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Have you ever felt pride in your country's past and how does it shape your view on its future?

 @9JGR77TWomen’s Equality from Virginia  answered…1yr1Y

 @9JGR7JG from Kentucky  answered…1yr1Y

Under President Biden, Jared Bernstein serves as Chair and Heather Boushey and Kirabo Jackson serve as Members of the CEA.

 @9JGRK28 from Connecticut  answered…1yr1Y

I feel pride in our country's growth from the past to the present and for the growth moving onto the future


Can you think of a situation where strict government control could seem appealing to maintain order?

 @9HY8MKB from Maryland  answered…1yr1Y

Natural disasters and times of war or terrorist attacks

 @9HYTDM8 from Pennsylvania  agreed…1yr1Y

The role of a properly-constituted government is to protect the rights of its citizens. In certain circumstances, this may involve increased attention to detail in policing, limitations on the privileges afforded to citizens, and even the temporary suspension of common activities such as trade. However, a government loses its legitimacy (and its right to enforce law, by proxy) when it begins to transgress against the rights of its citizens.

 @9HYKMGL from Tennessee  agreed…1yr1Y

Strict government control could increase efficiency, and potentially be more coordinated then many separate bodies trying to provide aid.

 @9HY8ZP7 from Tennessee  answered…1yr1Y

During a war, I could see how Sociological Francoism could be appealing to those who are hoping that their country can quickly go back to how it was before the war, but that usually is never possible. Conserving some of those old values might be what put that country in the current war it is fighting, so maybe they need to start over in some ways.

 @9HY8MBQ from Delaware  answered…1yr1Y

It could be effective if crime gets to an all time high and the people do not follow social codes anymore.

 @9HY93LCWomen’s Equality from Georgia  answered…1yr1Y

For a time like now, the country is heavily divided, possibly on the verge of a Civil War. The government would need to step in to solve or mend the issues we are seeing.


We are not on the "verge of a Civil War". The country is divided but that is not an issue that the government needs more involvment.


What role do you believe the family unit should play in modern society compared to its traditional role?

 @9HPMMR8  from South Dakota  answered…1yr1Y

The family unit is cruiel to society as it is a intricit system of ¨you do I do¨ the has shared responsibilites in the role of the family.

 @9HPML9D from California  answered…1yr1Y


How much do you value individualism versus the collective good in your daily life?

 @9HTMKND from Florida  answered…1yr1Y

I value the type of individualism that says that everyone has the right to do anything as long as no damage is done to anyone else. But individualism should not be purely selfish, though it can act as protecting one's interest.


Should personal freedoms be sacrificed for the sake of maintaining traditional values and social order?

 @9HM5J63 from California  answered…1yr1Y

Depends on the traditional values and freedoms in question. If it gets in the way of making strong healthy families, and the base tiers of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to be fulfilled by the majority of the population, then yes.

 @9H8RNYYPeace and Freedom from North Carolina  answered…1yr1Y

 @9H8RGYQ  from Colorado  answered…1yr1Y

In a case where the "social order" or "traditional values" are detrimental to a group of people, it should be overturned and replaced with personal freedoms.


What personal sacrifice would you be willing to make for the perceived good of your nation?

 @9L2H2SD from Georgia  answered…12mos12MO

I would follow my country for the great or good of it no matter what it takes I'm willing to do it even though America is not really fascist.

 @9L2GR3K from Maryland  answered…12mos12MO


How would you define freedom in a society that emphasizes order and tradition?

 @9L2CS86 from Texas  answered…12mos12MO

Freedom in our society is considered a right we have the right to freedom but it is given to us and as soon as we don't follow these laws we will lose the right.

 @9L2CWRDLibertarian from New Jersey  answered…12mos12MO

Making everyone have the same traditions and stuff would be terrible. That’s what I’m getting out of this anyway.


In what ways has the idea of a 'strong leader' influenced your opinion on how a country should be run?

 @9HXZZ9Y from Georgia  answered…1yr1Y

A strong leader should be head stronger but also have integrity and honesty to gain trust from their people.


