The Affordable Care Act is a federal statute signed into law in 2010 that introduces a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s healthcare system. The act grants the federal government significant regulatory powers and price controls over U.S. medical service providers and insurance companies. The Act’s landmark provisions included an insurance mandate which prohibited insurers from denying coverage to individuals due to preexisting conditions and insurance requirements for individual children who did not have coverage via their families. The Act also required states to set up and main…
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Top Agreement
obamacare gives people who may financially struggle an opportunity to be taken care of health care wise
No. It only causes more debt for the government to deal with and people should not rely on the government for particular help
Implementing a required, universal healthcare plan forces people to pay for commodities that are unnecessary. Instead, different companies should be able to create their own plans. This will lessen the power and influence that the federal government has over its people and their medical decisions, give people more say in how their bodies are treated, and help people pay only for what they personally need.
This compiles key polling data examining the favorability of the Affordable Care Act and its provisions, including protections for people.
@9F86WC2 1yr1Y
Top Agreement
it's not efficient or effective
it drives up private health insurance costs
many people can't afford it
access to free, or lower cost, healthcare should be offered to the largely impoverished nation. More importantly, we are the one of the only developed nations without universal healthcare.
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
So let's get rid of private health insurance
Top Disagreement
Programs like Obama Care are a step in the right direction towards free/affordable healthcare. Healthcare shouldn't have to be a worry for people in the 21st century.
Obamacare is bright for Democrats, but as a Republican this is a stupid idea going against my beliefs. Work hard. Nothing is perfectly easy in life. Especially not healthcare. There are American citizens who work harder than anyone and still pay for their healthcare. Nothing is impossible in todays society, and hypocrites will go out and show their political stance on abortion, taxes and free healthcare but can't work? Weird.
@9F7YSQK 1yr1Y
The constitution guarantees the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, providing healthcare to the people should be considered part of these rights.
This "providing of healthcare" increases everyones taxes and only ends up helping a microscopic percentage of the united states and the people actually paying for it. As great as it sounds free universal health care is something that is just not a possibility because you end up paying for it one way or another.
“only ends up helping a microscopic percentage of the united states”
if helps a majority of the US population. most people cant afford medical bills in the states. I and many others can't afford the bills. for goodness sake my most recent bill was $2,000. and that was 4 mouths ago and I'm still paying it off.
No, open the markets so insurers can compete across state lines and reduce costs
Well considering that the U.S is the best at having health care , so I say that the best would be at least let the health care system compete like businesses.
The problem with Healthcare in America as of right now is the cost. When it comes to quality, America is home to the highest quality medical care in the world; there is a reason people come here from other countries to get their surgeries. So, the question is, what can we do to keep that high quality, while lowering costs for Americans? The solution is to treat healthcare as a commodity; allow hospitals to compete like businesses. This will lower costs. The fact is, healthcare is not free market currently. If one were to go and get a surgery or even an x-ray, they do not know the cost until… Read more
The problem with Healthcare in America as of right now is the cost. When it comes to quality, America is home to the highest quality medical care in the world; there is a reason people come here from other countries to get their surgeries. So, the question is, what can we do to keep that high quality, while lowering costs for Americans? The solution is to treat healthcare as a commodity; allow hospitals to compete like businesses. This will lower costs. The fact is, healthcare is not free market currently. If one were to go and get a surgery or even an x-ray, they do not know the cost until… Read more
No, government should not be involved in healthcare
government would then be given too much authority and power and may possibly abuse it, by increasing healthcare funding for those who cannot afford it.
Health-care could help the people immensely, especially for those who are struggling to make ends meet.
giving the government this power makes it harder for thoses who can barely afford and making it more different qith the increase the government is making
At a point where government was not involved, the average Emergency Room visit cost $2002 dollars. After the ACA was introduced, the number went down to $1759.
Too much emphasis is placed on current medicine! "Modern " medicine is still not very good!
Many Americans get too caught up in medicine when IN FACT health is easily maintained, for example eat natural healthy foods, exercise, and have a good Attitude, etc.
@9SH89YR 6mos6MO
I see what you are saying but that doesn’t account for things like injuries, disease, or sickness. No amount of healthy diet will heal a broken leg, you still need to see a doctor. A lot of people are born with diseases that require them to use medicine. In these situations it isn’t so easy to maintain good health. It shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg to fix one.
I support the part where people with preexisting conditions cannot be denied healthcare, but generally healthcare shouldn’t be controlled by the government, since it increases wait times and becomes really inefficient and expensive. Also, i think that health care shoud be free
Adopt Canadian or European healthcare system. Pharmaceutical companies own the USA.
