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 @9NHQ5BW from Connecticut answered…5 days5D

 @9NF6JXZ from New York answered…6 days6D

And give the same ore more subsidies that are given to electric cars to electric bikes.

 @9ND8RVV from New York answered…7 days7D

No. I hate bike lanes. Bike lanes reduce the amount of cars causing congestion which is then combated through taxes against the poor/working class via "congestion pricing." There should be minimal one-lane bike lanes that are to the side. However, the main focus of streets should be moving vehicles to their destinations.

 @damitjohnson  from Maryland answered…1wk1W

 @9NC45VK from Indiana answered…1wk1W

No, bicycles are slow, require physical endurance, and are impracticable in bad weather and at night.

 @9NBZ3TK from New Mexico answered…1wk1W

State and local governments only................not the federal government.

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