Conscription is the state-mandated enlistment of people in a national military service. In the U.S. the Select Service System drafted men for World War 1, World War 2 and Vietnam. Military service is currently not required in the U.S. Proponents of required service argue that it isn’t fair that a small percentage of Americans serve in the military to protect the rest of the population. Opponents argue that the requirement is unnecessary because modern warfare is fought less and less with ground troops and more with unmanned technology including drones.
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@9GF8QYF 1yr1Y
An 18-year-old citizen should be required to serve at least one year of military service because being in the military makes men masculine and women feminine which is how it should be and if you want to have a strong country the citizens are going to be the first people you think about and today American citizens are not so strong so serving one year will improve mindset strength and growth and friendship and communication.
I do not think that an 18 year old citizens should have t serve at least 1 year in the military. If that happens then nobody will want to be a citizen anymore because who wants to serve in the military, also we didn't sign up for it so why should we have to do it just because were 18.
The notion that military service enhances masculinity in men and femininity in women perpetuates certain gender stereotypes. Every individual, regardless of their gender, possesses a unique blend of traits that don't necessarily align with traditional gender norms.
Instead of mandating military service, what if we offered more opportunities for all citizens to engage in diverse community services, allowing them to develop these critical skills, while also contributing to society?
Citizens should not be required to serve one year because we all have rights and our country is a free country, Citizens shouldn't have to do something they don't want.
At 18 the men and women of our country should have the option to go to college, join the workforce, or join the military. By forcing them to complete one year of military service you are eliminating choice for them and behaving like a dictatorship.
Serving in the military can provide structure, discipline, and a sense of purpose to individuals who may have lost their way. It can offer them an opportunity for personal growth, instilling values like responsibility, teamwork, and respect.
Secondly, the military provides training and skills that can be transferable to civilian life. It can equip individuals with valuable job skills, increasing their chances of successful reintegration into society. This can contribute to reducing recidivism rates and promoting productive citizenship.
Lastly, mandatory military service can serve as a deterrent for individuals who may be on the path to criminal behavior. The prospect of military service may encourage them to reconsider their choices and steer them toward a more positive direction.
Military should be completely optional, each individual has a career path that they want to pursue with freedom.
Top Agreement
The USA is a country of free will, therefore people shouldn't be required to serve in the military if they don't want too.
@9G2PWYS 1yr1Y
"No, why? Explain your reasoning as to why you think they shouldn't, I need every detail on your opinion otherwise, I would feel it's invalid."
not everyone wants to be in the military so it would be like taking away their freedom and rights as a human being.
The Military is not for the weak and takes immense hard work and effort. Not every American is fit for the job. However, if there was a war and we were low we would need to have a draft. Given that America is a fully developed country and has a lot chance of being attacked as of right now there is no need.
No, service should be a choice instead of an obligation
@9GF8QYF 1yr1Y
"No, they should not be required to year for a year" America is slowly falling into a dark pit kids, teens, and even adults kill each other every day. Almost every 1 hour 7 civilians in the US die of violence. Joining the military shows people teamwork, communication, self-individual work, happiness, and healthiness
"No, they should not be required to year for a year" America is slowly falling into a dark pit kids, teens, and even adults kill each other every day. Almost every 1 hour 7 civilians in the US die of violence. Joining the military shows people teamwork, communication, self-individual work, happiness, and healthiness
Countries like Singapore and South Korea have compulsory military service, which has reportedly contributed to instilling a sense of discipline and responsibility amongst their citizens.
One year of mandatory military service is used in other countries and they greatly benefit from it. A National Guard type of service of boot camp followed by one weekend per month of drilling will instill discipline and give us a ready reserve in times of war.
Though joining the military acts as a virtue in several capacities, such as the skills that it can give to those who struggle with teamwork and co-operation, I believe it is ultimately unnecessary to those who who themselves to contribute to the country and our society through other means.
People are more likely to do bad if they're forced into the military, many will grow too stressed or depressed to peform correctly for the military.
At least simple and short obligation to your country, just like in your family or friend group, should be required because it shows dedication, strength, and helps build capabilities and opportunities for having served. To create a minimum level of everyone having these strengths would greatly help the country and life as a whole.
IN other countries like Korea the plan works. The mandatory military service can be used to help build discipline in young adults and allow them to serve the country
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
Why is that a good thing though..?
Not every 18 year old should be required to provide at least a year of military service. This is because not everyone is prepared. People have different beliefs, different capabilities, and different levels of what they can take. You should have to complete a series of physical challenges to make it.
