You believe in a society where workers collectively own and manage industries, leading to a more equitable distribution of wealth and power.
Syndicalism is a political ideology that advocates for workers' self-management and the establishment of a society in which industries are owned and managed by the workers who operate them. It is a branch of socialism that focuses on the labor movement. Syndicalists believe that the state and capitalism should be abolished by a general strike, leading to a society where workers are directly in control of the means of production and distribution.
The roots of syndicalism can be traced back to the early 19th century with the rise of industrialization and the labor movement. However…
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How might being a part-owner of your workplace affect your daily attitude towards your job?
It could have a negitvive impact because you would want to be the owner.
you'll feel like yu have more of an affect of the direction the company is going and you will be more efficient.
You would care more about your job and do a better job.
It will make you more happy to work and less stessed because you manage your own schedule.
Imagine a future where your contributions at work directly shape your lifestyle; what's the first thing you'd want to influence?
In a future shaped by syndicalism, I would aim to influence fair compensation for everyone's contributions at work. Ensuring that individuals receive equitable rewards for their efforts would be a priority.
I could care less about influencing someone. I never understood the obsession with "influencing" in the first place. Also, what is syndicalism? And what is equitable? Before even talking about the question, I need to know the conditions, standards, and principles of this equitable reward system. What makes something equitable? Is equitable defined along a gradient, in which case you are dealing with fuzzy logic and truthfulness and falsity? Or, can equitable be simply categorized in Boolean terms? I don't know. This question is odd. A simpler question is: Do you agree that every member of an organization contributes equally to the organization?
Work ethics, then efficiency, then quality, than quantity.
Make sure what I'm working on benefits all of society
@9J6R77B 1yr1Y
Children, so that they can learn when they grow up
Can you describe how your sense of purpose at work might change if it operated under a cooperative model?
My sense of purpose might be more inspired if my work operated under a cooperative model because I would feel like I had more of a say.
It would be judged or criticized and I would rather just keep working without others getting involved.
@9LDR4KG 11mos11MO
I think workers would be more involved in their work place and more incline to work as well.
Do you think a society run by workers would be fairer than our current system; why or why not?
I think people should work to get what they want and they should earn it not just get things for free doing noting while other people are paying taxes for that even though they are the ones working.
Those who create, run, or invent help drive the economy along with workers. Those who inherit great wealth but do not improve the economy contribute to inequality and should not benefit more than those who work to contribute and make the US better.
Workers, the wealth distribution gives too much power to those with the most money.
No, I believe the people that run our society have been trained and know what they are doing.
What changes would you implement if you had the power to decide in your current or future job?
I would advocate for the right for workers to obtain a fair living income, healthcare benefits, paid time off for pregnancy, parental leave, injury, illness, and mental health, and the right to negotiate their job responsibilities within their physical and mental capacities.
The changes that I would implement if I had the power to decide in my current or future job would be deficit spending.
A liveable wage and healthcare benefits. I also don't want to have to work until I die.
How does the idea of taking collective ownership over your school environment resonate with you, and what changes would you make?
To be honest, I wouldn't want to take over my school environment because that is a lot of pressure to put on just one person. That being said, it would be a good idea for a committee of students to be able to talk based on common concerns around the school and work on making a difference on the issues that seem to matter most.
I think many students should take ownership of their school environment. I think they should make changes based on what they see needs to be fixed.
If there were no CEOs or upper management, do you believe companies would be more or less successful?
Less successful, but more rights and privileges should be awarded to workers
If you could collaborate on a class project with no leader, what strategies would you use to organize the team?
How do you think the quality of products and services would change if the workers producing them had full control?
They'd drastically increase because the workers would be much more happy.
@9KN9HXBPeace and Freedom12mos12MO
The products might not come to people in top quality if it is not watched over by a manager and the workers could do what ever they want with the products.
Have you ever experienced the benefits of collective problem-solving, and what were they?
I have never experienced but people should have the freedom to manage their own independent business.
Yes, collective problem-solving ensures that a compromise is reached that benefits the group as a whole.
How would everyday work-life improve if everyone had an equal stake in the outcome of their labor?
If everyone had an equal stake in the outcome of their labor then it would make everyday work-life worth it for some people because before they would not be making as much money and would have the same amount of work hours.
