It’s not unconstitutional. We promise freedom for all. Refusing to do so for LGBTQIA individuals is going against the very ideals our founding fathers fought for.
LGBTQ+ should not be tolerated, it is a severe mental disease that can destroy humanity if left unchecked. How will humanity live if everyone decided to only have sex with the same gender or go through a sex change operation?
You're question just shows how intolerant and ignorant you are of the topic. You're saying if gays are left unchecked then everyone will be gay?! How on Earth did you come to that braindead conclusion?
Straight people exist and have a lot of sex so they will make children lol
really how about freedom of religion huh founders never supported homosexuals but I believe were all human begins I believe gays lesbians should be educated on what sexual morals are Jesus said a relationship is between 1 man and 1 woman morals we need in society being a homosexual is sad and shameful a life between the opposite gender is a life with morals and kids and happiness I also believe gays and lesbians and trans shouldn't have children or adopt need morals to or be straight or single
It literally doesn't affect you. Stop using religion to hurt the life of others.
@AOCforprez28Progressive2 days2D
Werent jesus teachings to love and understand all, and if jesus is the wonderful creator and never made any mistakes then why is LGBTQI+ an issue
You're misrepresenting the Bible. Jesus never claimed "1 man, 1 woman". The verses are part of a larger passage (Matthew 19:3-9) where Jesus is responding to the Pharisees' question about divorce. He references Genesis 1:27 and 2:24 to explain that marriage was intended to be a lifelong union. However, this passage does not explicitly say that Jesus was defining marriage as exclusively one man and one woman, nor does it address all possible marriage structures directly.
Even the next verse:
"For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his… Read more
@AOCforprez28Progressive2 days2D
This is the exactly stated in the preamble of the decleration of independence where it states all people are entitled to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
nobody is forcing you to partake in a same-sex marriage. legalizing it simply gives individuals the freedom to choose
jesus didn't die for this love is love no its not true read the Bible or walk away from God he just come back to you its against the creator and his world order yes I believe God supports freedom of other religions but does not support selfness for love but morals back then it was normal now we live in a clown world you why we didn't like homosexuality back then because most religions said it was evil back then Pornograpy lust Homosexality was all illegal and was a more perfect world back then and the people would know religion better and morals back then compared today yell at me but I forgive you like how Jesus forgave sinners I pray for you all God bless you all
I believe is Jesus Christ. I’m queer. Jesus died for everybody. He loves everybody. He made me this way and he still loves me.
Galatians 2:20 - “I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave his life for me”
John 13:34-35: “A new commandment i give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have loved one to another.”
not only is denying same-sex marriage unconstitutional, Jesus literally told all his followers to love one another, no matter what.
@B3MMD7SRepublican7 days7D
The Lord didn't make you that way. He gave every human free will to choose but doesn't support the sin. Yes he does love everybody. Jesus loves you.
"The world was more perfect back them"
Yes this is why so many people were persecuted for no real reason and wars were started about petty differences in religion (30 years war). Yes that was so much better I agree.
People never seem to have the full context for the history they like to quote or fantasize of.
this is about politics, not about what religion you believe in.
Keep the religion out of this. It has no basis or standing to these conversations.
As long as there are people like you who are held back by 2-3000 year old ideologies, we can't move forward.
forcing states to protect human rights is unconstitutional?
I respectfully disagree with your statement. I know states should have their own power but it is a human right. Same sex marriage should be legalized everywhere as it is a basic human right of equality,
Why can't gays and lesbians accept civil unions as being good enough? Marriage is supposed to be a sacrament that is designated for the union of a man and a woman. Homosexuals do have the legal recognition of being united and do have legal protections with a civil union. So why can't they simply accept that?
Why can't you accept that nobody asked?
Why can't YOU accept that it doesn't affect you when two other people get married?
@sylas49 3wks3W
#5 Engaged Social Issues #3 Engaged Gay Marriage
Respectfully, you are asking a group that lacks a fundamental right possessed by every other group to simply accept compromise. Marriage is not always a holy sacrament, but rather a legal contract under the American government. Denying that contract to anyone based on their gender alone is Constitutionally flawed.
And if marriage was a sacrament alone, the government, as per the Establishment Clause, would have no say in it whatsoever.
Everyone should be able to give love and get love. Commitment can be very important it all depends on the people involved
Engaged Social Issues Engaged Gay Marriage
Yes. Sin has become a basic human right.
@Renaldo-MoonGreen 4mos4MO
The Bible says you should encourage people to correct their sins and not force them. So yes it always was.
@solo-von-kickpaw 3mos3MO
"@Renaldo-Moon from Pennsylvania disagreed…It literally doesn't affect you. Stop using religion to hurt the life of others." I thought you said not to use religion you hypocrite
@sylas49 3wks3W
#5 Engaged Social Issues #3 Engaged Gay Marriage
Whether or not homosexuality is a Biblical sin is not the question at hand here. If you cannot set aside your religious beliefs in favor of participatory policy crafting, your ideals will naturally disenfranchise someone. This has been a pitfall of the United States since its establishment, so please don't contribute to that flaw.
The 14th amendment reads “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States,” meaning the Cont. applies to states, and therefore, the constitution forces states to recognize same sex marriage
The states must also comply with the Constitution, which the 14th Amendment and subsequent Equal Portection Clause are part of.
The Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) established that marriage is a fundamental right protected under the Constitution. In fact, the Constitution explicitly limits states' power when it comes to denying fundamental rights, as seen in cases like interracial marriage (Loving v. Virginia). If the same logic applies to race, why should it be different for sexual orientation? If we start letting states pick and choose which constitutional protections they want to follow, where do we draw the line?
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