Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to liquid form for easier transport. Proponents argue that lifting the moratorium would boost the U.S. economy by opening new markets for natural gas, create jobs, and enhance energy security by strengthening trade relations with allied countries. Opponents argue that exporting LNG could increase domestic gas prices, undermine climate change goals, and contribute to the continued reliance on fossil fuels rather than investing in renewable energy sources.
No, it would undermine climate change goals, and contribute to the continued reliance on fossil fuels rather than investing in renewable energy sources
@B3RVSDV4 days4D
Yes, but enact a climate law that states they are to be converted into hydrogen or alternative fuel facility after a certain date.
yes because natural gas is a cleaner burning fossil fuel and photochemical smog and other pollutants would disappear
Yes, but the Federal government should also put forth funding for gathering space resources such as asteroids (endlessly abundant) that hold metals and gases used on earth, to preserve earth's natural nonrenewable resources.
@B2KW47V 2mos2MO
Only to the extent that the current moratorium is not commensurate with the appropriate level of pigouvian influence over that market.
@B2KK2V3Peace and Freedom2mos2MO
I agree and disagree, as it can be helpful for our cars and houses but can also causes more harm to our environment.
it depends because if it is bad for the people then don't have it but if its good then let people have it
@B2KC7T8 2mos2MO
In the end gases will be used for a long time. However, burning natural gases is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to carbon emissions.
@B2JTBQMWomen’s Equality2mos2MO
I see from both sides how it could be viewed and I think it depends on the way it is done and who all is effected
No, because I want to preserve the environment, and if they start hurting the environment even more, it will affect other generations.
i think that just as there are options of choosing electric or non LNG gas there should be an option to pay more for LNG gas and non LNG gas
I believe we have to find a easy middle to get both. We HAVE to help the Climate Change! But EV still effects the earth too
Yes, but this should be regulated and not done constantly. We should come up with a way to counter-act this so climate change is not as bad.
This should be a temporary lift while the country continues to find renewable energy sources to combat climate change. Once we have a percentage of renewable energy, then we should reduce using fossil fuels and possible explore ways to improvise fossil fuel usage so its environmentally friendly while using it to continue economic growth.
No, we should be focusing on greener technology for energy and we should keep our natural gas here in America.
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