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1.1k Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y


 @9GCMBQ9 agreed…1yr1Y

I have met many Muslims and am friends with enough to know that the vast majority of Muslims are not aggressive or have the ideals that the extremists do. They generally would say that those extremists just bring down the name they try to build for themselves.

 @9G62X6Z from Louisiana  disagreed…1yr1Y

Due to, the fact that they have been the cause of many terrorist attacks, so I think they shouldn't be given more chances.

 @TheHillbillyLordRepublican from Maryland  commented…1mo1MO

It'd be too costly to increase surveillance on all Muslim neighborhoods

 @TheHillbillyLordRepublican from Maryland  commented…1mo1MO

besides, we should be surveilling people who have committed actual crimes, instead of just surveilling people because they are affiliated with a criminal group (muslims).

 @9FY47NJ from Massachusetts  agreed…1yr1Y

If they can surveil Muslim communities, they can surveil any community. It’s also notable that Muslims are not a particularly significant statistical group in terms of terrorism in the United States. If this question was truly about trying to protect the country, then anyone who agreed with this should also approve of the monitoring of right-wing churches and community groups, which are a far more statistically relevant group in terms of terrorism.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, targeting Muslims is unconstitutional, racist, and incendiary

 @9LVH8BR from North Carolina  agreed…10mos10MO

Following the terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015, a new wave of anti-Muslim sentiment rose up across the country. Governors declared they would refuse to accept Syrian refugees within their state borders. The House of Representatives passed a bill designed to halt the resettlement of Syrian and Iraqi refugees to the United States. Congress tightened controls in the visa waiver program by passing a law that enshrines discrimination against dual nationals of Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria, or anyone who has visited those countries in recent years — including the relatives of American citizens wanting to visit family.


 @9H224X5Justice party member from Georgia  agreed…1yr1Y

Some of the reasons that targeting Muslims is racist is because in the past people of the Muslim communities have committed bad crimes against the country.

 @9FPD98Z from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

People and the news sometimes really only tells you what they want you to hear. You can hear a million things about Muslims and people of other races and religeons, but this does not mean that they're the way everyone makes them out to be. It's extremely unfair to judge someone and everyone that would fall under the said catagory without even putting the effort to getting to know the person.

  @JonBSimConstitutionfrom Kentucky  disagreed…2yrs2Y

No, this decision should be based on crime rates instead of race or religion

Muslim isn't a race.

 @99T7NPW from Florida  commented…2yrs2Y

No, targeting Muslims is unconstitutional, racist, and incendiary

When they say Muslim they are clearly referring to Arabic people in general. It’s incredibly obvious but even if this is not the case it is religious persecution and also unconstitutional and inherently racist

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, this decision should be based on crime rates instead of race or religion

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

No, but police should increase surveillance and patrol of all high crime neighborhoods

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Yes, and increase surveillance on all new immigrants


Muslims are stained on the idea that all Muslims are terrorists, when in fact the black community proves to have the highest criminal activity and death rates out of all the communities. Peace is a pillar of Islam that all Muslims follow.

 @B2MN7QS from Virginia  disagreed…1mo1MO

Permitting surveillance on anyone just became they recently immigrated is not justifiable. If there is reasonable suspicion that an immigrant will commit a crime soon after immigrating, they simply shouldn’t be let in, and if there isn’t, then genuinely what is the point? Seems like pure xenophobia to me.

 @9F9Q7Y2 from New York  disagreed…1yr1Y

This is a prejudice approach. Surveillance should be based strictly on crime rates and history of criminal activity, no immigration status.

 @9LVH8BR from North Carolina  disagreed…10mos10MO

It´s racist and stereotypical. If were going to say because of 911 or etc . We should say that for Christianity and Judaism because a lot of AMERICAN terrorist or these 2 religions too. Lets not forget what happen in Iraq and Iran and Syria and PALESTINE. MOST OF MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRIES THAT ARE NOW SUFFERING FROM ARE CHRISTIAN OR JEWISH PRESIDENT.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y


 @9FTQ2GV from Connecticut  disagreed…1yr1Y

just because muslims targerted us during 911 doesnt mean that all muslims are bad. not every human has bad intetions or motives just because of there race/culture.

