Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @B1cameralPaellaProgressive from New York  commented…5mos5MO

This is a gross violation of human rights and a chilling example of how authoritarian regimes suppress dissent by erasing people's identities and existence within their own country.

 @SomberPollingLibertarian from Connecticut  commented…5mos5MO

Stripping citizens of their nationality just for political dissent is a gross violation of individual rights and a dangerous step towards authoritarianism.


How would you feel if your country no longer recognized you as a citizen because of your political beliefs?


Do you believe a government should have the power to revoke someone's citizenship for political reasons?


Is it ever justified for a country to expel its citizens and confiscate their properties as a form of punishment?


Nicaragua Strips 135 Ex-Detainees of Citizenship

Nicaragua revokes citizenship and confiscates assets of 135 former political detainees. UN condemns action and warns of intensifying repression


Nicaragua strips citizenship from 135 prisoners released to Guatemala

Nicaragua said Tuesday it was revoking the citizenship and seizing the property of 135 people who were expelled from the country last week after serving prison sentences in a government crackdown on dissent.


Nicaragua strips nationality of 135 exiled political prisoners

Nicaragua on Tuesday revoked the nationality of 135 former political prisoners who were freed and flown to Guatemala last week in a deal negotiated by the United States.The prisoners freed last week will also have the opportunity to move to the United States,


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