It would improve many poor people's income, but would also deduct from the richer of men and woman taking home a higher pay.
If you could create a community project without hierarchy, what would it be, and who would benefit most from it?
The citizens would benefit from removing the hierarchy.
I think the community would benefit from a project without a hierarchy because it would be a community ran by the people.
What skills do you think are necessary to successfully collaborate with others in making important decisions?
Skills needed are maturity, listening to others, and not talking over them.
How would you persuade someone who believes in traditional business hierarchy to consider a worker's cooperative model?
Can you share a time when you had to compromise for the greater good; how did it make you feel?
I went to the Max instead of going to Chick Fil A so I could spend time with my friends.
How important is it to have a say in the rules that govern your school or workplace, and why?
@9J5NC63Republican 1yr1Y
If you dont agree of them quit and find opportunities that best suites you one person cannot change what the school teaches or what the work place offers for there employees either deal with it or find somewhere better
Those opportunities shrink by the day, that’s not really much of an option in most places, so having a say is extremely important.
Imagine you’re part of a team where everyone's role is fluid and adaptable; how would you navigate your contributions?
I would try my best to keep everyone happy and at ease.
Would you trust your colleagues to make important business decisions, and why or why not?
I would not, I personally think that not everyone has the capability to make big business decisions, like marketing or advertisement, everyone in the business should have the ability to present ideas, but not to vote on what to do.
If you had a say in how your workplace's profits were reinvested, what would be your top priority?
I feel as though climate change is a natural occurrence and feel as though people are overdramatic when they say everything is going to end in a few years. We've been told here in Philly that global warming is a serious threat, yet we just got the most snow we've seen in my lifetime.
How would your daily routine change if you knew your actions at work impacted not just your salary but the wellbeing of your co-workers as well?
I would probably actually care, or not work at all because I'm not a person who wants her labour to be exploited and I believe most jobs need to be abolished anyway as we wouldn't need them if we didn't care about exploitation and profit. If I did end up doing it anyway I'd see it less as work and more of as a thing I'd do for my friends (my co-workers hopefully).
Would you prefer to work in an environment where your pay was linked to collective performance, and why or why not?
no because I want to work for money that is going to me not others
If there were no state or capitalist structure, how do you feel the world would address the individual's ambition and the desire for personal success?
Capitalism affords economic freedom, consumer choice, and economic growth. This type of economy, however, may promote monopolies and inequality and lead to an economic recession.
Can you think of a time when being heard in a group decision made you feel empowered, and why?
when i saw people saying ooh hes really cool at that one place he works at.
How might your sense of job security change if you were also part-owner of your workplace?
As an owner of a business, it would infringe on my ability to make decisions without inference that business owners should have the right to run their business the way they see fit.
Could a society that emphasizes worker collaboration over competition better address social inequalities; how so?
they could by talking to people that disrupt the workspace.
Could a society function well if all industries were worker-managed, and what might be some challenges?
I do not think so, we naturally do not work very well without pressure to do so.
How would you feel if success at your job directly improved the lives of your co-workers and community?
I would feel very happy and hopeful that my coworkers have improved lives at my job.
How do you envision a typical meeting where every employee's input could steer the company's decisions?
Less total company profit but better work ethic and higher employee happiness
What skill sets do you think are most important for successful collaboration in a worker-controlled environment?
In a worker-controlled environment, important skills include effective communication, active listening, empathy, problem-solving, adaptability, and conflict resolution.
What kind of social issues do you think could be improved if more people practiced collective decision-making?
We could get more people's opinions on certain subjects if decisions were spread to the entire company, including the employees. This may help give the company new ideas, and if the company is skeptical, they could do a trial run to see how the idea goes.
How do you think the concept of fairness would change if workers managed their industries?
Workers controlling industries via industrial democracy would dramatically increase fairness in the United States and the world as it would allow for private autocracies within businesses to cease and for the workers who contribute labor to allow a business to survive would end up having the final say.
Can you think of a time when collaborative efforts led to better results than individual work, and why?
Collaborative work can be better because you have multiple people working together and you can combine multiple thoughts.
How would your perspective on work change if your voice had the same weight as your manager's in decision-making?
in fields where unions are nessasary. It is good for for them to orginise a strink, as is there right.
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