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What would you say to someone who believes their actions are too small to make a difference for the environment?

 @9LJ8LVYSocialist from California answered…2mos2MO

It is true, large corporations and unethical business practices are the reason for majority of the pollution.

 @9LMVWCQIndependent from Indiana agreed…2mos2MO

Although we as the consumer have responsibility to be responsible on what we consumer and how we dispose of the product and are the reason the products are being consumed we are shouldn’t hold all the blame. As of 2022 Coca Cola produced 5.56 million metric tons into the environment. The typical person produces 20 tonnes in ones life time. 20 tonnes is a lot and we should shop and be sustainable but how how am I or all of us the sole contributors to climate change. This why I am a firm believer that companies should be held responsible. Like why should I have to use a paper straw while Coca Cola just dumps millions of co2 a year completely crazy and that’s just whats reported. .

 @9LMY26T from Kansas disagreed…2mos2MO

your goals, dreams, aspirations, are only as big as the amount of effort you are willing to put in to make it happen.

 @9LMVGXXDemocrat from Illinois disagreed…2mos2MO

No change no matter to small is useless everything starts form the bottom and if you want to make a change you got to make it happen

 @9LMTF75 from Louisiana disagreed…2mos2MO

If everyone is thinks that they won't make a difference then there wont be one because everyone thinks they wont make a difference that's the issue.

 @9LH3WXP from Michigan answered…2mos2MO

Cool just don't allow littering I hate finding trash in my corn fields

 @9LLLTQ4 from Michigan disagreed…2mos2MO

Any action will still help. If you say that you aren’t enough, than everyone will think that and no one will help the environment.

 @9LHYJZD from Pennsylvania disagreed…2mos2MO

This answer disregards the fallacious idea of small actions making no impact. The tone of both the person in question and answer is ignorant.

 @9LHYJBP from Indiana disagreed…2mos2MO

I disagree because they just just care about what they dont want to see insteand of atually caring but the person and what they think and if someone doesent beliveve in there self then you should at lest act like you care about there opinnin,.

 @9LHWV4SPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania disagreed…2mos2MO

If a bunch of people make a little change it can be big. It IS the corporations though so put the stress on them

 @9LLJSLQ from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I would tell them that overtime a little bit of change could lead to a lot of change and that their actions can influence others to make a difference as well.

 @9LRCZR9 from Texas agreed…2mos2MO

A little change is better than no change. If we collectively agree with eachother that pollution is a big issue, then we should start taking action ourselves to help prevent it.

 @9LRBTBV from California agreed…2mos2MO

Everyone makes a difference, no matter how small, and their actions can inspire others to make a difference too, which can accumulate to something that is very influential

 @9LNLN56 from North Carolina disagreed…2mos2MO

Everything anyone does can make a difference. Think about how every water bottle you use every paper you write one. Every thing we do as humans makes a difference in the enviroment

 @9LNLC5L from Michigan disagreed…2mos2MO

First off - it is over_time, not overtime. Secondly, it is far too much effort to make such a little difference on the environment.

 @9KZNWGGLibertarian from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

They are right, countries like china and India produce so much pollution.

 @9L22WF6 from Pennsylvania disagreed…3mos3MO

While it is true that the biggest contributors to climate change are large corporations with few restrictions from governmental bodies around the world, every small change adds up. Furthermore, we vote with our dollars. Therefore, if you and the people around you all stop, for example, purchasing single use plastic products, the overall level of single use plastic usage will decrease.

 @9L2RNYW from Kansas disagreed…3mos3MO

Any decision to aid in reducing the effects of climate change helps everyone. The problem will never be fully solved, but that shouldn't stop people from being good humans.

 @9L24XZK from Ohio disagreed…3mos3MO

Every single contribution counts. Even if your action only set the threshhold a second back, it's still a second of bought time.

 @9L2472CIndependent from Kentucky disagreed…3mos3MO

One small action can encourage others to do the same thing and start a chain reaction. While your one action in it of itself is not going to save the planet, doing so encourages others to take action.


