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 @9NF7Y8N from California answered…6 days6D

Yes but only to maintain rate ranges based on local wages, public resources and allows for reasonable profits to owners.

 @9L4Z23B  from Pennsylvania answered…2wks2W

 @9MKWNW4 from Illinois answered…3wks3W

There needs to be a fair balance between rent prices and the local cost of living. Rent control may not be the best option.

 @9NH66J9 from Texas answered…5 days5D

This should be based on the rate of fair market value of the surrounding properties, if implemented.

 @9NFW65V from Massachusetts answered…6 days6D

step 1: make it illegal for powerful rich corporations from mass buying houses and holding them to raise prices. step 2: incentivize more affordable housing step 3: incentivize the building of more housing

 @9NFG6YX from Connecticut answered…6 days6D

No, the current issues with housing prices is due to a lack of supply. Enact policy that encourages housing development and the market will correct itself.

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