
Shannon Bray’s policies on social issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average American voter ranked them on the quiz.


社会  ›  LGBT收养权


  Shannon Bray voterbase是,只要他们通过与异性夫妇同样的背景检查。

社会  ›  堕胎


  Shannon Bray voterbase堕胎权合法,我不同意但是政府没有权利禁止

社会  ›  同性恋婚姻


  Shannon Bray voterbase不要让政府参与到婚姻里面,而是要将它当做一个宗教的决定

社会  ›  婚内强奸


  Party’s support base是的,与 18 周岁以下的女性自愿发生性关系应视为强奸

社会  ›  Gun Buyback

Should the federal government institute a mandatory buyback of assault weapons?

  Shannon Bray voterbaseNo, this is a violation of the 2nd amendment

社会  ›  性别认同


  Shannon Bray voterbaseNo, we should address gender identity as a mental health issue and provide funds for more research and care

社会  ›  Gender Transition

Should people under the age of 18 years old be able to receive gender-transition treatments?

  Shannon Bray voterbaseNo, children should not be allowed to make irreversible life decisions

社会  ›  宗教自由法案


  Shannon Bray voterbase应该,任何企业都应该能够以任何理由拒绝服务

社会  ›  Transgender Athletes

Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth?

  Shannon Bray voterbaseNo, athletes should compete based on the biological sex that is listed on their birth certificate

社会  ›  计划生育资金


  Shannon Bray voterbase是,只要资金不会被用于流产过程

社会  ›  Religious Service Ban

Should religious gatherings be banned in order to combat the COVID-19 pandemic?

  Party’s support base

社会  ›  Racial Sensitivity Training

Should the federal government require racial sensitivity training for employees?

  Shannon Bray voterbaseNo, just ensure there are clear guidelines, action, and accountability for acts of discrimination

社会  ›  死刑


  Shannon Bray voterbase支持,但仅针对有不可否认的证据的可怕犯罪

社会  ›  Hate Speech

Should hate speech be protected by the first amendment?

  Shannon Bray voterbaseYes, because I don’t trust the government to define the boundaries of hate speech

社会  ›  政府命令


  Shannon Bray voterbase不应该,政府不应该决定私营企业能提供什么服务

社会  ›  女性在战斗中


  Shannon Bray voterbase应该,只要她们能通过与男性一样的体能测试

社会  ›  工作场所性别多元化


  Shannon Bray voterbase不应该,董事会成员应该是最有资格的人,不论性别

社会  ›  安全空间


  Shannon Bray voterbaseNo, college is meant to challenge students thoughts and opinions so they are prepared for real life

社会  ›  宪法第一修正案


  Shannon Bray voterbase不,只要不提及某一特殊宗教就行

社会  ›  蒙面罩袍


  Shannon Bray voterbase是的,我们应该尊重所有文化传统

社会  ›  安乐死


  Shannon Bray voterbase是,但必须经过心理测试,确定他们完全理解这种选择的后果才可以

社会  ›  Frozen Embryos Legal Status

Should frozen embryos be considered children?

  Party’s support base

社会  ›  Teacher and Faculty Diversity Training

Should schools be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for teachers and faculty?

  Party’s support base

社会  ›  Student Diversity Training

Should schools be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for students?

  Party’s support base

社会  ›  Employee Diversity Training

Should companies be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for employees?

  Party’s support base