@9GF524Z 1yr1Y
the polish government requires military service. ask any polish person and they will ,most-likely tell you that they are proud to be polish
I think its awesome because it teaches people discipline and raises our country's people to be more respected and mature. Puts people in the right place
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
I would argue it teaches people to be subordinate and dogmatic, and can also support the violent, alt-right pipeline.
If another country were to allow this law where 1 year of military service is mandatory their entire nation would instantly evolve they would overpower the U.S. military and the U.S. would be embarrassed and that would make other countries question on how reliable the U.S. would be if a war were to breakout.
Yes, and it should be at least two years of service
@9FG2GZ6 1yr1Y
Top Disagreement
No U.S. citizen should have to go thorugh atleast one year of military service because many kids when they reach their teen years, know what they wanna do with their life and may not need that year of training for something that'll set them back in life.
Some people wouldn't be able to, or wouldn't want to, go out for months at a time away from their family and potentially endanger their lives.
18-year-olds should focus on college after school unless they really desire to do military service it serves no purpose to force people who are 18 to have at least 2 years of military service.
Some people are not psychologically or physically prepared for the military, and people who are doing good for society and making a living should not be stripped from that
Yes, but with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development
i think it should be up the people at the end of the day and they get to decide whether or not they want to proceed with it. they should receive warning and be educated on the matter beforehand though, but the ultimate decision is up to them.
I don't believe that people who are at the age of 18 should be forced to fight in the military but instead should have a choice.
the position should still be of choice, not only to the people who is capable, but they should also get a warning before hand about what will happen, and what might happen during their stay in the military.
I think we should spend more money on other things cus we really don't have to be fighting anything rn
Yes, but only for those who do not pursue further education or employment
no, as i said before, it is ultimately up to the students if they want to serve in the military or not, but should not be forced to.
I don't agree with absolutely forcing someone to join the military, because someone could have mental illnesses that make them too unstable to serve in the army.
I don't believe people held be forced into the military because we need more people running businesses and corporations to keep the economy from being destroyed.
There are hundreds of positions within the military that one with a mental illness would be able to thrive within.
The military provides food,water and beds for its recruits and members. we should aspire to better the lives of others who are less fortunate and the military is the one of the best ways to do it.
no because people should have the choice to risk their lives or not, not everyone is the same and thinks the same, most people think differently and should have the choice for joining the military or not.
Yes, but only for those who are starting to build a criminal record
@9FY8L9Q 1yr1Y
I feel it should be used for at risk and troubled youth to learn structure and respect. As well as good morals and principals. There have been more people who were in disadvantaged or violent and unstable environment that learned more about themselves, community, country, and morals through joining the military and it has ultimately saved their or changed their lives for the better.
Some people are not physically capable of doing so. For others, its just not something they want to do or important to them. Therefore, they should not be forced to.
I don't think anyone should have to join the military. I think that having someone that doesn't actually want to join it will just bring others down with them since they don't even want to be there.
The military is effective for troubled people, however mandatory military service shouldn't be enforced for everyone because its a hard life, such as boot camp. Not only physical but mentally as well.
Top Disagreement
I don't think anyone should be forced to mandatory Military Service, because if there is a war going on, they can die very easily and people can also make mistakes like doing small crimes and they can be sentenced to mandatory military service.
I do believe that there should be a choice. Either put criminals in prison or make them serve under extreme supervision.
@9GK5NCR 1yr1Y
Mandatory military service can be serving in the military, but it could also be constructing military gear, being part of the corps engineer, or fixing historical events and accuracy.
Two years of service to the country should be required, but it does not have to be in the military. Working with inner city youth, updating infrastructure, etc. should be able to count.
Yes, within reason. Some are physically or mentally unable, and should not be enlisted. Most are capable, and military service would provide for national defense. It could also create a more cohesive patriotic society.
Mandatory military service could potentially infringe on individual freedoms by forcing young adults into a situation they might not agree with or want.
Look at Switzerland, for example. They have compulsory military service, yet a significant number of young men choose civil service or pay a tax instead, demonstrating a resistance to the idea of obligatory service.
I think there should be a system of national service for all which could be performed in many different ways. Perhaps a ranking system where military service earned the highest points towards fulfillment, but a variety of community services, on a part time basis could earn enough points over a longer time period. We should all be required to give something back. We all have different talents. I think a draft should be ok in the most serious of times, but the women need to register, too. Community service could begin in high school. Would be good to get the kids off of the technology and over themselves.