 @99T7NPW from Florida  disagreed…2yrs2Y

 @9FPD98Z from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

My best counter argument to the "yes" position on Muslim Surveillance would be to switch the roles. Imagine if you were put into the situation where just people you believed in a specific thing, looked one way compared to the others, had a "bad rep" because of something that you didn't do, you are treated and seen as some sort of "monster" that is contantly surveillanced and watched over. How would that seem fair to you? It doesn't. No matter what you could say, it's very cruel and unjust to treat someone one way because they're different from you.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Yes, until the frequency of terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists decrease

 @9GCMBQ9 disagreed…1yr1Y

Muslims deserve as much respect and dignity as provided to any other religious group. It would be unjust to treat a group differently because there are extremists in those groups as they are still American citizens no matter what.

 @9GCYKJB from Florida  disagreed…1yr1Y

Muslims are responsible for most, if not all, terrorist attacks across the world. We cannot simply trust that they won’t commit acts of terror because they live in America.

 @9GCMBQ9 commented…1yr1Y

That is not what I was implying. Any American is capable of committing heinous crimes but the fact is, is that a Muslim citizen in America deserves the same rights and dignity that any other citizen should.

 @KingdomPorpoisePatriot from Illinois  disagreed…1yr1Y

Take for example, the Boston Marathon bombing. The perpetrators were Muslim brothers who grew up in the United States. The tragedy led to increased scrutiny of Muslim communities, even though most Muslims are peaceful and law-abiding citizens.

 @9GDH68H from Washington D.C.  disagreed…1yr1Y

Any type of group in society can have a negative trait associated with them, so why should Muslims be unique in terms of policy?

 @9FRMKM2 from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

It just isn't right to spy and infringe on privacy of everyone because of a few suspects of terrorism.

 @9FTQ4J8 from Illinois  disagreed…1yr1Y

Terrorists actions can destabilize the government and harm people, but not all Muslims are terrorists and we should monitor Muslims neighborhoods because of it.

 @8Y6KCD4 from Kentucky  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and local police should increase surveillance and patrol of all neighborhoods with high crime rates regardless of race or religion.

 @4PWL4TSfrom Maine  answered…4yrs4Y

Their should be no Muslim neighbourhoods as they breed terrorism and intolerance as we have seen in Europe. Immigrants should be evenly distributed throughout the country and forced to integrate with the current population.

 @d3batesfrom Massachusetts  answered…4yrs4Y

No, targeting Muslims is unconstitutional, Islamophobic, and incendiary and would provide ISIS with ammunition to accuse the U.S. of a conspiracy against Islam

 @4PRG5DSfrom Iowa  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4W4SHWVfrom Washington  answered…4yrs4Y

We shouldn't even allow "Muslim neighborhoods", there should only be "American neighborhoods". Anyone who has demonstrated an unwillingness to adopt our culture should be expelled with great haste. Diversity is NOT our strength.

 @4PN6YBGfrom Idaho  answered…4yrs4Y

yes we are being invaded from within all we have to do is listen to briton communities and see what will happen here, the united states was based on christianity that is why most immigrated here those who immigrate to the u. s. need to intigrate within our communities, celebrate thier religions and customs but realize they have moved to a christian nation and respect our way of life and not try to change us or we will retaliate with a vengance

  @sophmiller2004 from Ohio  commented…3yrs3Y

The US was founded on immigrants and people of different cultural backgrounds. We should accept people for who they are and where they come from. We are all human after all.

 @4TXL84Yfrom Tennessee  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes. Islam is NOT a religion, it is a socio-political ideology masquerading as a religion. No problem at all banning it.

  @JonBSimConstitutionfrom Kentucky  disagreed…2yrs2Y

No, this decision should be based on crime rates instead of race or religion

Islam is NOT a religion

It is a socio-political ideology...which is tied to a theological structure.

Almost like communism.

 @woah-what from Texas  asked…5mos5MO

are you able to tell me the definition of islam? not yours, but the ones in dictionaries and books.

 @4PP4LXSfrom Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

No, just an illusion to create fear among the people and to bring about their new world order by bringing in martial law as a facade to protect the people when they are actually stripping us of our rights...they are just using a twisted cult of a religion such as Islam to do it..

 @4PKT9DKfrom Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

All neighborhoods presenting a high probability of violence and crime should have increased patrols. The race and or religion makeup of those neighborhoods should not play a role

 @4PZ6W3Jfrom Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes until they actively and publicly show they are against these atrocities. Just think - if Jews or Christians were cutting off people's heads, raping children there would be an outcry against that behavior by their respective leaders and members. We don't see that condemnation by Muslim leaders.

