American politician.
Here is how the average American voter rates this candidate on the following qualities.
1.9 from 792 voters
3.4 from 35 voters
3.1 from 29 voters
2.9 from 23 voters
2.4 from 28 voters
2.3 from 41 voters
2.2 from 27 voters
2.1 from 35 voters
2.0 from 35 voters
2.0 from 29 voters
1.9 from 22 voters
1.9 from 31 voters
1.8 from 34 voters
1.8 from 29 voters
1.7 from 28 voters
1.7 from 34 voters
1.6 from 29 voters
1.6 from 22 voters
1.5 from 26 voters
1.5 from 23 voters
1.4 from 28 voters
1.4 from 22 voters
1.4 from 21 voters
1.4 from 28 voters
1.3 from 24 voters
1.3 from 21 voters
1.3 from 22 voters
1.3 from 21 voters
1.2 from 24 voters
1.2 from 21 voters is the world’s most popular voting guide for citizens to find information about elections, political parties, candidates, voting districts and popular political issues in their country. We are independent and not affiliated with any investors, shareholders, political parties or interest groups.
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