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 @9NG845Vfrom Guam answered…6 days6D

Yes, but the person in charge shall check for potential dangerous passenger

 @9NFZPBF from California answered…6 days6D

Yes but not by blocking off lanes for carpools; give carpoolers tax breaks

 @9NFDDLZ from California answered…6 days6D

It should be tested on a minor scale to see if it actually works before it is deployed on a national scale.

 @9NC45VK from Indiana answered…1wk1W

No, carpooling is impartial. Public transportation is the way to go.

 @9N6RHRB from Michigan answered…1wk1W

Both statmenets make a refutable claim to the other, but I stand undivided by either item, even though it reduces emmisions, it hurts the amount of gas used and time at work to provide a stable income with the current economy.

 @9N5WBYD from Oregon answered…2wks2W

No, the costs of managing such a program would feasibly outweigh any potential benefits

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