 @546SBLYfrom Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only if their neighborhoods are proving suspect, or if they're showing legit higher crime rates. But it is incendiary and racist. It needs to stop. Perhaps cash-incentivizing Muslims to turn in fellow Muslim terror suspects.

  @JonBSimConstitutionfrom Kentucky  disagreed…2yrs2Y

No, this decision should be based on crime rates instead of race or religion


Muslim isn't a race.

 @5446QWQfrom District of Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4PPC7LKfrom Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

Neighborhoods with increased violence require increased surveillance no matter who lives there.

 @59LZY99from South Dakota  answered…4yrs4Y

No, government surveillance of muslim communities send a message to the public that muslims are collectively guilty for acts of terror. This leads to an increase of hate crimes against american muslims because it creates an "us vs. them" dichotomy. this Dichotomy also is counterproductive because it legitimizes the message of radical groups that "the United states is an enemy of islam" because this enemy creation works both ways.
Additionally there is no statistical evidence that proves any correlation with the teachings of islam and propensity to violence. In fact, the majority of terror attacks in the US are carried out by radical right wing groups such as the sovereign citizen movement. Therefore, focusing on muslim communities would divert finite resources from other, more effective means of counterterrorism.

 @4PYDJ88from Washington  answered…4yrs4Y

As one who is not blind to the fact that it isn't anyone but Muslims who are blowing themselves up and committing modern acts of terrorism I cannot deny I would feel safer if there was greater watch over Muslim communities. However, because so very few of all Muslims actually possess the propensity to commit such acts that I can't justify discriminating communities of Muslim Americans in such a way.

 @4Q27D47from California  answered…4yrs4Y

No, But law enforcement should be allowed to criminally profile, not racially profile.

 @4PL3N37from Missouri  answered…4yrs4Y

No, targeting Muslims is unconstitutional, racist, and incendiary. However patrols should increase to improve relations in the Muslim community.

 @4XKBDJYLibertarianfrom Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Wider latitude for action by highly trained individuals. the average police officer has too low of an IQ to be trusted

 @4PMDWQRfrom Virginia  answered…4yrs4Y

Only if they look sketchy. Constantly patrolling them will just make them angry and cause them to be more sneaky.

 @57YSJXVfrom Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but ALL violent ideological adherents and associated organizations should be under surveillance. This includes some but not all interpretations of Islam and Christianity.

 @4XJCVSDfrom North Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4PZT8P9from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

no, just because a few Muslims have made bad choices doesn't mean they are all bad.

 @4PYYD57from Guam  answered…4yrs4Y

Conduct more SIGNIT and HUMIT activities while working together with Muslim leaders to properly educate the muslim population about Islam. Take a look at the Singaporean system e.g MUIS and ISD

 @4PP2YZKfrom Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

We need to include more Muslims into the fabric of society so they feel safe enough to tell us about potential threats.

 @4PLT4THfrom Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4PKPPNKfrom Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

We should work with the Muslim community to identify potentially radically Muslims.

 @5496J8Sfrom Washington  answered…4yrs4Y

being a devout mainstream Muslim is not compatible with modern civilization. polygamy, the 5 daily prayer sessions, ramadan fasting, sharia law just don't fit in!

 @4XGM7JPfrom California  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, because Islam is a Hate Group and the Koran dictates hatred and murder of others just like Mein Kampf.

 @545GLYVfrom New York  answered…4yrs4Y

There should be a head Christian, Jew and Muslim in the United States government to set an example of human decency and verbally make statements for that religion for the public's understanding of esch of these religions. Without communication the mission statement of any religion can be skewed to promote violence by criminally minded opportunists. Instead, raise bar centrally by having each large religion vote for a higher up we then direct our concerns to in our multi-ethnical country.

 @4WRGD5Rfrom Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

Not until we find reports of Sharia Law being practiced in said neighborhoods.

 @4PT67XSfrom Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4PLN5VTfrom Oklahoma  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4PRG4H4from Idaho  answered…4yrs4Y

Genocide is the clear answer here. No need to increase surveillance if they're all dead.

 @8RB8YBBPeace and Freedom from Texas  commented…4yrs4Y

 @8TDPNJHRepublican from Kentucky  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, and local police should increase surveillance and patrol of all neighborhoods that have high crime rates.

