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 @9MPYFLR from Texas answered…2wks2W

No, but it should provide tax breaks for buyers of cars with technology that allows drivers to interface with their smartphones via the entertainment system instead of holding their phones in their hands

 @9N2J4QC  from Nevada answered…6 days6D

Yes, depending on the severity of the damage the distracted driver caused unless they can prove it wasn't their fault for the crash.

  @8T83KJZ  from Connecticut answered…6 days6D

No. But privatization of the roads would solve this issue through market forces

 @9N2FN65 from Idaho answered…6 days6D

Yes and fines should be a percentage of income and/or assets. Fines punish the poor and not the rich with the current system.

 @snaveretnuh  from Utah answered…6 days6D

Yes, if the distracted driving resulted in the death or severe physical injury of another individual

 @9MXCZT4 from North Carolina answered…1wk1W

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