I find it hypocritical for Congress to enact a law from which they have excluded themselves.
No, it is just a ploy by pharmaceutical companies and the government to get the American people hooked on pharmaceuticals from the womb to the tomb.
No I don't. I do think the government (if there is one) has an obligation to promote HEALTH and how people can stay healthy. Programs funded by the government should be in line with this and corporations promoting products harmful to health ( which would raise the cost of healthcare across the board and burden the taxpayer((if there was a government healthcare system)) should be required to label such products as "harmful to health" and tax the corporations heavily. Certain ingredients should be banned and companies found promoting profit over health should be put out of business. Also, these companies should NOT be allowed to sponsor sporting events Pepsi, Frito Lay, Marlboro, Budweiser...). Marketing to children should be considered a crime.
No. The ACA is an obvious socialist wealth redistribution scheme. The public through their government should have a vested interest in general public health. However, personal responsibility for one's health should be Naturally Darwinistic and can never be effectively managed by government.
We need to encourage more competition in our society as a whole and in the medical community especially.
Yes. No mandatory penalty. Import Pharmaceuticals from other countries.
Absolutely agree! Importing pharmaceuticals can potentially reduce drug prices significantly. For instance, Canadian drug prices are often much lower due to their national health system's bargaining power. Should the U.S. consider policies similar to Canada's to combat high pharmaceutical prices?
Big Pharma needs to be dismantled, and the cure for Cancer needs to be made available. What do you think people are stupid. You gotta bunch of fat cats making millions off of hospital bills, drug costs, and treatment for people's health. They literally destroy lives, emotionally, financially and mortally
Probably one of the top three most complicated and important issue. I am not opposed to a single payer system but quality of care can not suffer for cost. I think that insurance companies are literally killing this country. I am willing try almost anything at this point.
The law for decades has been that anyone coming to an emergency room is entitled to appropriate care regardless of their ability to pay. Unless we are willing to go back to the times when people got turned away from hospitals and died of easily treatable conditions because they couldn't pay for treatment, we have already made the decision that society as a whole is responsible for everyone's health care. All we have to work out is how we are going to pay for it. The system prior to "Obamacare" was grotesquely inefficient in terms of how much it cost and how many people did… Read more
It is discriminatory and totally unfair to cigarette smokers which discrimination is illegal. The cost for smoking surcharges are unfair to only one vice in this world of vices, obesity is just as deadly, if not more.
Yes, I support aspects of the plan but not all aspects. Open the markets so insurers can compete across state lines and reduce costs.
I agree with both '', Yes, and allow consumers to choose providers and import pharmaceuticals from other countries'' and ''No, open the markets so insurers can compete across state lines and reduce costs'' I think both should be allowed so people can choose which one works better for them.
I want to see socialism in America only when it comes to insurance. I want to see the private sector of insurance eliminated to eliminate the ridiculous over inflation of medical treatment and services. I want to see an even playing field across the board and if you choose to spend more of your own money on certain medical experiences, and there can be different price points.
HELL NO!!! Any law that's passed but exempts congress should be shoved up the asses of those who shoved it upon us citizens
The best thing about the healthcare act is mandate children up to 26 can remain on parent insurance policy. This helped our children a great deal until they could find employment that offered health insurance.
I'm sure there are some other things that are good. I'm just sure what they are.
The cost and penalty is prohibitive. It harms people and their way of living due to cost.
I would prefer a health savings account system.
No, Obamacare set the struggle for single payer back an entire generation
Healthcare has sky-rocketed due to insurance companies and lawyers. Deal with them and leave the medical profession alone. To penalize those who choose NOT to have Health care is ludicrous.
The PPACA has nothing to do with healthcare. It is an alternative tax system that should be abolished.
No, it's my right to decide if i want health insurance for my body or not. I'm not a car that has a possibility of hitting another car or property or person. It's my body. I shouldn't be penalized for not getting one.
No. I still can't afford it, so I'm going to be fined hundreds of dollars that I can't afford??? Healthcare should be free for everyone or not required. We can't have both.
@Brandonnoe84Libertarian 3mos3MO
No, however we should reduce the price for what is deemed to be life saving medication, surgeries, and services.
I support a lot of the aspects of the Obamacare act, And I support the morality of its implementation. But I disagree with several of the aspects of it and with its execution.
As long as their is no government overreach as long as it can co-exists with the current health care system and/or make it more competitive.
