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750 Replies

 @9G3MS36  from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

Top Disagreement

I do somewhat agree for a security guard to be armed and still disagree with teachers having a firearm even if its only one.

 @9G3QZ46  from Maryland agreed…8mos8MO

Totally agree, unfortunately the incidents of shootings in High Schools continue to happen, which requires an armed force to be present in schools, however those who bear arms should go through special education and be called school security. Teachers work really close to kids, and it is unacceptable to carry arms around kids.

 @9G3PZ94 from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

Security guards have the right to be armed because they are trained in the field and it is easier for them to keep their weapons out of the wrong hands. Although teachers can be properly trained, it is not a good idea to give them weapons because a student could get their hands on it and cause an accident.

 @9G3P25CJustice party member from Arizona agreed…8mos8MO

In America, I think it is required for an adult to be able to protect a Full building of Children from a Shooter

 @9G3NLDB from Kansas agreed…8mos8MO

I believe schools should have better trained security guards instead of teachers because I feel schools would be less safe if teachers had them than trained professionals

 @9GMS35F  from Oklahoma disagreed…7mos7MO

If there's a gun on campus, the chances of a shooting are higher. If a student brings a gun on campus, shooting that student is not a preferred solution. If someone is around the school with a gun that does not belong in the school, it's law enforcement's responsibility to keep them away from the school.

 @9GMTSGNWomen’s Equality from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

i mean in some ways i kinda agree with teachers having guns but at the same time what if one of the students finds it and as a joke he or she points it at people and it accidently goes off hurting another student i can see if theres no bullets in the gun unless there is a school shooter but at the same time you cant predict the future.

 @9GMV5JM from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

no because if the teacher is having a bad day or their in a situation where they louse their temper the teacher can use the fire arm on a student or other staff member.there should be highly trained officers of the law or even members of the military to be on campuses

 @9GMTJ96 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Guns are too dangerous to have around in general. We should substitute guns with other self defense weapons that are safer for everyone around.

 @9GMVM4B from Alaska agreed…7mos7MO

I don't like the idea of teachers being armed with a fire arm than I wouldn't feel safe and some kids don;t look up their parents so they have to up to their teachers. And when they see the one person they look up to holding a fire arm there are going to think it's okay to go to on the bus in the school in a classroom with 12 or more students that can't even defend for them thinking it's cool to have a fire arm

 @9FW2C6H from Louisiana disagreed…8mos8MO

There should be one security guard that is armed, but that person should be only at the places he needs to be.

 @9FW2VBV from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I do agree as there are many risks that can come with arming a teacher who may not know how to properly use a gun...

 @9H4J99PRepublican  from Montana disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe that their should be an officer or security guard that is licensed and trained to the best of their abilities to carry a firearm and know when to use it.

 @9GKMXLF disagreed…7mos7MO

one security guard should be armed because what happens if there's a school shooting and the police cant come there on short notice in time

 @9GKPDL5Independent from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

It would be good if we could trust like a gun locked up in each classroom for the teacher but I don't think many teachers should be trusted with them, so over all i think there should be 1-3 security guards that are armed at all times instead of the teachers having guns


I do agree, although more security guards spread around the school should be required, and they should be very nice as well, every one likes a nice security guard. or place schools closer to police departments or vice versa.

 @9GKPJ6C from Kentucky agreed…7mos7MO

I think that a trained security guard should be allowed to carry a small gun because he knows how to use it. I do not think that regular teacher that doesn't know how to use a gun the right way should not own one or bring it to school.

 @9GKQ4DX from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

i think there should be armed officers with lisences that stand at entrances of the building and gaurd

 @9HYSZTLWomen’s Equality  from Michigan disagreed…5mos5MO

This will also make it dangerous for students because if we give teachers guns, there's a loaded weapon in the classroom. It may make them feel unsafe and have the opposite effect?