Yes, at least 2 years of military or community service or be involved in local government in some way
While the idea of mandatory service, either military or community, could instill a sense of civic duty, it may not suit everyone's abilities or interests. For instance, an individual more inclined towards the arts may find their talents wasted in such programs. A better approach could be to promote and incentivize voluntary participation in these areas, allowing each citizen to contribute in the way they can best serve their community. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think there might be a more versatile approach to encourage civic responsibility?
Inclined towards yes, but this would be a huge change -- instead alternatively should be cosidred
Yes, and it should be at least two years of service, but with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
That's not very based of you...
Don’t get me started on the mental health effects of that, and interrupting their day-to-day lives, forcing them into two years of working under an organization that has long been renowned for causing trouble.
only leftists are afraid to protect their country and die for their beliefs
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
lol Leftists absolutely will die for their beliefs, as many historically have, but their beliefs just don't include garbage ideals like nationalism or imperialism. Especially considering the fact that the US military, and nearly all nation's militaries, are diametrically opposed to everything Leftists stand for.
lol it’s okay to admit you have low testosterone, now here’s a clinical study proving adhering to leftist ideology leads to mental illness:
Only if the U.S. military was struggling to get soldiers and military workers should they be allowed to force U.S citizens to provide one year of military service
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
Why do we want soldiers and military workers to begin with..?
No unless we are at a major war.
No unless we are at a major war
One year of boot camp including martial arts and sniper training.
No, military service should not be required but SOME sort of service should be required with military service being an option but also organizations such as the Peace Corps or AmeriCorps.
Yes, every American citizen should Serve any United States military for a certain amount of time. But it must not be in a capacity that allows him to go to combat. The goal of conscription must be done with the following objectives in mind, to teach American citizens, basic skills in the following categories, the handling of firearms, physical discipline, order, hierarchy, and improving their education (Especially for those who came from low income and poor background). Conscription must be a tool to improve every American citizen Various Way, but we must not send these people to war. If we… Read more
Yes, but not exclusively military service. The choice should be between military or other public service, such as the Peace Corps or the Public Health Service.
Yes, and it should be at least two years of service The first year should be about military skills while the second year is about getting skills for world outside of the military
No because at 18, the men and women of our country should have the option to go to college, join the workforce, or join the military. By forcing them to complete one year of military service you are eliminating choice for them and behaving like a dictatorship.
@clbcarmanCommunist 1yr1Y
No, and raise the age requirement to 21. The US military preys on the impressionable minds of the youth.
No, service should be a choice and not an obligation. Only when the nation is involved in total war should able-bodied men and women be forcibly drafted
If we’re in war, sure, why not? Otherwise, service is a choice.
Military service can provide great benefits to citizens even during peacetime such as discipline, physical fitness, and leadership skills. For instance, countries like South Korea and Switzerland that have mandatory military service, report that it helps in fostering a sense of unity and national pride among citizens. Although I agree that service should be a choice, perhaps a middle ground could be offering incentives for voluntary service. What do you think about this idea?
Yes, but only volunteer should be used in foreign conflicts. Draftees should only be used in defense of the nation. Also, if they attend university, they should be able to delay service until the graduate.
Yes, but only volunteers should be used in foreign conflicts. Draftees should only be used in defense of the nation. Also, if they attend university, they should be able to delay service until the graduate.
@BuffaloChips62 1yr1Y
No, but it should be 2 years of US Service - Military, Peace Corps, or US Philanthropy.
All 18 year old male citizens should provide one year of military service.
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
I mean honestly putting that many people through military service just sounds like an economic deadweight that only helps arms contractors. It’s just a really bad idea in general.
No, but Military service or a comprehensive civics exam should be required to vote.
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
Congrats on reinventing Jim Crow voter suppression tactics /s
No, nobody should be bullied and coerced into military service.
No and abolish the US military
No because this country’s military isn’t even training volunteers effectively anymore. Nor will there be the stomach in public opinion to reinsert the level of discipline necessary to correct the volunteer let alone a consignment force
Everyone who identifies as male, masculine-leaning, or head of household should be required to join the military from age 18-22 in the Reserves along with any additional job or education.
No unless we are at a huge war.
No, but military service should be an option to replace jail time for non-violent criminals.
Yes, but women should have the option to serve outside of the military and anyone in the military under these conditions should only be mobilized to a combat zone as a last resort.
If physically able be trained in military service and utilized in protecting homeland, assisting in natural emergencies, assisting border patrol and with Volunteer Military services in case of major conflict. If physically unable or has true religious objections, serve equal time at equal pay doing community services, and other non military assistance to the country.
Yes, and it should be five years of service
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