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2 Replies

  @Renaldo-MoonGreen  from Pennsylvania  commented…4mos4MO

#4 Expert Gender Transition

Thats why a child is unable to just walk into a doctor's office and have gender affirming care done. They have to get permission and have multiple adults agree its in their best interests.

 @9HGW5LH from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

The WPATH suggested requirements to recieve trans related care are high enough, as per the Standards of Care.

The WPATH suggested requirements needed for minors to recieve trans related care are high enough to eliminate those that are just too imaginitive.

The following recommendations are made regarding the requirements for gender-affirming medical and surgical treatment (All of them must be met): 6.12- We recommend health care professionals assessing transgender and gender diverse adolescents only recommend gender-affirming medical or surgical treatments requested by the patient when: 6.12.a- the adolescent meets the diagnostic criteria of gender incongruence as per the ICd-11 in situations where…  Read more


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