When have you had to choose between fitting in and being true to your values, and what did you learn from that decision?

 @9HV368R from Delaware  answered…1yr1Y

My grandparents expected me to be fluent in my parents native language. As a child it was a lot to take in all the languages and became confusing. I learned to be true to myself and give myself the time to learn what I could from each of my parents languages and background even if I was not the expert of each.


Is there a tradition in your life that you’d fight to preserve? If so, what is it?

 @9JDDFKW from North Carolina  answered…1yr1Y

The consistent points in Franco's ideology (termed Francoism) included authoritarianism, nationalism, national Catholicism, militarism, conservatism, anti-communism, and anti-liberalism.

 @9JDDVBBRepublican from California  answered…1yr1Y


Is there a place in modern society for strong nationalistic feelings, and how do they affect international relations?

 @9J7LS2C from Utah  answered…1yr1Y

Strong nationalism, when given too much power, severely impacts foreign relations in a negative way, as some strong nationalists promote their interests for their own country, even if it impacts others. However, nationalism to a certain degree is not necessarily harmful, and citizens should be allowed to support and advocate for their country. It only becomes an issue when it is a detriment to other countries.


There is and I believe you should be all in for your country and if you are not, you can move somewhere else.


How would you balance the importance of national unity with the value of individual and regional differences?

 @9H65NGD from Utah  answered…1yr1Y

Politics should be more separate from. Religion as Religion is too leaned towards beliefs of a small group and less towards the wants and needs of the whole people

 @9H65JXP from Missouri  answered…1yr1Y

"Sociological Francoism" is a term I learned about through this website, and I find it a bit ridiculous that it's listed under ideologies here. It's Spanish fascism and there doesn't seem to be need to demarcate it differently in the English language section of this website. Spanish language section? Sure, it makes perfect sense. English language section - do you really expect anyone to recognize this?

Nevertheless, my uninformed American self will make an attempt to answer. Spain is in the EU. The end-goal of the European Union is a federal Europe; most Euroskeptic…  Read more


To what extent do you think uniform education affects creativity and critical thinking among youth?

 @9HXZVY2 from California  answered…1yr1Y

In regards to uniform education, I really don’t believe it has an affect on creativity and critical thinking.


Do you think it is fair for certain historical narratives to be given more attention than others in shaping a national identity?

 @9HPMDHYLibertarian from Texas  answered…1yr1Y

I think some historical events are glossed over, such as the Japanese in WWII committing horrific crimes like in Unit 731 and that the nukes were justified given more evidence coming out like the US air force weeks prior dropping thousands of leaflet warnings in Japanese to the civilians to evacuate.


What are the potential benefits or risks you see in having a unified set of beliefs within a society?

 @9L37JC3Socialist from Illinois  answered…12mos12MO


How much does the desire for a stable society influence the choices you make?

 @9KLTTGR from North Carolina  answered…12mos12MO

I think my choices are impacted by a desire for a society that is Sensible, Peaceful, and Christian.


What lessons have you learned from the balance between social order and personal autonomy?

 @9L88WQRCommunistfrom Maine  answered…11mos11MO

Liberalism, Libertarianism, Conseravatism and whatever else can go suck my ****


If you could enhance one aspect of your cultural identity, what would it be and why?

 @9L2PT23 from South Dakota  answered…12mos12MO

I would want to learn more about where I come from so that I can properly understand my heritage


In what instances have you chosen the greater good over your personal beliefs?

 @9LDQ4DF from Florida  answered…11mos11MO

When I do something good for the store I work at that negatively affects me.


What aspects of your culture do you feel are important to uphold, and which are you comfortable seeing change?

 @9JDTBLV from Utah  answered…1yr1Y

Build our economy up, create more safety, give everyone equal opportunity not based on status or money.


When has your personal culture or beliefs come into conflict with mainstream societal norms, and how did you navigate that?


I'm a member of the car community and it happens every time the EPA does anything so I just do everything I can to make sure they lose every battle until we win the war.