 @9HYTFLHRepublican from California agreed…5mos5MO

agree, it could also be a threat that teachers could also not have the best mental health and also decide to use the gun twards or with the students in the classroom.

 @9HYTDV2Democrat from California agreed…5mos5MO

Security guards have the right to be armed because they are trained in the field and it is easier for them to keep their weapons out of the wrong hands. Although teachers can be properly trained, it is not a good idea to give them weapons because a student could get their hands on it and cause an accident.

 @9HYTDM8 from Pennsylvania disagreed…5mos5MO

Arming teachers is a band-aid solution to a much deeper and more complex cultural problem. While this solution aims to ensure that schools are not soft targets, arming teachers without a proper vetting process could potentially lead to an increase in accidental gun deaths in schools, even in rare cases during which the deployment of a firearm would be useful to defend the lives of students.

 @9HYTL57 from Pennsylvania agreed…5mos5MO

I don't think intimidating children, who have little experience with managing their emotions, is the right answer. Best case scenario, they're traumatized. What is the teacher supposed to do if the child decides to charge/fight them?

 @9GNKFL4 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

Even though the teacher/security guard will get trained and tested, the far far majority of schools will never experience a shooting, therefore will bringing a weapon into a otherwise safe place, will drastically increase the chances of accidents. Furthermore I doubt that one or a coupled of armed individuals will be able to stop this one person form harming others in time, as well as the shooter can just target this "teacher or bodyguard" to begin with.

Respond to this if you feel like it.

 @9GNLF39 from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

I disagree with the comment about armed teachers. I understand that policies are being made to help protect the youth from school shootings; however, more incidents can occur with this policy. Teachers may start harming students and other faculty within the school.

 @9HH3ZDW from Maine disagreed…6mos6MO

A teacher should never be armed. Having guns around children is the initial issue. They cannot be desensitised to them. Having shooting drills is not normal. Having to have armed teachers is not normal. The cause of these issues is how easy it is for deranged teenagers to get their hands on guns. Therefore, make it harder to get guns. If you’re putting a loaded gun in the hands of a teacher, statistically the teacher is likely to get shot.

 @9HCJP67  from New York disagreed…6mos6MO

Being armed just adds a feeling of fear and considering that schools are one of the only safe spaces for many students having armed people no matter how many won’t end well

 @9HCL9W3 from Wyoming agreed…6mos6MO

Yes. No kid in school should be living with the knowledge that school shootings are just natural and normal to the school experience to where being armed is required

 @9HCL2QVPeace and Freedom from California agreed…6mos6MO

I do not think teachers should be armed because it could create a bad environment and some teachers might use it for the wrong reasons.

 @9HH87ZY from Missouri commented…6mos6MO

More than likely, 19/20 students are terrified of guns. having a gun or weapon present in the space of a student can be terrifying. For a big chunk of students, school is the safest pace for them to be. And having a weapon present in their safe space would reduce the amount of safety they feel.

 @9HCNDCB from Nevada agreed…6mos6MO

I feel as though armed teachers may risk the likely hood of students getting a hold of the weapon putting others in danger.

 @9GJ2FD4 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

No, schools should not allow teachers to be armed however an armed security guard could be for the better. Teachers should not be armed as that is not their job and their only job is to teach students and ensure students are learning. Teachers should also not be armed in case they arrive to school with a bad attitude and resort to violence and malice intent. An armed security guard is the better option however should be directed to only use fire arms in extreme situations like a active shooter on school grounds.

 @9GJ5Z45  from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

Learning to use firearms and carry them to defend yourself and those around you is your duty. Worrying if the teachers are trained should not be a concern because if firearms weren't discouraged as much as they are then people would be more comfortable. Americans should feel and have a moral obligation to be proficient with them. The victim mindset needs to end. When there is a shooting, some mention that if more people carry firearms then these events would be prevented or minimized. The rebuttal is that no one should have to. "No one should have to" is a check-mate stance held by those of sophism and only further leads towards despotism.

