정치적 견해
인기 주제:
- 분권화, 자유방임주의, 작은 정부, 자유주의자, 고립주의, 개인주의, 자본주의, 탈규제, 프라이버시
- Jo Jorgensen 대한 283 정책 전체 목록보기
Educated At:
- Bachelor of Science
- Baylor University
- Clemson University
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Grayslake Central High School
- Master of Business Administration
- Southern Methodist University
- University of South Carolina
학사 학위:
- Bachelor of Science
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Master of Business Administration
전문적 경험
- Academic
- Business Executive
- Politician
- University Teacher
업무 분야:
- Organisational Psychology
- Organizational Psychology