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65 Replies

 @B37NMKFIndependentfrom Maine  answered…3wks3W

If there is a way to measure the success and benefit of the program or lack of program then the policy should fit the need

 @B2L5N3Y from Pennsylvania  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but also investments should be made into schools and opportunities to marginalized opportunities.

 @B2K53XJ from Ohio  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but have strong repercussions to anyone who is found to have discriminated against minorities in the workplace.

 @B3S5C2Vfrom Virgin Islands  answered…4 days4D

Programs giving preference to certain groups should be eliminated, programs for increasing inclusion without preferential treatment should be kept

 @B3RLZJCAmerican Solidarity from New York  answered…4 days4D

Yes, instead just ensure there are clear guidelines, action, and accountability for acts of discrimination

 @B3RLSSYLibertarian from Georgia  answered…5 days5D

Yes, hiring, promotions, and retention should be merit-based only. All personnel decisions should be based on merit and performance. No demographic factor of any kind should enter into the decision making process whatsoever.

 @B3QM2V9 from California  answered…6 days6D

Yes becsuse now we have people in positions who arnt qualified only working bevsuse the color of their skin or whatever. Now we have fat cops that can't even run

 @7WDP6PTIndependent  from North Carolina  answered…7 days7D

No, but we should promote a more fair system for everyone regardless of race to be hired or picked in Colleges

 @SketchylazersIndependent  from Wisconsin  answered…1wk1W

No, but the government should ensure that applicants from marginalized populations are not given preferential treatment in hiring

 @B2GW5B4  from Florida  answered…1wk1W

No, but ensure there are no requirements for a business to have a certain number of employees from any minority group

 @9DMBKZL  from Georgia  answered…1wk1W

They should be reformed not eliminated. Veterans are also included in DEI and so it should not be eliminated.

  @BNB_yee  from California  answered…1wk1W

Generally yes, though not entirely. There are parts of DEI initiatives that are unnecessary and should be eliminated, such as excessive focuses on meeting identity quotas and equality-of-outcome schemes; these are more along the lines of affirmative action, which is functionally unnecessary. On the other hand, things like internships for low-income folks or increased benefits and salaries for veterans represent equality-of-opportunity initiatives that are actually beneficial.

 @B3LZCK9  from Wyoming  answered…1wk1W

No, all jobs everywhere should be 100% all inclusive DEI objected. Other than knowledge or skill level from individual of job, nothing else should not matter about that individual for that job.

 @B3S7THS from Michigan  answered…4 days4D

No, they should be kept but only for the purpose of reducing discrimination. People should be hired on qualifications and not diversity.

 @B3JHL83 from Illinois  answered…2wks2W

They should be massively de-racialized, de-genderized, and revamped to be aimed at loving and welcoming individuals rather than classifying people into social groups.

 @B3JBW7C from New York  answered…2wks2W

Only ones that provide an unfair advantage or benefit to specific groups of people. Programs like cultural days/months need not be eliminated, they are innocuous.

 @B3HL34Q from Kentucky  answered…2wks2W

yes, but only if the government mandates non discrimination in work places and the hiring for those work places for anyone of any race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc.

 @B3HJ8VG from Nevada  answered…2wks2W

No, but DEI programs should not create preferential treatment for any person because of an immutable characteristic.

 @B3GK4KGSocialist from North Carolina  answered…2wks2W

Not entirely, but I'm in favor of focusing on differences of treatment because of class over race or background

 @B3FVXQJNo Labels from New York  answered…2wks2W

Only ones that provide unfair advantages to specific groups of people. Programs such as cultural days and months are innocuous, and need not be done away with.

 @bsplum from Illinois  answered…2wks2W

No, but there should be a significant audit of all programs and those who do not meet certain standards should be eliminated

 @B3D2ZCT  from Texas  answered…2wks2W

Programs should hire the best person for the job regardless of race, gender, or religion. It should not be based on filling a minority quota.


So long as DEI does not hinder a government agency from accurately and diligently carrying out its intended purpose, I see no harm in having better adjusted individuals.

 @9992HTR  from GU  answered…1mo1MO

No. They should be strengthened, to help reverse the damage of the past. Critical Race Theory should be mandatory in schools, and diversity training should be required for all companies.

 @B2RRVH2American Solidarity from Kentucky  answered…1mo1MO

No, but I'm in favor of removing quotas. People shouldn't be hired nor fired based on factors like gender, religion, sexual orientation, race, etc.

 @B2RTWTR from New Jersey  answered…1mo1MO

Meritocracy is more-so supreme to affirmative action, because experience should trump diversity. However, if we were to remove DEI programs, our education programs would need to be entirely overhauled, and the wealth-inequality INCREDIBLY diminished. Meritocracy is also less regulated, and has higher chances for an aristocracy to form.

 @B2PYQ8F from Texas  answered…1mo1MO

if you are qualified for the job you should have it, regardless of who they are in any way. however, i dont think people should be hired solely for being a woman or being a poc etc.

 @B2PXX7X from California  answered…1mo1MO

No, but only if chances are fair, if one has a higher chance just because of their ethnicity than the program should be eliminated.

 @B2PMTB4 from Florida  answered…1mo1MO

Not eliminated, but I do believe merit testing should be brought back and hiring decisions not based primarily on DEI or quotas. The highest test scores should be the employee hired. Points can be added for military veterans only.

 @B2MJWP2 from California  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but only affirmative action or similar programs which grant unfair advantages or promote unqualified employees.

