Dátum narodenia:
- July 21, 1948 (76 rokov starý)
Politické názory
Top témy:
- Centralizácie, Big Government, Ľavé krídlo, Kolektivizmus, Platidlo, Pacifism, Keynesiánsky, Ekológia
- Pozrite si úplný zoznam 283 politík týkajúcich sa John Larson
Vzdelanie na:
- Central Connecticut State University
- East Hartford High School
- Secondary School
Politické skúsenosti
Pozícia držaná:
- Councillor
- Council Member
- Democratic Caucus Chairman of the United States House of Representatives
- Democratic Caucus Vice Chairman of the United States House of Representatives
- Member
- Member Of A Board Of Education
- member of the State Senate of Connecticut
- member of the United States House of Representatives
- Municipal Council Member
- President pro tempore of the Connecticut Senate
- Presidents pro tempore of the Connecticut Senate
- United States representative
Profesionálne skúsenosti
- Businessperson
- Politician
- Teacher