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8 Replies

 @9G3QZ46  from Maryland  agreed…1yr1Y

Totally agree, unfortunately the incidents of shootings in High Schools continue to happen, which requires an armed force to be present in schools, however those who bear arms should go through special education and be called school security. Teachers work really close to kids, and it is unacceptable to carry arms around kids.

 @9G3PZ94 from Virginia  agreed…1yr1Y

Security guards have the right to be armed because they are trained in the field and it is easier for them to keep their weapons out of the wrong hands. Although teachers can be properly trained, it is not a good idea to give them weapons because a student could get their hands on it and cause an accident.

 @9G3P25CJustice party member from Arizona  agreed…1yr1Y

In America, I think it is required for an adult to be able to protect a Full building of Children from a Shooter

 @9G3NLDB from Kansas  agreed…1yr1Y

I believe schools should have better trained security guards instead of teachers because I feel schools would be less safe if teachers had them than trained professionals

 @9G3RVX3  from Utah  disagreed…1yr1Y

Many times, especially in larger schools, something can happen before a security guard can be there, and had teachers had been armed they could have responded. Also, many times security guards are in charge of a high school, middle school/junior high, and elementary and cannot monitor all schools at one time, leaving teachers responsible to react. Look at it from the perspective of a criminal, would you rather try and attack an area with one armed person, or with several armed people in different areas of the building? What if the security guard was injured or killed? Who will defend the school then?


Teachers, should have the right to a firearm in their classroom with training and approval from school system, because often security guards either choose not to or are unable to execute their duty in protecting. Armed teachers will be with children and can protect them in times of need where a guard might not. This will also act as a deterrent to attackers with protective teachers being unknown to perpetrator.

 @9G3P3J7Independent from Kansas  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with cops, security guards and home owners owning a gun for protection and other matters but I will always disagree with arming teachers with a firearm, even if it was rubber bullets I’d still disagree.

 @9G2GF4GLibertarian from Kansas  agreed…1yr1Y

An armed populace is less easily attacked.
I am an outlier, however, and do not necessarily disagree with selectively arming vetted students.


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