 @9GJBZB9 from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Teachers should not be the ones learning to use firearms, that's clearly an issue that we as citizens should not be worrying about, the government knows how dangerous firearms are, so they should ban them completely. Citizens should not be worrying about learning because that's a problem that should not exist in the first palce.

 @9GJBKBGDemocrat from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

There could be accidental shootings because the teachers won't be trained well enough. Some people just can't handle holding a gun.

 @9FM5PR3 from Idaho disagreed…9mos9MO

Even if we believe that we can trust the man or woman in possession of the gun, we can't trust everyone in the classroom. Having a gun in a classroom could lead to injury or death in the classroom.

 @9GN8F23Women’s Equality  from Massachusetts disagreed…7mos7MO

Armed teachers can pose a threat to students as it is very easy to shoot students and staff in a school and can also distract the learning environment in the school if students know that a gun is present in the classroom, especially if they are young and do not understand the context of the situation.

 @9GN95BF  from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement because if a student knows that their teacher has a gun in the classroom they are going to get distracted very easily and they are not going to be able to focus on anything but the gun. Teachers shouldn't be allowed to bear arms at school it poses a threat to the students and other teachers and that teacher as well. What if someone was dealing with mental problems and then they remember the teacher has a gun they could go and take it and cause some damage and mass casualties. Teachers should not be allowed to carry guns.

 @9GK66DF from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

In reality it doesn’t stop shooters which we have seen at actual shootings, and it is still a failure of society if people keep dying at our schools and the only solution we have to violence is more violence.

 @9GK9763 from New Jersey agreed…7mos7MO

Teachers shouldn't be allowed to carry guns in a school setting. It's still a loaded gun. It gives teachers/other students who may get their hands on this gun an opportunity to threaten/harm others. It might be able to defend a classroom from a school shooter, but the shooting would still happen.


Allowing anyone other than trained professionals to handle a weapon is a bad idea. Accidents happen all the time and having someone who is not professionally trained, to carry a firearm in a school just increases the chances of someone either taking it from them or accidental discharge. This would also allow easier access for mass shooters considering they wouldn't need to go to the lengths they do to obtain a firearm.

 @9GQRGGP from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe securtiy guards should be armed but this access should not be given to teachers as they interact with students more. They are more likely to have conflict with students and this will give them access to create in a dangerous manner. Also students may get their hands on the gun and use it for the wrong reasons.

 @9GKKC5PDemocrat from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

No, schools should not allow teachers to be armed however an armed security guard could be for the better. Teachers should not be armed as that is not their job and their only job is to teach students and ensure students are learning. Teachers should also not be armed in case they arrive to school with a bad attitude and resort to violence and malice intent. An armed security guard is the better option however should be directed to only use fire arms in extreme situations like a active shooter on school grounds.


Teachers should not be armed, however an armed security guard with proper training and discipline should be armed on campus.

 @9GDXS7M from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe there should be someone with proper training to protect schools but an armed teacher isn't the solution.

 @9GZTKCMProgressive from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Teachers don't need guns. Maybe a security guard but Ms. Johnson doesn't need an AK47 in her classroom.

 @9H2NV6M from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

I believe that teachers should not have guns, in that case, they would be no more dangerous than a student with a military-grade weapon in school.

 @9H2NSTX from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

No teacher should have a gun in school but the isd police and security are the ones allow to use guns to protect the teachers and students.

 @9GGXJLYRepublican from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

To that, I would have to say that letting anyone armed on school property should be classified as a severe law. In this day and age, the rates of school shootings and accidental shootings are only getting higher and requiring someone to hold a firearm in a school would only make that worse. No matter how much training or how much you may trust the individual, anything can go wrong and it would be horrible if more people died because of this.

 @9FNTG8Z from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

They should not be required to have anybody armed because it leaves more concern to parents and a increased chance of a student getting hold of it.


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