The American Independence political party is not a widely recognized or established political entity on the national stage in the United States, akin to the major parties like the Democratic or Republican parties, or even some of the more established third… Read more
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Party’s support baseYes, but only indoors or crowded areas |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是,只要他们通过与异性夫妇同样的背景检查。 |
Party’s support base不 |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer不 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的, 这会保护警察和市民的安全和权利 |
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Personal answer支持人工流产 |
Personal answer反对人工流产 |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer不,还有太多其它可变因素了,比如教育、经验和任期都能决定公平的工资待遇 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,我们应该有公费医疗和医疗保健 |
ChatGPTYes, but with parental permission |
ChatGPTNo, increase mental health and background checks instead |
ChatGPTNo, we should instead focus on lowering the cost of education |
Personal answer是的,需要严格的背景审查,心理测试和训练 |
ChatGPT否,仅限于罪犯以及精神病患者 |
ChatGPT不 |
Personal answer不,所有的顾客都应该得到平等对待 |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,政府应该采取更多措施防止歧视少数族裔 |
ChatGPT应该,我们的精神健康护理系统需要更多资金以提供更高质量的关怀和服务 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPTYes, but only if their hormone levels are equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPT不,根据他们的宗教禁止移民是违反宪法的 |
ChatGPTYes, and politicians of any age should be required to pass a mental competency test |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answerYes, and supports increased funding for addiction prevention, treatments, and rehabilitation, as well as mandatory rehabilitation programs in lieu of imprisonment. |
ChatGPT不 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT应该,任期限制将提高绩效和防止腐败 |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPT不应该,服务应该是一种选择而不是一项义务 |
ChatGPT是的,但是在他们完成服刑之后 |
ChatGPT不是,除非他们合法地进入此国家 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer不,外国利益集团不应该花钱影响我们的政客 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,但是只应该用于医药用途。 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT不应该,政府不应该为任何进行堕胎的组织提供资金 |
ChatGPTYes, but only reform to impose term limits on judges |
ChatGPTNo, and the Supreme Court should not be politicized |
ChatGPTYes, as long as it covers all protected groups (age, sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion) and is not based on critical race theory |
Personal answer不 |
Personal answerNo, because technology will allow us in a decades time to offer structural changes in the brain to make criminals into good people. We must wait until then, and give them this choice. |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT降低所得税税率并且去掉所有大企业现存的税收漏洞 |
ChatGPT不应该。太多非暴力移民正在被驱逐出境 |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPTYes, but they should be strictly regulated to prevent mismanagement and corruption |
ChatGPTYes, as long as it does not threaten violence |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPTNo, the U.S. should encourage Iran to disarm through diplomatic channels |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的,但前提是黑名单的筛选过程被证明是准确的,且程序必须正当。 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPTYes, but allow people to use private insurance |
ChatGPT不应该,请雇用受过专业训练的安保人员 |
Personal answer应该,这将防止选民造假 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPT不 |
Personal answer更低的 |
ChatGPT大型跨国企业有所增加而小企业低一些 |
ChatGPT是的,社交媒体上有太多的假新闻和误报 |
Personal answer是的,社交媒体公司有政治偏向,需要受到监管 |
ChatGPT不,只有出示搜查令表明是为了犯罪行为才可以。 |
Personal answer是的 |
Public statements是的 |
ChatGPT不,应该增加对大型跨国企业的税收 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的,为生产替代能源提供更多激励措施 |
ChatGPT不,专门针对穆斯林是违宪的、种族主义和煽动性的 |
Personal answer是,并应对所有的新移民增加监控 |
ChatGPTNo, it is a symbol of racism, separatism and treason |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer是的,而且每年要根据通货膨胀对其进行调整 |
ChatGPT是的,并且使它成为一个可以保证生活的工资 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPT不应该,董事会成员应该是最有资格的人,不论性别 |
ChatGPT无论怎样,我们应该创造更多的社会计划来解决贫困问题 |
ChatGPTNo, and increase the personal liability for misconduct |
ChatGPTYes, and provide more training and education for police officers |
ChatGPT是,而且增加政府资金投入,使得每个大学生都可免费接受教育 |
Personal answer不 |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answerYes, every candidate should be given the equal chance to win the elections. Politicians should not be bought by wealthy donors. |
Personal answer是的,为没有犯罪记录的移民们创造一个获得公民权的简单方法 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPTYes, but NATO should focus more on counter-terrorism strategies |
Personal answer不应该,宗教是我们国家历史的一个重要方面 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPTNo, and pass strict laws prohibiting government surveillance without probable cause and a warrant |
Personal answer是的,但是要限制政府权力的范围 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是,提供敏感警告,但学生不需要安全空间 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,但是仅限于那些面临危及生命的紧急情况或者传染病的人 |
ChatGPT应该,只要是纳税公民应当都可投票 |
ChatGPT不应该,应当只有合法公民才可投票 |
ChatGPT是的,我们应该创造更多的社会计划来帮助预防罪犯以及使他们恢复正常生活 |
Personal answer不,但它目前正在被滥用 |
ChatGPTYes, but only for partial tuition |
