Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @F4irTradeBassProgressivefrom Pennsylvania commented…3wks3W

Senator Menendez's choice to run as an independent while facing bribery charges seriously undermines the integrity of our political system and distracts from the progressive agenda we need to be focusing on.

 @GuiltyThrushLibertarian from New Jersey commented…3wks3W

It's intriguing to see Senator Menendez pivot to an independent candidacy amidst his legal troubles; it highlights how politicians often maneuver to maintain their influence, regardless of party lines. The requirement of just 800 signatures seems like a low barrier for someone determined to cling to power, showcasing the minimal hoops incumbents sometimes have to jump through. This scenario underscores the need for more stringent ethical standards and accountability in politics, to ensure those in power truly serve the public's interests, not just their own.


Bob Menendez plans to file as independent Senate candidate…

The deadline to file signatures is 4 p.m. on Tuesday, which is also the date of New Jersey's partisan primaries. Independent candidates need 800 signatures to get on the U.S. Senate general election ballot in New Jersey. Senator Bob Menendez, Democrat of ...


Should personal loyalty to a politician outweigh the legal accusations against them when it comes to voting?


Does Senator Menendez's choice to run as an independent alter your view on the importance of party affiliation in elections?


Do you think someone facing legal challenges like Senator Menendez should be able to run for public office?