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Expert Pundits

These active users have achieved advanced knowledge of the terminology, history, and legal implications regarding the topic of CRISPR Technology

Engaged Voters

These active users have achieved a basic understanding of terms and definitions related to the topic of CRISPR Technology

375 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10mos10MO


 @9MNM5PL  from Georgia  disagreed…10mos10MO

The government should regulate CRISPR research, because its ability to alter the human genome is so great, and much more research is needed for scientists to determine its impact through generations.

 @9MMD6HLProgressive from North Carolina  answered…10mos10MO

Yes, but only in terms of preventing disease, disorders, and significant health issues. This should not be applied to physical appearance.

 @7ZJCHWN from Arizona  disagreed…6mos6MO

Expert CRISPR Technology

But what happens when something like height or muscle mass, which are technically "physical appearances," also impact health? For example, shorter people are at higher risk for things like cardiovascular disease, and muscle deficiencies can lead to serious metabolic issues. If we allow CRISPR for health reasons, where do we draw the line between health and aesthetics when the two are so interconnected? Wouldn't this create a slippery slope where people could exploit vague definitions to enhance appearance under the guise of health?

 @DuckEli from Texas  disagreed…6mos6MO

Expert CRISPR Technology

The moment we allow for blurry lines between health and aesthetics, we’re essentially giving people a backdoor to cosmetic enhancements. Who's going to monitor and decide where health ends and vanity begins? Wouldn't that create a world where only the wealthy can afford these "health fixes" that conveniently enhance their appearance too?

 @foshy from Utah  disagreed…4wks4W

#3 Engaged CRISPR Technology

These aesthetics currently being used are not re-manipulating our DNA. If you see a "blur" between makeup and tattoos vs a genetic change for a fetus to make it have blue eyes or more height, that is literally eugenics and you need to take a step back and genuinely recognize that you created this blur

 @78MJYZMIndependent  from Indiana  answered…8mos8MO

Yes, but only in terms of preventing disease, disorders, or significant health issues. Never for physical appearance/ designer babies

 @9RBTJRMGreen from Illinois  answered…8mos8MO

Yes, however, it needs to be highly regulated, and should only be used to fix any health issues, not make super children with specific gender, eye color, hair color, etc. We are a vain society, this should be used to weed out health issues.

 @9R39MRM from Missouri  answered…8mos8MO

Yes, we can always relax regulations. We can't undo regrettable or tragic things that may occur if we allow it freely.

 @9R5MQF6 from Alabama  answered…8mos8MO

Yes, but only for germ line (reproductive) mutations that could be passed on to children. Gene therapy to treat single gene mutation disorders in adults should be permitted and subsidized.

 @9TJ48HW from Kansas  answered…6mos6MO

Yes, it should not be used for cosmetic purposes, but it should be contained to be studied and used to dance our medical knowledge.

 @9SGS2K2 from Kansas  answered…7mos7MO

Yes, it should be allowed but only for medically necessary reasons such as preventing Alzheimer's or sickle cell.

 @9R2WY8SIndependent from Texas  answered…8mos8MO

No but there should be oversight by a qualified medical community whether government or professional.

 @9QRZNNZ from South Carolina  answered…8mos8MO

As long as nothing is forced on anyone, they should be able to do whatever they want. Ethics are only the problem of the ones doing the act, until it begins to affect others.

 @77BSYH8  from Idaho  answered…8mos8MO

Yes, I think it's wise to be careful when it comes to the human genome, but do not limit the research.

 @9MM8BR9Independent from Georgia  answered…10mos10MO

Used to get rid of or cure cancer, I'm all for it. Used to make someone taller or smarter or

 @9R9K2SHProgressive from Virginia  answered…8mos8MO

Yes, but with applicable regulatory laws that allow for a case to be taken to trial should an organization using CRISPR commit harmful acts against an individual or other group.

 @9R4Z6QG from Connecticut  answered…8mos8MO

Yes, though only to make sure we don't decide to use it on a massive scale without the public knowing. It could be used on human cells and potentially comatose patients whose families allow it. It could cure certain genetic diseases one day.

 @9MM6SDXRepublican from Wisconsin  answered…10mos10MO

 @B3QM2V9 from California  answered…6 days6D

This should be banned and not allowed unless for a medical reason like fighting cancer or something. Keep it away from plants and animals and anything else.

 @B3FDC3MNo Labels from New Jersey  answered…2wks2W

Depends on the use. Suppose it's for physical modifications for a fetus that isn't born yet, then no. If it's for life-threatening conditions, then yes.