@sterlingiii 9mos9MO
Yes, I am an advocate for Universal Healthcare but we need to make a specific rule for hospitals to follow when it comes to the price of surgical procedures that save a person's life if we utilize the tax system correctly it could solve the healthcare crisis in record speed. I plan to for President and use this strategy to reason with all Americans lowering the price for medical emergency help once and for all.
no, we need a better system
I support a majority of the plan but not all aspects, but Regardless this is for the state level not the Federal level
Yes, but while the government can help, it shouldn't be heavily involved and it shouldn't punish those that do not need it.
@9D6V4WXRepublican 2yrs2Y
No. Employers should be required to cover health insurance premiums for their employees and their dependents and HSAs should be allowed alongside all health insurance plans, but set the annual maximum contribution limit equal to the out of pocket maximum.
No, but regulate healthcare costs.
America for better or worse has bred members who cannot govern themselves. A stronger government is a safer future. This population simply cannot go without subjugation.
If Americans can’t be trusted to govern themselves, why should we trust Americans in government to govern others as well? Won’t that just multiply our problems?
No, but regulate costs instead.
Protection from pre existing conditions should remain and open market across state lines.
We live in a world. Do you think our allies care. The acts do not cover everything. One time you go to the hospital is all it takes and your screwed! Free medical and college. Everyone one should go to an armed forces. Education is the BIGGEST discrimination.
I support the revitalizing and strengthening of something called The Hill-Burton Act of 1944, original healthcare-for-all bill, signed into law by then US President Harry S. Truman in August of 1944...Obamacare needs to be repealed and replaced with this law, a law already on the books!
That was actually Hillary health reform! Reagan administration denied it!
medicaid OFFERED to everyone. I also think that we should be able to import drugs from other countries
Make healthcare paid like the UKs NHS, paid via taxes.
The Scandinavian way: people should pay out of their own pocket up to a certain limit after which healthcare gets covered by tax money.
Health care is not a market commodity and should be considered a right like legal aid or public education. The ACA subsidizes private insurance companies with tax money, a form of corporate welfare. Single payer system, allowing for both public & private delivery, is preferable..
Its a half measure that will never work. Either privatize or socialize it.
Healthcare shouldn’t be this expensive in the first place! No, I do not support Obamacare, I do support helping people with preexisting conditions however.
I don't truly understand Obamacare
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, was signed into law in 2010. The main goal was to make healthcare more affordable and accessible for Americans. It did several things: it required everyone to have health insurance or pay a penalty, it prevented insurance companies from denying coverage due to pre-existing conditions, it allowed children to stay on their parents' insurance until 26, and it expanded Medicaid to cover more low-income individuals. It's a complex law with both supporters and critics. Supporters argue it has helped millions obtain health insurance, while critics argue it has increased health care costs for some.
Oh, I see we're taking a stroll down memory lane to 2010, the time of hope and change. Good times, good times. Yes, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, was indeed designed to make healthcare more affordable and accessible. However, the reality was not quite as rosy as the name suggests. For instance, the individual mandate requiring everyone to have health insurance or face a penalty was not exactly a hit parade. Sure, it increased the number of insured Americans, but it also forced people to buy insurance they might not want or need.
And let's not forget about the 'if… Read more
You bring up some very valid points. The ACA, like any legislation, has both its strengths and weaknesses. Improvements could definitely be made, and I think it's important to keep the conversation going on how to best achieve affordable and accessible healthcare for all.
To address the individual mandate issue, one suggestion could be to offer more flexible plans, allowing people to choose the coverage that best suits their needs rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. This might make health insurance more appealing and affordable for those who feel forced into buying insurance they… Read more
Under the ACA, there were already different levels of plans available - Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum - that offered varying degrees of coverage and cost-sharing. The challenge lies in balancing affordability with comprehensive coverage.
As for increasing transparency around pricing agreements, it's indeed a complex issue. For instance, in 2019, an executive order was signed to increase price and quality transparency in healthcare. But it faced resistance from hospitals and insurance companies due to concerns about revealing negotiated rates, which they argue could lead to increased… Read more
No, the federal government should not be involved. It should be state run
Not informed Enough to know
i dont have a opinion on it
I have never heard of this
I know nothing of this topic
No, this was a republican adopted health plan. Healthcare should be free
Public option or even single-payer would be much better than the ACA, but I support the ACA over nothing at all
Yes. Also, establish universal public healthcare and nationalize the current hospital infrastructure.
Healthcare should not be tied to employment.
No, I support some but not all aspects of the plan
Not enough knowledge on this topic
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