDPeace and Freedom from North Carolina  answered…6mos6MO

Could still be fully competent and valuable people being forced to retire because of old age, but testing to make sure they are mentally well should be required.

 @9BN6Y6RAmerican Solidarity from Connecticut  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and all politicians should be required to pass a mental competency test as well as be subject to term limits

 @99G7BKK from Ohio  answered…2yrs2Y

No, because who decides what is tested and how to define someone as competent

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin  answered…2yrs2Y

No, pass a Constitutional amendment instead that requires mandatory retirement at age 75 for members of Congress once their current term in office expires

 @99FM89P from Michigan  answered…2yrs2Y

I don't think there is enough information on what constitutes a competency test and I believe this is a well intended idea that will be weaponized by political parties trying to gain dominance

 @9F44448  from Idaho  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, all polititians of any rank should be subject to a mental competency test and the age requirement for positions of political power should be 60

 @9F35KBP from Minnesota  answered…1yr1Y

 @9F2W9PC from North Carolina  answered…1yr1Y

I don't think that presidents should be 75 years old to begin with. If they do run for office I don't think that they should be required to take a mental competency test.

 @9DZXNLK from Washington  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but make it anyone older than the federal age of retirement and find some way to make sure the process couldn't be abused or twisted by any individual interest

 @9DDV4TSIndependent from New York  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, there should be no Elected official or Appointed official older than 70.

 @9D7VRVM from Pennsylvania  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9D4Y7JBRepublican from California  answered…2yrs2Y

No, not across the board, but there should be a procedure if there are clear concerns. It is important to know if there is a reason they are no longer fit for office.

 @9BXFZK4 from New York  answered…2yrs2Y

Politicians of any age should be required to pass a mental competency test if credible evidence is provided that that competency is in question. All politicians and judges should have a mandatory retirement age of 80.

 @99GJWCT from Washington  answered…2yrs2Y

It’s pointless if a person 75 years old passes a so called mental capacity test if the person is out of touch with people of the society they are supposed to be serving.

 @B39MR8Nfrom Washington  answered…7 days7D

Yes, i believe anyone over the age of 50 should, we should also require a test to ensure politicians are pro worker, pro gun, pro lgbt and womens rights and do not hold reactionary or unconstitutional views.

 @B34MF6V from Georgia  answered…2wks2W

Any politician over 60 needs to past a mental competency test in order to run for any office then one every other year their in office

 @B34HB8P from Massachusetts  answered…2wks2W

Yes and BAN anyone over the age of retirement from running for office. We can keep them as advisors but it is unfair to have a generation who should be stepping down and retired, running a country they will not feel the effects of for much longer. It is not ageist it is common sense. Why is a 75+ year old who probably only has 20 more years left be making decisions for 35+ year olds who have double that, and even those who are younger? No.

 @B33KB5V from Wisconsin  answered…2wks2W

Yes, I care about any politician's health and physical capabilities, especially if they are very old

 @B2QX8SJ from California  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, and there should be an age ceiling for running for office, but not as young as the retirement age. Also, everyone running for office should be required to pass a mental competency test.

 @B2Q6ZT6 from New York  answered…1mo1MO

they should have degrees in law, everyone should take a test to make sure they are fit for president, but on the other end this could lead to unwanted minority discriminatory practices so idk

 @plveniceDemocrat  from New Jersey  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but I'd prefer to just put an age maximum in place for offices, similar to how we have an age minimum for many offices.

 @B2LN3S5No Labels from Georgia  answered…1mo1MO

Yes and after the age of 70 should completely retire and be hauled off to an island where they all can enjoy their time on earth without power

 @B2J2YW2 from Mississippi  answered…1mo1MO

75 years of age is way too old to take on the challenges of becoming a politician. I think taking into consideration the person's awareness, background, as well as the mental competency should be passed assuming the politician is at most 60-65 years.

 @B2GCBHW from Minnesota  answered…1mo1MO

There should be a balance between ensuring the politician is competent enough for the job while also making sure the test/process is not abused.

 @B2G6HT8 from North Carolina  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but the testing needs to be put on by a source that makes it fair, so the process can't be abused. And candidates of any age should pass it.

 @B28ZXZV from California  answered…2mos2MO

Yes but also have term limits. Also I'm anti-democratic. I don't believe it is the best form of governance. Democracy is the god that failed the people. I would prefer monarchy or anarcho-capitalism

 @7PTCG38Democrat  from Wisconsin  answered…2mos2MO

No, I would prefer a Constitutional amendment requiring a mandatory retirement age of 75 for all elected members of Congress

 @B26976Sfrom Virgin Islands  answered…2mos2MO

All politicians should pass these and anyone above the age of retirement should be banned from running for office.

 @B24D5LP from Utah  answered…3mos3MO

Maybe, if there were indications for its necessity. I like the one up there that says no one over a certain should be allowed to run.

 @B23DPB3 from Massachusetts  answered…3mos3MO

Politicians should not be required to pass a mental competency test after a specific age as that is age discrimination but after doubts as to there mental competency arise they should.

 @9ZV8Y9R from Texas  answered…3mos3MO

Yes, lower the minimum age to hold public office to 18 years of age and require that all politicians of any age pass a reoccurring cognitive/mental competency test

 @LoneLupari from Texas  answered…3mos3MO

Yes, mental competency tests should be made for all political offices and term limits should be made as well.

 @9ZRF5V6 from Florida  answered…3mos3MO

No! If the politician should be required to take a mental competency test before allowed to run for office. in addition, no person shall run for office if they turn 65 prior to the election day.

 @9ZQPHSH from Florida  answered…3mos3MO

This should be 65, the retirement age and no one should be able to run for any office or remain in a seat upon reaching the age of 70

 @9ZJS9G5 from Florida  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, and if they pass the test then they are allowed to continue to serve as politicians but I would prefer term limits instead.

 @9Z9L7HP  from Ohio  answered…4mos4MO

I feel every 4 years you should have to be reelected based on how well you've done your job. Every other job in the world if you don't do your job you get fired I don't understand why it's not that way for government officials cuz it should be but since it's not at least every 4 years they should have to be reelected if they've done a good job obviously will let you stay If you haven't why are we still paying you

 @9Z9KCF6 from Massachusetts  answered…4mos4MO

When you see a political candidate not performing well mentally it should be addressed . Example Biden was a concern mentally - Trump has all his mental capabilities.

 @9YNQL3KLibertarian from Kentucky  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, all politicians should have to pass a competency test, and there should be term limits on all offices

 @9Z3GSWC from California  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, as long as the exam is performed by multiple licensed professionals to ensure non-biased results.

 @9YLJP33Progressivefrom Guam  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, everyone should be required to pass a mental competency test, be banned from running for office if over the age of retirement, and term limits should be implemented.

 @9YHSZ3B from Illinois  answered…4mos4MO

No, there should instead be an upper limit to the age someone can run for office. I'd say keeping it roughly equal to the average life expectancy would be good.

 @9YHC2RV from North Dakota  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, any politician over the age of 55 should be required to pass a mental competency test along with a mental competency test every year after the age of 65

 @9YH283V from Utah  answered…4mos4MO

No, because a mental competency test denies voters input of the leader of their choice. I t artificially restricts and limits the people in determining who they can vote for. It also assumes that lawmakers opinions are superior to the common people's knowledge and understanding of those who they are voting for. It creates and aristocracy.

 @9YBZQTN from Ohio  answered…4mos4MO

There should be a maximum age. We have a limit of 35 for the president. We should have a maximum of 70 for all politicians.


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