 @B39TMLV from Florida  answered…2wks2W

Some regulation may be necessary to curb unethical use cases, but this doesn't mean we should stifle innovation and expand the avenue of this technology.

 @B39PNBL from Georgia  answered…2wks2W

Depends on what genetic modifications are. as long as they help the person become healthier not more dangerous.

 @B3955VSfrom Maine  answered…3wks3W

This kind of technology is a key to fix incurable illness. However, overuse of this technology would make this society more unfair and chaotic. Therefore, except for the genetic disease, it should be regulated

 @B37L4Z7 from South Carolina  answered…3wks3W

Yes, but it has to be a careful balance between reducing disease and mortality and full blown eugenics

 @B33XPRJLibertarian from Michigan  answered…4wks4W

I do not personally believe in altering genetics. I think that money could be better spent elsewhere, but if other people want it then sure.

 @B32KHMZSocialistfrom Guam  answered…4wks4W

To an extent, but only for severe cases, such as Down syndrome or life threatening conditions and diseases like progeria.

 @B329ZTL from Kentucky  answered…4wks4W

They should only intervene if it is completely necessary, but most of the time I think its unnecessary for the government to be stifling the process of creating break through technology.

 @B2ST3RJIndependent from Texas  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, It should be prevented from use, because all people are made equal and in God's Image, NOT MAN'S!

 @9ZFVNXR  from New York  answered…1mo1MO

I think CRISPR technology could be used for great things, but to prevent unethical things from happening, minimal restrictions should be added.

 @B2R6JWY from Illinois  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, the idea that human beings should be genetically perfected is a slippery slope towards dystopia

 @B2Q42S4 from Georgia  answered…1mo1MO

They shouldn't completely prevent it but they should make a punishment for it being used in bad ways such as switching an unborn babies gender genetically

 @B2NK5KG from Virginia  answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but specifically for extremely harmful/damaging disabilities that'd make the life of the newborn painful/short

 @B2MRZ3R from Massachusetts  answered…1mo1MO

I think that their needs to be laws put in place to ensure that CRISPR isn't misused but can be used to help treat people.

 @B2GW5B4  from Florida  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, and we shouldn’t be genetically engineering anything at all. It’s never a good idea to play God with these things

 @B2G83G2 from Illinois  answered…2mos2MO

If we're talking about using CRISPR to remove neurodivergence in babies, yes, because that's just eugenics. Treat neurodiverse people like actual humans and pass policy that helps them. If we're talking about removing autoimmune disorders or preventing any physical disability that harms the person's well-being, no. The tech still has to be used wisely, but I think ensuring autoimmune disorders are a thing of the past is good.

 @B2F78D6 from Texas  answered…2mos2MO

There would need to be a lot of testing and safety measure to ensure that CRISPR won't be dangerous.

 @B2DLJJ6 from Georgia  answered…2mos2MO

it should be regulated, but not only in the hands of the wealthy. If we can prevent severe debilitating genetic disease, everyone should have access to increase quality of life.

 @B2D5J7H from California  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, we should allow progression, but implementation should be regulated because it can communize us and get rid of uniqueness.

 @B2CVTHV from Illinois  answered…2mos2MO

Maybe, in the instance of developing cures for life-threatening diseases, genetic diseases, or disabilities to those who wish for treatment.

 @B2CP2HQ from California  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, because it could get out of hand and make sure any test subjects consent to the potential after affects of the modification.

 @B2CNYVNNo Labels from California  answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but if something were to go wrong in the treatment the hospital of whoever provided the modifications be the one to pay for the fix.

 @B2C7JBJ from Illinois  answered…2mos2MO

Genetic manipulation of DNA is dangerous and can lead to more problems, I feel. However, if this technology advances the government should regulate its usage guidelines.

 @B2C48MVDemocrat from New Mexico  answered…2mos2MO

They can do and execute it in morality, no test and verification on humans before claryiying it safe.

 @B289TV7 from Florida  answered…2mos2MO

Individuals with a degree in biomedical sciences specifically a PhD would be granted permission to regulate and educate the public on CRISPR with MD or BS degree holders working in conjunction with doctorate level scientists to ensure that the technology is being used ethically. Government officials that have no educational background in the area of biomedical sciences and the specific area of genetics related to CRISPR technology should not be regulating the use of this technology. Government officials lack understanding of genetics and it is a huge disservice to our country to give individuals the power to regulate such topics without a thorough education.

 @B268DMPLibertarian from Texas  answered…3mos3MO

No, this will just lead to slower breakthrough and more expensive regulations over time that will cause the medical industry to drag its feet.