 @9S2PG43 from Virginia  answered…7mos7MO

Local police have a lot to deal with as it is. Surveying Muslim communities Should be A priority, but only if there is legitimate fear from informants, citizens, Or investigators that there is a legitimate fear from the Muslim community that there are those planning an act of terror or engaging in acts that violates laws of locality, state, or the federal government. If there is none of this concern, then their efforts should be dedicated to surveying and patrolling high crime neighborhoods.

 @4PWC5BLfrom Maine  answered…4yrs4Y

Again-- asking such an imperial question- those who cast the quickest reply are doubtful the most considerate.
Certainly there should be vigilant consideration and factors should be considered which seem to increase the possibility of such occurring. Vilifying an entire religion premised that this is the only threat to the America people is asinine and foolish. It not only justifies those already angry folks who look for a scapegoat but creates a panic for those who are frightened. It causes hysteria. Causes panic. Eliminates long term thinking needed when processing critical consequence.…  Read more

 @4PSKB7Nfrom Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

This is another extremely difficult question to answer. I would guess that 90% of all Muslims who enter the US are decent citizens with no desire to injure or otherwise damage people and places in this country--and the number of innocents may be even higher than that. The crux of the matter is that a few Muslims may enter the country with a specific mission to destroy, harm and otherwise wreck the peace and security of this nation. Thus, careful scrutiny of what may be fake passports must be maintained, and background checks carried out on those who would enter this country from Muslim locations--before they are permitted to enter.

 @4PRQ6P3from Oregon  answered…4yrs4Y

Until the Muslims have cleaned up the own neighborhoods and mosques and have acculurated to American way of life. No Dearborn antics. Then the police are going to have to assist in monitoring their communities. Once they have taken responsibility for themselves like adult citizens and shown themselves to be trustworthy citizens as a group then the police will no longer need to monitor them. So the responsibility is on the Muslims to clean their own house or have big brother looking down their necks.

 @4PND42Vfrom Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4PLWJF4from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, If there is enough evidence that a particular neighborhood has been shown to have residents with extremist ideologies

 @4PLSM5Xfrom Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Why are there "Muslim" neighborhoods? Police surveillance should be proportional to the degree of criminal activity in any neighborhood.

 @4PLQ5FCfrom California  answered…4yrs4Y

No, we should not be allowing any government surveillance of private US citizens.

 @4PLM4NNfrom North Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y

The Muslim community should be encouraged to monitor within themselves for behaviors that may be signs of extremism

 @4PLKRGDfrom Rhode Island  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4PLJ839from Virginia  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but use surveillance agencies specializing in detecting radicalization or ideologically motivated crimes rather than local police departments

 @4PLGQTRfrom Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4PLFYLSfrom Ohio  answered…4yrs4Y

If I were Muslim, I'd welcome the increased protection--unless, of course, I were a terrorist.

 @4PL7XZZfrom New Mexico  answered…4yrs4Y

No, there are other ways that can help. This method has been proven to not work.

 @4PKTBCCfrom Nebraska  answered…4yrs4Y

No, unless the authorities receive solid information to support such surveillance.

 @4PKS8PCfrom Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

An increased police presence, not meaning surveillance. An increased police presence in the form of community officers gives the police a better idea of what is going on in a neighborhood. People begin to trust the officers and are more open to talking to them openly.

 @4PKNBR5from Missouri  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes but not because they are Muslims...but because the unrest and destructive forces are mostly from the Muslim community.

 @4PKKSWQfrom California  answered…4yrs4Y

Only if said Muslim neighborhood has been having suspicious activity that qualifies it for increased surveillance

 @4PKK6FYfrom Maine  answered…4yrs4Y

Give the NSA an enhanced targeted budget to set up an anti terrorist unit. Knowledge is everything.

 @583SZ7Yfrom Connecticut  answered…4yrs4Y

 @9DV8L9V from Arizona  answered…2yrs2Y

 @8XRWY34 from Texas  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and Islam should be considered a threat the United States, as it is primarily a opposing political system that poses a danger the USA.

 @97XB7ZZ from New Jersey  answered…2yrs2Y

No, targeting Muslims is unconstitutional, racist, and incendiary. We should base it on crimes rates instead of race or religion

 @97KVH7TDemocrat from California  answered…2yrs2Y

This question should be removed. It is both racist and degrading to the Muslim community. Additionally, surveillance and patrol should be increased in any area based on crime rates.


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