Facial recognition technology uses software to identify individuals based on their facial features, and can be used to monitor public spaces and enhance security measures. Proponents argue that it enhances public safety by identifying and preventing potential threats, and helps in locating missing persons and criminals. Opponents argue that it infringes on privacy rights, can lead to misuse and discrimination, and raises significant ethical and civil liberties concerns.
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China is a country who use facial recognition and class their citizen with it and i can promise you you dont want the united states to look like china
We have security cameras for a reason, we do not require face recognition system to identify people, instead, improve the quality of the security cameras.
The way to think about this question is if we give our government this ability thThey might use this against their citizens, and I believe that the government shouldn’t control people.
While facial recognition can offer many security and authentication benefits, flawed or misused facial recognition systems can put consumers at risk. When a facial recognition system works as intended, security and user experience are improved. But when it doesn't, user experience suffers and people are put at risk.
@B3HT36T 1wk1W
Innocent until proven guilty means you're allowed to refuse a warrantless search. Facial recognition means I'm being searched without a warrant.
I think it could decrease times for lawmen to catch people and this would make things go smoother with evidence that could hold up in a court case
I think it could decrease times for lawmen to catch people and this would make things go smoother with evidence that could hold up in a court case
Do you think facial recognition could make your community safer, or would it just make you feel more controlled?
It would make our lives safer but there is a lot of room for misuse and the mishandling of such personal information
It would just make me feel more controlled and trapped
If a criminal are walking out there, the government has the right to find the criminal.
Though it could lead to the enhancement of security in areas, it could also lead to infringement and discrimination against ethnic groups.
Yes, but only if it’s tightly regulated and used with transparency
Even with tight regulations, it is similar to a future oppressive government, and it's still an invasion of privacy of the people.
@9ZPLCHMWomen’s Equality4mos4MO
Even with regulation, facial recognition poses privacy risks and can be misused. It may lead to mass surveillance, discrimination, and false identifications, and could be exploited beyond its intended use.
Yes, but only targeting criminal hotspots to protect vulnerable communities
If hackers jack into the government database stored all citizens facial recognition, all people are in risk.
@9L4Z23BIndependent 10mos10MO
Yes, as long as data is stored securely and not sold to third parties, and technology is used only in public spaces where expectation of privacy is not expected
Never for mass surveillance, but targeted surveillance should be permitted if a warrant showing probable cause of criminal or terrorist activity is acquired
No, this would be too expensive to implement
Yes, but only to look for individuals whose image has been uploaded into a system to track those individuals specifically.
No, absolutely not this is a clear violation of mass privacy. As there is a boundary between being recorded accidentally and without mean to harm, categorize, or surveil. And purposefully scanning hundreds of thousands of faces with the means of scanning a database to find a specific person then categorizing and memorizing those faces. In short it is a violation of public privacy that everyone should be afforded.
Who should be held responsible if facial recognition technology is used to discriminate or unfairly target individuals?
The source /companies that are engaging in facial recognition.
The company or agency responsible for the discrimination
It should not be used, this is some Soviet era KGB type **** .
The company that runs the facial recognition software and the people who allowed it to be put in place.
What might be the impact of facial recognition technology on people who are unfairly treated or targeted in society?
we've already seen racial differences in AI facial recognition software that indicates that it cannot accurately determine identity when people are certain races so right now it's not advisable
I’m not sure. Maybe I’ve just watched too many sci-fi movies.
It could make it easier for authorities to target or surveil certain groups of people, causing an increase to discrimination and privacy issues for those already facing social problems.
It would probably be really bad actually, but it is definitely important for repeat offenders, to help prevent future crimes.
No, facial recognition technology has shown itself to be wildly undependable and struggles to correctly identify POC, which could lead to the arrest of innocents.
There are both positives and negatives from this, but it can definitely be misused and people can use it for the wrong reasons.
How do you balance the need for safety with the risk of compromising personal freedom if such technology becomes widespread?