Personal answerYes, but we should also expand scholarship and financial aid opportunities and lower interest rates for student loans |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer不应该,政府不应该决定私营企业能提供什么服务 |
ChatGPTNo, and their investments should be held in a blind trust |
ChatGPTYes, but with strict protections against insider trading |
ChatGPTYes, but not until they are teenagers |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT应该,只要她们能通过与男性一样的体能测试 |
ChatGPT是的,但是豁免那些其宗教信仰禁止注射疫苗的孩子。 |
Personal answer应该,但仅针对致命的传染病 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPTNo, the vast majority of people who receive Medicaid are disabled |
ChatGPT应该,这对于降低用药过量死亡率是必要的 |
ChatGPT是,但只限于非常基础和简单的话题 |
ChatGPT不,就连大多数公民都无法通过公民资格测试 |
ChatGPT不 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,但是政府应该提供免费的语言课程。 |
ChatGPTNo, and increase alternative energy subsidies to eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels |
ChatGPTYes, but with very strict environmental regulations |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT应该,但是不应该给他们的父母入籍。 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT我们应该给予以色列和巴勒斯坦同样的支持。 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,但必须由一名女性工作人员私下确认她们的身份 |
Personal answer更 |
ChatGPT增加限制,改革制度,使福利补充而不是替代工作收入 |
Personal answer增长 |
ChatGPT减少,而且政府应该更多地鼓励我国公民为担任这些工作做好准备。 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPTYes, but only provide humanitarian aid |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer是的,在重新划分选区的时候强势政权为执政党提供了不公平的条件 |
Personal answer是,政府应该加大对可持续能源技术的支持力度 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPTYes, on stocks and bonds but not real estate |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer帮助 |
ChatGPT帮助,但是禁止他们做政治捐款 |
ChatGPT不,教育应该由州和本地管理,而不是被全国性地规划 |
Personal answer是的,国家标准将有助于提高我们的全国平均水平,更好地让学生为大学做好准备 |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer不 |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPT不应该,这是对言论自由的侵犯 |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPT不,政治运动应该由公共资助 |
ChatGPT可以,只要他们已经服完刑期。 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPTYes, but only relative to the amount that other countries contribute |
ChatGPT不,这太费钱了而且不起作用 |
ChatGPT不,并且应该提供更多措施鼓励可替代能源产品 |
ChatGPTNo, I think businesses should require vaccination but not by government mandate |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPT不,平等对待所有的通信量,并继续保持互联网的开放性 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPT是的,政府应该采取更多措施保护工人的权利 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPT不 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPT应该,只要土地所有者得到了公平的补偿且该项目将有利于社区 |
ChatGPTYes, and ban all sales to countries with human rights violations |
ChatGPT是,只要他们纳税 |
Personal answerYes, I support totally free education for everyone at public colleges |
ChatGPT应该,但只能是出于安全问题的考虑,而不是金钱利益。 |
ChatGPTYes, but only to protect the country from human rights violations by a tyrannical ruler |
Personal answer减少 |
ChatGPT提高,但是只对于那些没有对人权进行干涉的国家 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
Public statementsYes, and switch to a representative democracy (popular vote) system |
Personal answerYes, and switch to a ranked voting system |
ChatGPTYes, and all schools should require mandatory diversity training |
ChatGPTNo, diversity training should be encouraged but not required |
ChatGPT不 |
Personal answer不应该,我不认为有死刑的必要 |
ChatGPTYes, replace police with unarmed community based responders for non-violent calls |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer支持,但是一个强制唯一的医疗支付者系统会更好。 |
Personal answer是的,我支持该计划的大概内容,但不支持每一部分 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,而且他们在任的每一年要求一个公开审计 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPT否,枪支制造和经销商,只会因疏忽而负有法律责任 |
ChatGPTYes, but not for cosmetics |
Personal answerYes, as long as parents also have the option to send their child to private school |
Public statements是的 |
Personal answer是的,而且禁止一切形式的游说 |
Personal answer不 |
Personal answer不,酷刑是不人道、不道德的,并违反第八修正案 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,消费者们有权利知道他们的食物里有什么东西 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer是的,政府应该打破现有的大型企业 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的但只针对低收入家庭 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPTNo, diversity training should be encouraged but not required |
ChatGPTYes, and all schools should require mandatory diversity training |
ChatGPT应该,但是要为那些结果为阳性的人提供治疗办法 |
ChatGPT不 |
Public statementsYes, and we should explore constructive alternatives to incarceration instead |
ChatGPT不应该,但是我们应该增加在为犯人提供教育和技能培训服务方面的资金 |
ChatGPTYes, but only in response to extreme situations |
ChatGPTYes, but with strict training on how and when to use the equipment |
Personal answer不,代之以定位空袭。 |
Personal answer不,除非他们攻击美国领土 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT更多,退伍军人应该可以去看任何他们选择的医生 |
ChatGPT更少,我们应该增加资金来改善现有的系统 |
ChatGPT是,但前提是开支用于环境友好的解决方案 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,但是必须征求上述国家的同意 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不 |
Personal answer不应该,这将不利于低收入的老年人,他们的预期寿命短于较富裕的老年人 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPTYes, and require overtime pay for work over four days per week |
Personal answer不,我们应该寻求更可持续的能源 |
Personal answer是的,但是要加大监督力度 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是,除非他们实施了恐怖主义行为 |
