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 @9L4Z23B  from Pennsylvania answered…2wks2W

 @9NFF24M from New York answered…6 days6D

Yes, especially focusing on public transportation being more accessible.

 @9N7PSQL from Washington answered…1wk1W

No the government should invest in public transportation and walkable cities

  @ChaseOliverLibertarian  from South Carolina answered…2wks2W

While smart transportation infrastructure is a promising development, it is also one best left to private designers and engineers.

 @9MYQ475 from New York answered…2wks2W

Regardless, the government should invest in more walkable cities and public transportation.

 @9MT2Y5M from Missouri answered…2wks2W

No, it's a public-private partnership and the private entities who stand to profit should be making the investments, not the government

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