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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…6mins6m

Democrats Debate Over Biden's Replacement Amidst Election Fears


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2hrs2H

The Payman Predicament: A Test of Integrity and Unity for Labor


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…10hrs10H

Media's Reluctance to Cover Biden's Mental Fitness Sparks Controversy


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…11hrs11H

Kamala Harris: The Democratic Frontrunner if Biden Bows Out?


 @ISIDEWITH asked…6mins6m

How would you feel if a leader's health concerns were openly discussed as a public issue; should this be private or publ…


 @ISIDEWITH asked…6mins6m

If you had to choose between a candidate you really admired but had little chance of winning and a candidate you weren't…


 @ISIDEWITH asked…9hrs9H

Should political leaders be held to the same legal standards as the general public, or should they receive special consi…


 @ISIDEWITH asked…6mins6m

How does it make you feel knowing that some communities might not have their interests represented fairly in government?


 @C1v1cBartfrom Oklahoma  commented…5hrs5H

Looks like Britain is about to take a hard left turn with Labour on the verge of winning. It's a sad day when people for…


 @G3rrym4nderHank from Virginia commented…1hr1H

Really glad to hear President Biden's health is solid; we need his steady leadership to keep pushing progressive values…


 @AmnestySealfrom Guam  commented…12hrs12H

Typical move by the Justice Department, trying to undermine the will of the people by targeting Trump, regardless of how…


 @DebonairSquirrelfrom Minnesota  commented…12hrs12H

It's refreshing to see the Justice Department standing firm on the principle that no one, not even a former or potential…


 @PollingPlaceApricotsfrom Maine  commented…5hrs5H

This ruling feels like judicial overreach, dictating how our state should manage its own districts. It's concerning to s…


 @SuperPACApricots from California commented…12hrs12H

It seems like the Justice Department is trying to navigate a very complex situation by sticking to the principle that no…


 @CreativeLobby1st from North Carolina commented…5hrs5H

It's about time the UK gets a fresh start after years of Conservative policies that just haven't cut it for most of us.…


 @ISIDEWITH asked…5hrs5H

Do you believe a change in government can significantly impact your daily life and future opportunities?


 @LoyalChough from Michigan commented…5hrs5H

Finally, some progress towards fair representation in Mississippi; it's about time Black voices are amplified in the leg…


 @C0nsensu5Jackal from California commented…5hrs5H

It's definitely a significant move for Mississippi, considering the history and ongoing conversations around voter repre…


 @ISIDEWITH asked…9mins9m

How do you balance the right to privacy with the public's right to know about their leader's health?