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 @9K99V29  from Florida answered…3wks3W

Yes, as long as it's only shared with regulators and not the public except in the cases of harm or abuse

 @9MNGKL2 from Indiana answered…3wks3W

 @9NC9SHN from Missouri answered…1wk1W

Anything the government gets involved with is never good. I like the idea of non-government professionals ensuring that algorithms are unbiased politically. Maybe a law where the company has to have transparency with a third-party non-biased company but then we would have to ensure someone that the platforms aren’t just paying the regulators off somehow

 @9NC4KCX from Illinois answered…1wk1W

The government is not equiped or up to date enough to handle the I.formation and would not be trustworthy with it. Data protections like tge EU has need to created and enforced

 @9NBVXSFfrom Texas answered…1wk1W

Only if the the tech company is involved in weapons, artificial inteligence or security. In medical research, economic and social networks no.

 @9NBQPQY from California answered…1wk1W

Yes, but only for large tech companies that act as platforms in the "public square" of the internet, as they play a strong role in free speech on the web.

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