American Solidarity Party, Citizens Climate Lobby, Open House Fellowship of Visalia, Farmersville Teachers Association (until my retirement 6/2019)
Politiske holdninger
Top temaer:
Demokratisk socialisme, Demokrati, Stor Stat, Blid, Isolationisme, Pacifisme
Top kvaliteter:
Moral, Ærlighed, Integritet (fra 4,548 stemmer)
Se den komplette liste over 215 politikker for Brian Carroll
Akademisk grad:
B.A. (History, UCLA), California Teaching Credential with certifications in History, English, Phys Ed, and bilingual education/Spanish (CSULA), MFA in Creative Writing (CSUFresno)
Politisk erfaring
Position Held:
Candidate for Congress, 2018
Professionel erfaring
Teacher, Elementary and Secondary, both in California and overseas, in Colombia and China. Some journalism.