 @B25H2HF from California  answered…3mos3MO

So that people know what is being customized into them by modifications and it needs to be specific.

 @B25GRVJSocialist from New York  answered…3mos3MO

This is not a yes or no question- yes for curing disease and saving lives as part of healthcare- no for the super wealthy to be able to buy "super babies"

 @B24LNFX from Hawaii  answered…3mos3MO

I believe that CRISPR is best used when necessary for people with harmful/extreme genetic diseases/disabilities, and should be offered when it is completely researched with its pros and cons for the long-term. As it is a new use of technology and not completely safe, knowing that the studies,have shown CRISPR participants have died from the practice,as well with the probability of increased risk of unknown genetic health problems that could be passed down to generations.

 @B247ZFRDemocrat from Minnesota  answered…3mos3MO

This is a loaded question that doesn't allow for an answer that does not support human genetic modification.

 @Dix from New Hampshire  answered…3mos3MO

No, as long as the companies using this technology publicly disclose the risks and benefits to the modified individuals

 @9ZY4279 from South Carolina  answered…3mos3MO

This question is a hit and miss it depends on what the people on a problem would like to happen so if they want it to be done than yes but if they don't want anything to be done then I wouldn't want anything to happen.

 @9ZQGQQ8 from Texas  answered…4mos4MO

If it benefits in helping preventing or curing diesease then yes, but if it is used for bad intentions then no.

 @9ZPQ3J9 from Kansas  answered…4mos4MO

It should be regulated, but only to ensure that its use is ethical. Scientific progress is important, but not more important than practicing said science humanely.

 @9ZFRY52Socialist from Illinois  answered…4mos4MO

The people should regulate it so as to avoid having the government or scientists use it to enforce eugenics

 @9ZFQKYQ from North Carolina  answered…4mos4MO

The government should strive to be technologically literate and our laws should be able to match the speed at which technology is advancing

 @9ZCRH56 from Ohio  answered…4mos4MO

No, but they should allow transparency to the public on what it is they are doing, the purpose, and how much is being funded.

 @9ZBJ8Y4Libertarian from New York  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, though regulations should be for monitoring and public transparency into research rather than restriction on progress and innovation

 @9Z9HCDY from Delaware  answered…4mos4MO

i dont really know bc one hand its helpful on another its dangerous so its something I need to research more

 @9YMVMDD from Ohio  answered…4mos4MO

Yikes. At this point, America isn't leading science in much dna and so they should be regulated because they're in kindergarten. As far their participation in global learning, there should be less regulation from the US.

 @9YJXVD8 from Rhode Island  answered…4mos4MO

Yes once it has been adequately studied and proven safe for human use, and is solely used for the requested purpose of treating disease and illness

 @9Y8ZFQZIndependent from Texas  answered…4mos4MO

It should only be used in a moral way to help people continue to have a normal life not to create life

 @9Y94SKC from Alabama  answered…4mos4MO

There should be some regulation, but not enough to majorly interfere with innovation and scientific progress.

 @9Y3K987 from Pennsylvania  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, regulate but do not stifle innovation and speed with early testing. Must take time getting these out to the masses. Instead of death sentences, inmates on death row should be required to give back to humanity with experimental testing

 @9Y2DWVP from Pennsylvania  answered…4mos4MO

I think there should be limits on what we can do with it. We shouldn’t just be able to modify whatever we want.


No, I think it shown be used to change someone's gender under the age of 21 but should be used to help people that are struggling with their heath and to make innovative treatment

 @9XXTZ3VDemocrat from West Virginia  answered…4mos4MO

I think this should be an optional experimentation, that is thoroughly thought and talked through. I think that all risks should be conversed and each individual should understand the weight of the experiment for the people and for their own personal health.

 @5T8PJ92No Labels from Illinois  answered…4mos4MO

No, and the government should not mitigate the progress of scientific revelations that could cure the incurable.

 @9XX26J7 from Illinois  answered…4mos4MO

some regulations should be in place as long as it doesn't specifically effect the research being made

 @9XWSW4VWorking Family from Washington  answered…4mos4MO

I think for the betterment of humanity, removing genetic illnesses is essential. But eugenics is terrofying

 @9XV24BR from Kansas  answered…4mos4MO

Yes. The regulation should be that genetic modifications should be to try to correct/reduce genetic abnormalities that affect the general populace. It should not go towards genetic enhancement, such as "super powers" or be weaponized to bolster our military or develop biological weapons.

 @9XTTC5M from New York  answered…4mos4MO

It has the potential to unlock pandoras box in "choosing your own children". It does have use in researching cures for diseases and cancer.

