Try the political quiz

Chuck Grassley’s policies on science issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average American voter ranked them on the quiz.


Science  ›  Mandatory Vaccinations

Should the government require children to be vaccinated for preventable diseases?

  Chuck Grassley voterbaseNo

Science  ›  Nuclear Energy

Do you support the use of nuclear energy?

  Chuck Grassley voterbaseYes

Science  ›  GMO Labels

Should producers be required to label genetically engineered foods (GMOs)?

  Chuck Grassley voterbaseYes, consumers have a right to know what is in their food

Science  ›  Genetic Engineering

Should the government fund research into genetic engineering for disease prevention and treatment?

  Party’s support baseYes

Science  ›  Space Exploration

Should the government fund space travel?

  Party’s support baseYes

Science  ›  Lab Grown Meat

Should the government allow the commercialization of lab-grown meat?

  Party’s support baseNo

Science  ›  CRISPR Technology

Should the government regulate the use of CRISPR technology for human genetic modifications?

  Party’s support baseYes