 @Dry550Independent  from Illinois  answered…1mo1MO

No, while individual ability is important, the minority groups that have been overlooked for years needs some attention, I say keep DEI programs

 @B39RQWXDemocrat from New York  answered…3wks3W

Policies against unlawful discrimination should be embedded in all HR operations , rather than a separate entity

  @JasonC879Independent  from New York  answered…3wks3W

Yea DEI Isn't necessary as a requirement by force but it is optional for the states if they want to include it

 @B359FNM from California  answered…3wks3W

Yes, but it should mainly be based on the individual's abilities and skills for their qualification.

 @TheHillbillyLordRepublican  from Maryland  answered…3wks3W

Yes, DEI is a racist institution designed to only help races deemed as "minority" while ignoring the white people, any program designed to help certain races is racist against the races not helped by it. It is based on critical race theory, a myth only made to give reason to discriminate against white people as revenge for past racism.

 @984QPV9  from Texas  answered…3wks3W

Yes. Employment should be based on Merit and ability to do the job not based on ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

 @B32PNYW from New York  answered…4wks4W

Yes. Individuals should be hired on a merit based and have proper qualifications to do the job at hand to have the best outcome.

 @B32FQKK from California  answered…4wks4W

Surely there is another solution. Positions within the federal government should be awarded on merit and/or public vote.

 @IChi306 from Pennsylvania  answered…4wks4W

I would prefer focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion based on socioeconomic factors as opposed to race and gender which I believe may be unconstitutional.

 @B2Y3ZYX from Georgia  answered…1mo1MO

there should be systems in place to protect minority's but race shouldn't take priority over skill and intelligence when hiring in any case, whether it benefit or harm said races

 @B2XKK9Y from Ohio  answered…1mo1MO

DEI should be eliminated from a hiring standpoint, hire people based on skill. However, do not just get rid of programs that are celebrating historical aspects of certain group

 @B2XGXPY from Pennsylvania  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but remove any hiring agent who is denying qualified individuals because of their race, sexual orientation, ect.

 @B2XGB6S from Illinois  answered…1mo1MO

There should be policies that make others not look at others in a different light because they are different. The federal government should have policies in place that do not all people who are disrespectful of others to work for them.

 @B2VC2MY from South Carolina  answered…1mo1MO

Yes. These programs show bias towards individuals who are qualified for employment, but are turned away due to not meeting the DEI criteria.

 @B2SV69K from Texas  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, the government should take more effective steps to address inequality rather than just mandating diversity quotas

 @B2SMS6Q from Kentucky  answered…1mo1MO

I dont believe we need "equal" rights for such actions, but instead something that stand for equatable rights

  @BullMooseQuakerAmerican Solidarity  from Kentucky  answered…1mo1MO

No, but I do think quotas should be eliminated. We should balance between inclusiveness and merit but that doesn’t mean eliminating someone out of the equation even if they are disabled. If they are fit for the job, they are.

 @LoopedCheese1Democrat  from New Jersey  answered…1mo1MO

No. There should be diversity in the workforce, regardless of it is the government or any other job. However, people should only receive the job if they are qualified for the job

 @B2Q9CDP from Oregon  answered…1mo1MO

Yes but schools and parents need to teach why a lot of acts of discrimination against women, men, against races, disabled people etc. are wrong.


Yes, because such programs forced agencies to hire based on one's 'identity' rather than one's merit. Judge by character, not skin color, or sex, or sexual orientation, or gender identity.

 @B2KTHHZ from Florida  answered…2mos2MO

Yes but ensure that the new one is really merit based and everyone has equal opportunities- quality is prioritised not skin colour or gender or etc

 @B2KMK7H from California  answered…2mos2MO

I get what this means but I think if it's trying to be diverse it needs to be hiring the best people for the job and not putting unnecessary inclusion.

 @B2KCCQJ from Hawaii  answered…2mos2MO

No, but this will not stop a genuinely racist employer from denying applicants based off DEI traits.

genuinely racist people will see anyone who fits the DEI characteristics and automatically say they were only hired because of their physical appearance/gender

 @TheHillbillyLordRepublican  from Maryland  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, equity is giving everyone an equal outcome which is basically communism. We need equality, not equity. Diversity is not something to celebrate, we should all think of everyone as the same.

 @B2JWSHXIndependent from Mississippi  answered…2mos2MO

We should all embrace our differences and treat eachother equal. Be humane. Not create division and have programs to be put in a box just to end up competing with eachother.

 @B2JP3NL from Michigan  answered…2mos2MO

No, but each individual should be considered for their skills and strengths rather than preferential treatment.

 @B2JSQ26 from South Carolina  answered…2mos2MO

I dont feel as they should eliminate it, but as long as the people have the merits and qualifications for the job it shouldn't matter what or who they are.

 @B2KC7T8  from California  answered…2mos2MO

Again, from the last question, I think that diversity is important because it can increase creativity through the collection of different experiences.

 @B2L474Y from Minnesota  answered…2mos2MO

No, but It should only include senior citizens, Female Rights, Veterans, And people With development disabilities.

 @B2L6VMJ from New York  answered…2mos2MO

I like the idea of it I don’t like discrimination or racism but a job should be offered to those who are most qualified and have the best abilities

 @B323YVQ from Nebraska  answered…4wks4W

No, DEI is simply not an issue and the concept of “getting rid of DEI” is inherently racist, homophobic, and transphobic.

 @B3CGG6G  from New Jersey  answered…2wks2W

Jobs should be based on qualifications, not race or gender, but discrimination should still not be allowed.

 @TheHillbillyLordRepublican  from Maryland  answered…17hrs17H

Yes, DEI is a racist institution that only helps the races deemed as "minority" while ignoring or even hurting the white people in society to try to help the "minorities", any program designed to help certain races is racist against the races not helped by it, ,


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