People being armed with guns to protect themselves and family from harm.
Personal freedom should take priority over public safety
Almost all technology such as phones use facial ID as a password, if we are willingly giving that permission to our phones why can't it be used to enhance public safety?
Whatever needs to be done for more protection for peoples' lives, should be done.
Never mass surveillance, but targeted surveillance against criminals and terrorists should be permitted with a warrant showing probable cause
I think the government should use facial recognition technology for its own employees, not the public.
No, there are too many people that look similar for such a method to be effective. Fingerprints would be more acceptable.
Not for mass surveillance, but targeted surveillance should be permitted if a warrant showing probable cause of criminal or terrorist activity is acquired or if searching for missing persons.
Can you imagine a situation where facial recognition might help you in a positive way, and if so, what would that scenario look like?
the realm of public safety and security. Imagine a crowded event, such as a music festival or a sports game, where the presence of law enforcement is crucial for ensuring the safety of everyone. By utilizing facial recognition systems, authorities could quickly identify individuals who may pose a threat or who are missing.
Yes, it could help me in court because I could say it wasn't me.
if you used for the right reasons. knowing our government it won’t be. it should be used if needed and not at all times
@268W4CPRepublican 8mos8MO
No, this would only open the door for the government to eventually take complete control over every aspect of people's lives.
Yes, but only if it is tightly regulated and used with transparency. (especially because they are already watching us, so why not use it for good and safety)
@B3S62XT2 days2D
Yes, but only in really crucial instances like finding murders and dangerous criminal. Though I do not trust the people who have the technology, this could set a dangerous president for future privacy matters and the government could go over its power and misuse the technology.
@B3QM2V94 days4D
We as a people, if we should commit a crime be able to get away with it enough to defend ourselves in court. Mass survlence is taking away a huge amount of our freedoms
@B3PVLXY5 days5D
No, not only does it set a dangerous precedent for government control (i.e. China), but the humans that control this technology could grossly misuse information, even if bound by paperwork.
@B3PTFZQ5 days5D
I personally would not like it but at the same time it can highly reduce crime rates, but it can also be at a very high chance to be miss used, and the idea feels creepy
@B3PT2FV5 days5D
I think that it should be tightly regulated and not necessarily be used for surveillance all of the time, but only when searching for a criminal within a certain area. Though, even still, I'm wary of that because absolute power corrupts absolutely
@B3PH3FZ5 days5D
It can enhance public safety by identifying criminals, but it also risks misuse, bias, and privacy violations. While public spaces mean some exposure, constant surveillance isn’t justified if it puts more people at risk than it protects
@B3NSCXT6 days6D
It would be too expensive to implement, but more metal detectors should be added to more places to enhance public safety.
@B3NNZV76 days6D
It could make mistakes and humans can make less errors than computers. Humans are just more relatable and could be held accountable for their mistakes.
@B3N597T6 days6D
It would depend on the capacity of such use of technology. Is it just used in every place and at any time, or should it be used only where applicable and where it does not violate personal privacy laws of the independent citizen of the United States.
@B3MV8WG7 days7D
Yes, but it should have only a criminal database, and only facial recognition no determining other info
@B3MPSZG7 days7D
On certain matters, such as gun registration, it should definately be used to prevent shootings and mishandlings, but for more trivial subjects maybe hold out a little more.
I genuinely do not care as long as the camera isn't storing my faces photo and using my information.
Yes, but the technology should be extremely well-protected & regulated to keep it from getting in the wrong hands
This seems like an effective way to fight crime, but it is an invasion of privacy. I could also predict this technology becoming overused in black and brown communities. There have also been studies that show that sometimes AI has a hard time identifying people.
There's pros and cons. Pros being it can enhance public safety. Cons being this is a violation of privacy. As well as it is used properly.