 @9XQFZYH from Minnesota  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, but only with clear conditions laid out front with willing subjects, public understanding, and a requirement of at least a basic level of understanding before experimentations.

 @9XN667N from New York  answered…4mos4MO

CRISPR technology for treatment of disease based in genetics should be regulated similarly to those regulations in place for all medications. The potential application for CRISPR for gene editing cosmetically, however, should be regulated much more closely to truly assess the possible effects of truly unnecessary intervention for the sake of designing what you want your child to be like.

 @9XN5WFP from Ohio  answered…4mos4MO

It seems like a good idea but then again it could and most definitely be abused by people in government, so no… It is a scary thought.

 @9XFJW72 from Texas  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, but only to ensure ethical and moral standards are followed and not to hinder progress in cancer and disease cures.

 @9XFNX9C from New Jersey  answered…4mos4MO

I think it is important for science and understanding, but if it is a threat of something it can be slightly regulated.

 @9XFHHRJ from North Carolina  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, it should be restricted to trained professionals. Gene modification should be it's own field of study that requires a doctorate's in order to be considered a trained professional.

 @9XDF7DCfrom Pennsylvania  answered…4mos4MO

It should only be used for purposes of disease and disability, not ANY phenotypic - no visual aesthetic reasons

 @9X9KYFS from Pennsylvania  answered…4mos4MO

No, with Chevron overruled the government will not be able to keep up and make decisions that reflect the science and advice of experts

 @9X99BF7Independent from New York  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, there will always be individuals who will use that power to bad or their own personal gain, regulation is necessary.

 @CruzerBlue  from Texas  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, creating laws and regulations now will prevent unintended consequences and ensure a code of ethics is strictly followed

 @9X6SG7B from Arkansas  answered…5mos5MO

For the sake of preventing certain things or benefitting certain things under specific circumstances, mostly pro-health care.

 @9X4QQ3H from Georgia  answered…5mos5MO

If the kid will have genetic issues in its life that will endanger its existence, then yes, otherwise no.

 @9X3YGX6Progressive from Texas  answered…5mos5MO

I think it needs to be tested more, and eventually tested on humans. Should only be used to prevent the passage of disease or death.

 @9VYSPGY from Connecticut  answered…5mos5MO

No, because the use of CRISPR should be regulated by a board of highly informed science professionals, not the government

 @9VXS9NG from California  answered…5mos5MO

This should be used for only medical purposes but shouldn't be abused to modify DNA for really cruel and unusual purposes

 @9VWZGJM from New Mexico  answered…5mos5MO

This subject is incredibly touchy, CRISPR in the wrong hands is awful, but at the same could change everything. CRISPR is inherently good, but Regulation IS important.

 @9VVKXLJIndependent from Virginia  answered…5mos5MO

Yes, while I disagree with most government regulation, it should not be possible to modify the human body in such a way for no real benefit.

 @9DHGFPDIndependent  from Michigan  answered…5mos5MO

Yes, but not for cloning or picking attributes like beauty, height, intelligence, etc. It should only be used for preventing disease.

 @9VRXLV4 from Texas  answered…5mos5MO

only for personal wants of consumption but the government should pay and try and get it more implemented

 @9VRN6MN from Arizona  answered…5mos5MO

There is a thin line in regards to the research and would like strict guidelines on this if implemented

 @9VRKCB2 from Utah  answered…5mos5MO

Yes, CRISPR technology should be ethically used. Government needs to ensure the constitutional liberties of all are maintained.

 @9VQKSFV from Ohio  answered…5mos5MO

To an extent; scientists involved and these studies and government officials should work hand in hand for the mutual betterment of human health and society.

 @9VN9QSV from Virginia  answered…5mos5MO

Yes, there should be some regulation to ensure safety, but it also allows for innovation and progress.

 @9VMM56H from Iowa  answered…5mos5MO

Yes, it's dangerous to give those with the financial means the ability to substantially alter the qualities of their children, and it also violates the child's rights to decide to alter their appearance before they can elect to do so

 @9VM6WN5 from Oklahoma  answered…5mos5MO

Yes but the government needs to have experts in the field to understand the research being done, and not rely on Congress or political segments to make laws or rules on something they don't even grasp. Scientific research should not be used for political gain of senators or representatives.

  @Jack from Kentucky  answered…5mos5MO

Yes and ban the use of human genetic modification for everything except hereditary disease prevention

 @9VGBTGK from Texas  answered…5mos5MO

At this point, I don't think the technology is commercially available enough to be regulated by the government.


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