When has your personal growth been influenced by either conforming to or challenging societal norms?

 @9KHFN7L from Texas  answered…12mos12MO


What social or cultural sacrifices would you accept for the sake of national security?

 @9JDBZ39 from Louisiana  answered…1yr1Y

Francoism in Spanish politics caused a lot of hurt for Spanish citizens, and a good country is founded on balance. Sacrificing some personal freedom for the safety of the country is okay, but all personal freedom is not.


Have you ever found comfort in adhering to a tradition—why or why not?

 @9JG3LM9 from Idaho  answered…1yr1Y

despite being otherwise uncommon phrases in modern English. We can look to the Founder's choice of definitions for treason for a little guidance, but ultimately the definition is going to come down to legal interpretation in any given case.


How does the concept of 'unity over diversity' resonate with you in today's globalized world?

 @9K9RVR9 from Tennessee  answered…1yr1Y

It is important for us as a human race entirely to come together to tackle global and environmental issues


Have you ever noticed a fear of change in your community and how do you think that impacts progress?

 @9J72RXQIndependent from California  answered…1yr1Y

I feel that most people always fear change because it is unknown. For example, when COVID-19 hit, many people in my town, and everywhere else in the world, grew worried and panicked. Many rushed to buy goods in the fear that there would be a shortage and many worried for loved ones and tried to get everybody vaccinated.


Have you ever felt pressured to conform to social norms that didn't fit your personal beliefs, and how did you handle it?

 @9DRF7VWDemocrat answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but I stayed firm with my beliefs because everyone's own honest opinions are very important.


To what extent is it acceptable for a government to control economic and social systems to prevent chaos and disorder?

 @9H7BQTJ from Michigan  answered…1yr1Y


In what ways do you think upholding conservative social values benefits or harms a society?

 @9H64L3D from Georgia  answered…1yr1Y

1 believe that it would greatly change society if conservation social values were upholder


Is it more important for a society to maintain its historical customs, or to embrace change and modernity?

 @9H5SS9HIndependent from Washington  answered…1yr1Y

definitely embrace change and modernity . the work is constantly changing by each generation that comes through reinstating different values and beliefs and ideas .


How do you perceive the role of cultural norms in shaping individual behavior and freedom of choice?

 @9L6MT8GRepublican from Washington  answered…11mos11MO


How do you perceive the role of a centralized authority in guiding societal values and ethics?

 @9L37L6K from Texas  answered…12mos12MO

No singular person should lead societal values and ethics, and while each ideology can have something to take away from it, a centralized authority could be incredibly harmful


Reflecting on your own life, how do you think a focus on national tradition and history affects your sense of identity and community?


Do you believe authoritative decision-making can sometimes benefit the public good more than democratic debate?


If you had to choose, would you prefer stability in society or the freedom to challenge and change existing norms?


What personal experiences have shown you the benefits or drawbacks of living in a society heavily focused on tradition?


How do you think people should react when their cultural practices are labeled as 'backwards' by others?


Imagine being judged for challenging a tradition; how would you advocate for your viewpoint?


Does the idea of a single strong leader appeal to you or concern you, and why?


How do you feel about a government that can swiftly make decisions without public debate, if it means stronger national unity?


Do you believe a country needs strong leadership that prioritizes tradition, even if it limits diverse cultural expressions?


How important is it for you to follow traditions, and what would make you challenge them?


To what extent should unity be valued over diversity in today's interconnected world?


In your life, how do you balance respect for authority with the need to question and improve existing systems?


How do you think your life would change if your cultural or leisure activities were chosen for you?


How would you articulate your personal freedoms if they were at odds with government policies?


Have you ever felt a sense of loss or disconnect when a cultural tradition was altered or abandoned?


How do you think an emphasis on traditional roles can influence gender expectations and career paths?


Can you share an experience where embracing a change in tradition positively impacted you or your community?


How would you feel about a future where your social and cultural life is deeply influenced by strong central leadership and traditional norms?


Does the idea of sacrificing some personal freedoms for the sake of national unity and stability appeal to you, and why?


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