NO, it's ALREADY proven to rely on statistical data. If the data it's fed is bias it's judgement will be bias and technology can not be held accountable for a crime
No. I don't trust that technology will accurately detect a criminal's face. if tech was more advanced, then it could be used then.
No we should focus on other way's of enhancing public safety before thinking about using mass surveillance.
I think Americans should have privacy but I also think that too catch people who do crimes this would come in handy
no, but maybe in high risk government regulated buildings or locations like the white house or something
Yes when tightly regulated and used with transparency, but also should not be applied to everyone in the general public, the technolgy is secure, the motives for the humans are questionable.
Surveillance in public ares, with no expectation of privacy can use it if needed without legal warrant.
I believe that Mass Surveillance should only be used for public safety and not control. Like drama to prevent Pedophilia accusations or false accusations too like harassment. including sex crimes like Sextortion
and stuff like that. I also think we should use mass servience for Human trafficking purposes, potential Rape victims to help protect women as well as text harassment to help protect women. I also believe in tracking online Pedophilia too that is actually happening that I believe that needs to be addressed. I also believe in harassment against LGBTQ people like homophobia and transph… Read more
If it is what the people want then yes however we should keep in mind governments in the past are known to cause terrorism/give a reason to have mass surveillance and a mass surveillance government should be equally and fully as transparent as they are spying. You should see the government doing mass surveillance IF you vote on it to happen and you should also have full transparency and truth as to why it is needed.
No, this creates huge cybersecurity threats and there is currently no uniform data security law that can regulate the use and storage of the data
No, facial recognition could be easily hacked and misused, it is also too expensive to implement our country is already in a lot of debt.
they don't need to surveillance me if they need something they can come to my door and I know they know where I live
No this technology has proven to be racist because of the society that made it and it's limitations on accurately and precisely recognizing dark skim faces, so no absolutely not...is it happening...oh yeah probably ...but no I don't support it or agree, at least how the society and technology is now
although i think yes that could be helpful but I think there are other, bigger things the government should spend its money on.
I think the government should respect people’s privacy. This face-recognizing technology should only be implemented in public places and only private places with the permission of those who live/visit there. If we do implement this policy, it should be used for the sole purpose of safety.
I mean its cool to think about but I wouldn't want people to be able to track me or like it will give them a notification if i walk into a store
I believe this could be used for good but this could also be dangerous with technology not always being good at face recognition
to have facial recognition of those who have been convicted of major crimes Even if someone is sighted as a danger to themselves and others
Yes, but identities should not be revealed to government and law enforcement and individuals should not be tracked. It should only be used when there is probable cause, there is an active investigation, or regarding fugitives and missing persons
yes, but I feel like it should be available for all agency to use and have complete transparency to the United States Citizens, unless it threatens national security.
I believe that facial recognition technology should be used in tandem with other methods of verification of identity, such as scanning or checking government-issued ID cards.
not only do i not trust people but the goverment and also what if it miss interpets one person for another? and they go to jail but theyre innocent
i feel as if the government should look at pricing for the city because some job all you can do is pay rent cant even really buy your needs after a while.
This technology is notorious for having problems identifying members of minority groups and therefore should be backed up by other evidence and has the potential to be manipulated by human handlers.
the decision to use facial recognition technology for mass surveillance should be approached with caution. while it has potential to enhance public safety it is crucial to balance this with the need to protect individual rights and freedoms.
I think facial recognition technology for mass surveillance should only be applied to documented criminals to help protect people, but the vast majority of people shouldn't be a part of this. Mass surveillance is almost always the beginning of tyranny, and I don't wish for that to happen.
Only use facial recognition technology in criminal hotspots and have it regulated so it can be be used with transparency and care.
Only in areas where you need a level of security. like definitely the Pentagon, but not in more public areas like parks
Yes because lots of things could be prevented like being falsely accused of something like a murder and things of that nature and things for like ways to get into homes but there could be a downside to this with people like using photos of you in a smart manner to get you accused and things of that nature.
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