What does 'going green' mean to you, and how realistic do you think it is to achieve in your community?

 @9KK2JKRWomen’s Equality from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

that there are gonna be "no plastic" and if we are careful and caring about our environment and animals they we should be able to use plastic and everything

 @9KK23C9 from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

 @9KJZXZDfrom Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Ecologist is a ideology which derives from the fact that all humans will actually agree & fall into the idea. Which most people don't; consider the high obesity rate in America. People will not just, "go green," because of the government, they need incentive & time.

 @9KK2MXH from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

Trying to recycle more or use more eco friendly products where possible.


How would you feel if you had to live without your favorite technology to help the environment?

 @9L2PN93 from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

upset, free country, limit restrictions palced on citizens, we are not producing enough CO2 for all that

 @9L2Y8PN from Iowa agreed…3mos3MO

more restrictions should be placed on corporations, instead of the people to effectively help the environment

 @9L2Q63K from California answered…3mos3MO

I think if it's really harming we need to find a better solution, but if it's only small we need to help but we don't need to band

 @9L5FFKGIndependent from California disagreed…2mos2MO

Us as a society have relied on technology way too much, while it can be a benefit for generations it causes more harm than good. Living without technology would not only help environmental issues but also individuals.

 @9L2PVDM from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

i would feel very limited, the technology i have connects me to the world and without i would not know whats going on around me

 @9L2PNLH from South Dakota answered…3mos3MO

If it helps the world and people around me, I will give up any device for them.


How do you predict climate change will affect the sports or outdoor activities that you enjoy?

 @9KK6QVMfrom Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

due to climate change the earth is getting hot and could result in a global warming crisis. sea levels would rise and it would be a total disaster

 @9KK68BYRepublican from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

 @9KK63KT from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

Might affect the weather causing it to be hotter, this can affect us people because it can harm us or affect our health.

 @9KK5Z6H from Washington answered…3mos3MO


How does the thought of ocean life adapting to pollution make you feel, and what can we do about it?


Marine life shouldn't HAVE to adapt to pollution, but if they do then that's great too.

 @9L24449 from North Carolina agreed…3mos3MO

Pollution is a bad issue that we need to address urgently, but I do believe that it is a positive if marine life adapts as it can.

 @9KZY6QY from Texas answered…3mos3MO

We should make sure that there is close to no pollution in the sea. It's something that ocean life should not have to deal with.


 @9KZXZ5Z from North Dakota answered…3mos3MO

Fix it, they can’t just adapt to something that’s very harmful to them and the ones who are causing the harm


Have you ever changed a habit because you learned it was harmful to the environment, and if so, what prompted that change?

 @9KLSYW6 from Virgin Islands answered…3mos3MO

Recycling, stopping eating meat, and buying less wrapped products (or buying less, in general) were some of the habits that I tried to change in my life, although the big difference comes from big corporations changing their policies and framework to something more environmentally friendly.
However, changing came from seeing that my support for those corporations can help them grow bigger and perpetuate their malicious behavior, therefore, ceasing this behavior was a good way to stop feeding them my small amount of money. People started asking me why, and that would make them think about it, even though most of them were not that convinced, they would question again and again.

 @9KM8257 from California agreed…3mos3MO

It makes me second guess a few actions and change in any way I can to make a small change, but I haven't changed that much since I know I have little effect on the destruction of the environment and it's mainly the fault of corporations, governments, and other high power individuals.

 @9KM6DT8 from Ohio disagreed…3mos3MO

If the product is already manufactured than someone will buy it and use it. It will take more than just not buying something. It’s up to the companies themselves

 @9KM4NM2  from Louisiana answered…3mos3MO

I have stopped leaving my sink turned on when brushing my teeth and don't typically use plastic straws.

 @9KLR7FN from Kansas answered…3mos3MO

Yes, I changed whether I recycled or used certain materials while cooking, cleaning and other things around the house. I also try and save power and drive my car less because it is harmful to the environment.


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