ChatGPTYes, but not at the expense of funding public schools |
ChatGPTNo, we should focus on improving our public schools and increasing teacher wages instead |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPTNo, and increase it at a progressive rate |
ChatGPTNo, this should be decided after the current war ends so we avoid a third world war |
ChatGPT增加,但是只能在我们的赤字得到大幅减少之后 |
Personal answer减少 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不 |
Public statements是的 |
ChatGPT不,我们应该投资在更清洁的替代能源上,比如风能、水力发电、钍和地热 |
ChatGPTNo, Congress should approve all military conflicts |
Personal answer不 |
Personal answer应该,我们不能冒发射核武器的风险 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的,就像美国公民一样,恐怖分子在联邦法院应该给予公正的审判 |
Personal answer是的,给他们一个公正的审批,并关闭关塔那摩湾 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPTNo, but there should be more age restrictions on social media apps |
ChatGPT不应该,这是对言论自由的侵犯 |
ChatGPTYes, and create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,拒绝保卫其他北约国家开创了一个全球力量平衡的危险先例 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,但是只在服完他们的刑期和缓刑之后 |
ChatGPTNo, but the doctors should be required to disclose that the advice contradicts contemporary scientific consensus |
ChatGPTYes, this will decrease the amount of misinformation patients receive |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer不,除非他们攻击美国领土 |
Personal answer是的,但是应该得到联合国的全面支持 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT不,我们应该关注于拯救地球而不是离开。 |
ChatGPT不 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT不,但应大幅度增加外包业务的税费和进口关税 |
ChatGPT应该,要禁用可降解材料最低含量不到 75% 的所有一次性产品 |
ChatGPT不 |
Personal answer不 |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer不,成员国之间的贸易已经非常不均衡了 |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer不 |
ChatGPTNo, we should instead focus on decreasing the cost of education |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPTNo, and we should increase diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts peacefully |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不 |
Personal answerYes, but only for drug dealers, not users |
ChatGPTNo, capture, interrogate, and imprison them instead |
ChatGPTNo, they should be captured and given a fair trial |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPTNo, and it should be increased to fund more investment into renewable energy |
ChatGPTNo, we already have agencies that address these issues |
ChatGPT是,只要报告离岸收入 |
ChatGPT不,太多富有的公民正在滥用海外银行法律的漏洞逃税 |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT不应该,暗中监视我们的盟友会严重损害我们在国外的声誉 |
Party’s support base是的 |
ChatGPTYes, but only if they use renewable energy sources |
ChatGPTNo, provide subsidies to private companies that compete to build the best network instead |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT是的,我们应该知道银行把钱给了谁 |
ChatGPT没有,但是从美国本土的土地重新路由的管道走 |
ChatGPT没有,但大大增加罚款的公司必须在发生意外的情况下支付的金额 |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answer不 |
Personal answer是的,但只应资助小的当地农场,而不是大公司 |
ChatGPTNo, the government should focus on preventing monopolies and cartels instead |
ChatGPTYes, all costs for a service should be included in the final purchase price |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPTNo, lift the travel embargo but do not allow trade until Cuba becomes a democratic republic |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的,财产税的税率不能反映出财产拥有者支付税金的能力 |
Public statements是的,但是应该大幅度削减政府开支而不是增加税收 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不,全球自由贸易体系对我们的企业和消费者来说更好 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPTYes, we should always promote diplomatic peace talks during foreign conflicts |
ChatGPTYes, as long as the tax revenue will eventually exceed the tax incentives |
ChatGPTNo, spend that money on improving infrastructure and the community to attract companies |
ChatGPTNo, private transactions should be kept private |
ChatGPTYes, except for low income citizens |
ChatGPT是的 |
Personal answer是的 |
ChatGPT应该,每年根据生活费进行调整 |
Personal answer不 |
Personal answer否,由私人管理账户,会对老年人的财政安全造成损害 |
ChatGPT是的,但只限于未来的工作者。 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPTYes, the government should receive equity for any financial aid they provide to companies |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
Party’s support base是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPT是的,为在线零售商免除销售税对传统商店不公平 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPTYes, but only if it’s truly decentralized and cannot be manipulated by any person, group, or government agency |
ChatGPTYes, this would reduce wealth inequality by providing more transparent, affordable, and inclusive access to financial services |
Personal answer是的 |
Personal answerNo, this will incentivize companies to move jobs out of the country |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPTNo, and citizens should be allowed to protect their savings from reckless fiscal policies or subjugation |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPTYes, but only for cryptocurrencies that hold stable value without price fluctuation |
ChatGPTYes, but I would prefer if they were banned |
ChatGPT没有,直到成本(4B $)被显着地减少 |
ChatGPT是的 |
Party’s support base不 |
ChatGPT不 |