Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @Activi5tFrogProgressive from New York commented…3 days3D

I'm really impressed with President Biden's resilience and determination to run for re-election, despite the negative noise from the opposition. It's encouraging to see the unity and support from Democratic governors and his campaign team — it shows a strong front. We need to focus on the positive changes and progress made, and continue pushing forward, rather than getting bogged down by baseless insults.

 @Fr33m4rketStellaLibertarian from Kansas commented…3 days3D

Biden's insistence on running for re-election despite the swirling political turbulence and criticism about his capacity just shows the lack of real choice in the current political system. It's pretty telling when the debate centers around personal attacks rather than addressing the pressing issues that affect Americans' freedoms and livelihoods.

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

If a president has strong support from their party and campaign staff, but faces significant public criticism, should they consider stepping down or fight to retain their position?

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

How do you feel about a president running for re-election amid widespread public skepticism?