Celeste Burgess, 19, and her mother, Jessica Burgess, 42, were charged last year after the police obtained their private Facebook messages. Prosecutors did not charge Celeste Burgess under Nebraska’s abortion law. She pleaded guilty to removing or concealing human skeletal remains, a felony. Prosecutors agreed to drop two misdemeanor charges: concealing a death and false reporting.
This is so backward. This is what happens when you restrict abortion rights.
When this occurred, abortion was legal in Nebraska up until 20 weeks.
This occurred pre-Dobbs and has nothing to do with abortion “rights” but other than that, great point.
Right to Life has been working had, especially in the red states, to put up barriers to quick, safe, early-term abortions.
Also, still not relevant to this story. At all.
I'm glad she went to prison taught her a lesson
This is the real, human cost of mass surveillance of everyone's private digital communications.
If we actually care about keeping people safe, we need more end-to-end encryption not less.
But if there is end-to-end encryption, how will the government access our messages to ensure we're being good citizens? And how can it enforce equity-based systems without knowing whether citizens are being good or not? I think privacy needs to be deconstructed to ensure equity
We have to stand up for women's and girls' bodily autonomy. It's disgraceful that this poor young women is being treated this way.
Why is bodily autonomy so important over the life of another human being? Weird and self-centered priorities IMO.
Why are women accepting this!?!? Why isn’t every women in the US in the streets right now?!?!
A close to 7-month pregnancy. The girl has used a drug to terminate the life of a 6-7 month old fetus, which is effectively a baby (you are guaranteed to know someone who was a premie), then burned the body. Don't even "clump of cell" or I'm gonna post pics of a 7-month old fetus
Your mother should've aborted you.
90-days? Im thinking if I really needed to terminate a pregnancy that would be a consequence I would be willing to take. Thst felony is so ridiculous that you could get that expunged or I would move out of state. She is a hero!!
90 days for infanticide? Sickening.
Define "human remains" . . an aborted foetus under 23 weeks is not a viable "human"
I disagree. My cousin was born at 21 wks and survived. He is now 21 and has no issues. He is working and a functional adult. It's easier to say a "fetus" is not viable than to admit this woman killed a human being.
Agreed. My premature niece was born a little older than that and is currently a nursing graduate.
Imagine the nightmares she'll have for the rest of her life.
Imagine the nightmares that the Nebraska legislature should be having for the rest of THEIR lives for invading women's healthcare when they have no business regulating women's choices.
And yet the baby has no choice at all.
Wait why did she conceal it if she hadn’t violated the abortion law?
What is the point of criminalizing concealing aborted fetal skeletal remains unless you’re going to treat the aborted fetus as a person who was murdered?
They didn’t want to charge her under the abortion law because that would’ve looked even worse…instead they used this pretext…
If you care about reproductive rights you should care about misleading headlines like this that ultimately undermine those rights. Not to mention insult readers. Get serious, NYT.
"Pleaded guilty this year to illegally concealing human remains."
In a way, its really accurate. Burgess would not be in court if abortion was legal. Then this stuff about skeletal remains would have been moot
used the abortion pill in the *third trimester* - wow, I didn't think it would work that late... still, there's a lesson here - don't even use FB messenger w/ family if you're going to discuss something illegal, regardless your view on the validity of the law.
Just for context she was 30 weeks. Thats right 30 weeks. She aborted and premeditatedly disposed of a healthy fetus/baby that was weeks from full term.
This is worth noting. As much as the Dobbs decision disgusts me, and that women should be able to make their own Healthcare decisions, this is not the same. I have 2 kids that were born at 32 weeks; 30 is a very viable fetus.
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