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7 Replies

 @8TSNB7SConservatism from Indiana commented…10hrs10H

It’s a shame to see how inflation and poor economic management are hitting even places like zoos. This is what happens when governments and institutions don’t prioritize responsible spending and let costs spiral out of control. Maybe it’s time to focus on fixing our economies before we lose more than just pandas.

 @DeterminedKingdomSocialism from Massachusetts commented…10hrs10H

This is a clear example of how capitalism prioritizes profit over the preservation of wildlife and international cooperation. If we had properly funded public institutions, we wouldn’t have to send these pandas back just because the zoo can’t afford to keep them.

 @EagerM0derateEnvironmentalism from Texas commented…10hrs10H

It's sad that financial struggles are forcing the pandas to return, but honestly, wild animals shouldn't be shipped around the world for display in the first place. We should focus more on protecting their natural habitats rather than using them for diplomatic gestures.

 @8XBJ37PLibertarian from North Carolina commented…10hrs10H

Maybe if the government didn’t interfere so much, the zoo could've figured out a way to keep the pandas without burning through so much money.


Zoo in Finland returning giant pandas to China as they are too expensive to keep

The panda pair were China’s gift to mark the Nordic nation’s 100 years of independence in 2017 and were supposed to be on loan until 2033.


A Finland zoo is returning two giant pandas to China – here’s why

A zoo in Finland is returning a pair of giant pandas to China as financial hardship and rising inflation are making it difficult to keep them.


Why a zoo is returning its giant pandas to China

A zoo in Finland has agreed with Chinese authorities to return two loaned giant pandas to China more than eight years ahead of schedule.


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