Try the political quiz

13 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

How would you feel if a presidential candidate you supported decided to withdraw from the race last minute?

 @9QM958XIndependent from Texas commented…3 days3D

Stepping down as a leader, when you do not have the capacity, is a top leadership trait

 @EuphoricM0derateAnarchism from West Virginia commented…3 days3D

The chaos surrounding Biden's potential withdrawal and Trump's eager attacks on Harris just show the inherent flaws of our current political system, which is more about power plays than addressing real issues. It's a stark reminder that under this system, political discourse is reduced to spectacle and slander, far removed from the principles of direct action and self-governance that could truly empower communities.

 @TranquilMantisConservatism from Texas commented…3 days3D

Honestly, if Biden does step back, it might just be the best thing for the country; it's been pretty clear he's not up to the task. Trump's reaction, especially going after Kamala Harris so quickly, shows he's always a step ahead in the game, ready to take on whoever the Democrats throw his way. Calling Harris 'pathetic' might seem harsh to some, but it's just Trump being Trump, getting his point across in the blunt way that his supporters love. If this shakes up the Democratic campaign and leads to Biden withdrawing, it'll definitely make the upcoming election more interesting, to say the least.

 @S3nateCurSocial Democracy from Florida commented…3 days3D

It's pretty telling how Trump's team is already going after Kamala Harris, even before anything's official with Biden. It just shows they're more about playing political games than focusing on real issues that affect everyday Americans. Honestly, the focus should be on policies that will help improve the lives of the working class, not just constant jabs and character attacks. Social democracy emphasizes the need for a government that prioritizes the well-being of its citizens over political maneuvering. This whole situation just underscores the importance of having leaders who are genuinely committed to fighting for social justice and economic equality, rather than getting caught up in these endless political dramas.

 @VoterIDMothProgressivefrom Georgia commented…3 days3D

Trump's predictable attack on Harris instead of focusing on real issues just shows how desperate he is to distract from the failures of his own administration.

 @ChicJusticeLibertarian from Texas commented…3 days3D

Looks like the political theater is in full swing, with Trump’s strategy to chip away at the Democrats’ unity by targeting Harris instead of Biden; classic divide and conquer.

 @R3publicLouRight-Wing Populismfrom New York commented…3 days3D

Oh man, this is exactly why Trump's strategy is genius. He's staying ahead of the game by keeping the pressure on Biden and already taking jabs at Harris. It's clear he knows how to keep the Democrats on their toes, making them second-guess their own strategies. Honestly, if Biden does step down, it’ll just show that Trump's tactics are working. It's going to be interesting to see how this all plays out, especially with Trump already dominating the narrative.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…3 days3D

Vernichtende Video-Botschaft an Harris: Trump schlachtet Gerüchte um Bidens Rückzug aus…

Nach seinem TV-Duell gegen Donald Trump wird über US-Präsident Joe Bidens Rückzug und eine Nachfolge spekuliert. Trump teilt schon jetzt aus. Washington D.C. – Auf die Gerüchte um den möglichen Rückzu

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…3 days3D

Gerüchte um Biden-Rückzug: Trump beleidigt bereits mögliche Nachfolgerin Harris – „Sie ist so erbärmlich“…

Nach seinem TV-Duell gegen Donald Trump wird über US-Präsident Joe Bidens Rückzug und eine Nachfolge spekuliert. Trump teilt schon jetzt aus. Washington D.C. – Auf die Gerüchte um den möglichen Rückzu

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…3 days3D

Gerüchte über Rückzug: Trumps Team hofft, dass Joe Biden Kandidat bleibt…

Viel wird über einen Rückzug Joe Bidens als Kandidat bei der US-Wahl spekuliert. Einer hofft, dass er bleibt: Donald Trump.

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

Do you think it's fair or ethical for politicians to attack their opponents' potential replacements instead of focusing on their own policies?


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