- May 13, 1950 (74 years old)
Political views
Top themes:
- Big Government, Collectivism, Environmentalism, Left Wing, Regulation, Progressive, Secular, Globalism, Keynesian, Pacifism, Democratic Socialism, Tender, Politically Correct, Multiculturalism, Centralization
Top qualities:
- Courage (from 1,077 votes)
- See the complete list of 283 policies for Jackie Speier
Educated At:
- Mercy High School
- University of California College of the Law, San Francisco
- University of California, Davis
- University of California, Hastings College of the Law
Political experience
Position Held:
- Congressional Staff
- member of the California State Assembly
- member of the State Senate of California
- member of the United States House of Representatives
- Supervisor
- United States representative