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Which political ideology do you most identify with?

28 replies later…

If my beliefs are so utterly baseless and absurd and reactionary, why is it so difficult for you to…

Well for starters, Hitler still cited the left as his enemy, held no tenets of socialism, despised m…

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington  commented…1yr1Y

Engaged Abortion

Nor was he a rightist, as he did not agree with economic liberty in any way, shape or form. He was a centrist dictator of sorts, but definitely more left than right.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  commented…1yr1Y

How are you defining "left" vs "right"..? And is your argument solely using an economic scale? If someone was an economic centrist, but was socially and politically far-right, would you still consider them "moderate but not right-wing"? What exactly are you basing your "right-wing" vs "left-wing" positioning on?

Additionally, what do you consider "economic liberty"? Because I would argue that right-wing economics are NOT in favor of economic liberty, since capitalism (a fundamentally right-wing economic system) has an inherent and…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington  commented…1yr1Y

Engaged Abortion

Right-wing people support economic liberty but are in general more willing to see the government spy on its civilians via unconstitutional surveillance, and some rightists subscribe to an interventionist foreign police. Left-wing people support economic tyranny with a massive regulatory bureaucracy but are in general less willing to see the government spy on its civilians, and originally many supported a policy of peace and non-intervention, though sadly this has wavered away in recent years, especially under the current warmongering occupant of the White House, who has sent billions to Ukrai…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  commented…1yr1Y

Right-wing people support economic liberty...

Again, I already explained to you that I believe "the right" is fundamentally ANTI-economic liberty, so obviously this buzzword claim is not inherent or objective on its own.

By economic liberty, I mean a laissez-faire (from French Laissez Nous Faire, or Leave Us Alone) system wherein individuals are free to make economic transactions and trade with one another without any regulation, or any form of plunder, legal (taxation) or illegal (theft), with a system of written property deeds and land titles, a Gold-backed, uninflatible currency,…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington  commented…1yr1Y

Engaged Abortion

Again, I already explained to you that I believe "the right" is fundamentally ANTI-economic liberty, so obviously this buzzword claim is not inherent or objective on its own.

And I offered a different perspective. Is that not allowed...?

A big problem is that your interpretation of economic liberty doesn't even apply to all right-wing ideologies. If this is genuinely how you define economic liberty, then your initial claim that "right wing people support economic liberty" already excludes every right-wing ideology that isn't YOUR hyper-specific branch of Anarcho-Ca…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  commented…1yr1Y

And I offered a different perspective. Is that not allowed...?

Right, that's the point: you and I have fundamentally different interpretations of what "economic liberty" means, hence why I argued that it is not a good metric of determining a left or right ideology, since both sides can claim they believe in it and the other doesn't. It was a counter to your previous assertion that economic liberty is a right-wing value/belief. Obviously it is something else that is a determining factor...

I'm not an Anarcho-Capitalist

Yea I think I confused you with another…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington  commented…1yr1Y

Engaged Abortion

but you did say: "Right-wing people support economic liberty but are in general more willing to see the government spy on its civilians via unconstitutional surveillance, and some rightists subscribe to an interventionist foreign police. Left-wing people support economic tyranny with a massive regulatory bureaucracy but are in general less willing to see the government spy on its civilians, and originally many supported a policy of peace and non-intervention, though sadly this has wavered away in recent years, especially under the current warmongering occupant of the White House..."…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  commented…1yr1Y

I have explained to you what I meant by "economic liberty" so there's no fallacy there, as I have defined my terms and you have defined yours. The true debate should be over why we believe economic liberty is what it is.

Yes that is quite literally the entire point I have been trying to make: our own interpretations of "economic liberty" are entirely subjective, and even largely antithetical to each other's, hence why it is not a useful term to claim categorizes left and right-wing ideological thought. We could both have logically sound reasons as to why we believ…  Read more

 @8ZN3PC2Capitalism from Oregon  disagreed…5mos5MO

Expert Economic policy Expert economy

Here’s the thing: if economic liberty is as subjective as you claim, how can we ever have any coherent economic policy? What you’re describing is pure relativism applied to economics, which leads to chaos. If two people can define "economic liberty" in entirely opposite ways, then what stops them from defining "freedom" or “rights” in equally contradictory terms? And where does that leave us? In a world where words lose meaning and decisions become arbitrary. That’s dangerous, especially when it comes to policy-making. Society functions on sha…  Read more