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 @9MRFP83 from Utah answered…2wks2W

Yes, but when the meat is sold it should be required to disclose that it is lab grown as well as undergo several chemical tests.

 @9MQ8Z96 from Oklahoma answered…2wks2W

Yes, but only after extensive testing has been performed and verified in a triple blind study performed by an independent org that is verifiably not bought out by a party of interest.

 @9NHM5N6 from Oklahoma answered…5 days5D

No, the current iteration of the technology does nothing to reduce climate impacts of industrial animal husbandry.

 @9N8XZVD from Texas answered…1wk1W

Yes, but without subsidies and without calling it meat. It must be labeled as "lab-grown" or "fake" meat. Also, this should be decided at the state level.

 @9N8XVGK from Alaska answered…1wk1W

Yes, but only with strict oversight and regulation by the FDA to establish standards for lab-grown meat sold in the US.

 @9N8JFLX from Texas answered…1wk1W

Yes, and let the consumer decide. The producers of lab-grown meat must clearly state the nutritional information and ingredients.

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