The 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings caused several states and cities to pass strict gun control measures. In response, state lawmakers in gun friendly states in the South and West passed bills that would strengthen Stand Your Ground laws and allow weapons in most public places. In 2014, 21 states passed laws that expanded the rights of gun owners allowing them to possess firearms in churches, bars, schools and college campuses. The federal government has not passed any gun control measures since the 1994 Brady Bill and 42 states now allow the possession of assault rifles. In the U.S. two-thirds of all gun deaths are suicides and in 2010 there were 19,000 firearm suicides and 11,000 firearm homicides.
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@9GHH4K9 1yr1Y
Top Agreement
Kids killing kids is a problem in today's society. A man with easy access to guns, can simply go out and buy one. Get in the bus with it hidden, and go to your child's school and massacre everyone in that school, including your kid.
The 2nd amendment gives everyone the right to bear arms. While murder is totally wrong, it would be unconstitutional to deny people the right to carry a gun.
While I do not entirely disagree, always remember, one persons rights end where another persons begins. Where someone’s right to bear arms exists, the minute it crosses over someone’s right to LIFE there is an issue. When someone, who has the constitutional right to own a fire arm, aims and fires at an innocent child who has the constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that right to bear arms is no longer that simple. Owning a gun is fine, but they should be regulated and not end up in the hands of someone who is not mentally stable enough to hold a wea… Read more
Its impossible to legislate gun control. Its an intangible theory. The biggest way that individuals who should not have guns obtain them is by theft, and usually by vehicle break in. Do not leave a firearm in your glovebox or console or trunk, ever
If the second amendment is outdated and only apply to muskets. Then that makes the first amendment even older. So anyone that says that, I hope you like going back to pen and paper as your only way of comunitcation. Also, guns save more lives than they take every year. And cars kill more people than all gun deaths combined. You if you really want to ban the thing that can kill the most and the fastest, than I hope you are going to be with the idea to ban cars.
“it would be unconstitutional to deny people the right to carry a gun.”
Yes I agree with you but nobody said that they would restrict anyone from buying a gun... it's just a discussion on if we should establish stricter gun rules or not.
Either way you say it limiting access is the same as restricting access. The question is where's the line and when does it infringe on the 2nd amendment. It's about a balance of public safety and not infringing on the 2nd amendment. Most people would agree children should not have access, those with a violent criminal past should not have access etc. etc. the main issue is where is that line drawn for the average adult American.
these are my thoughts exactly
yes this is right
So you think bloodthirsty animals who mow down helpless and innocent Kindergarteners are going to give a d@mn about laws against owning guns, or restricting the purchase thereof? Do you honestly think scumbags who couldn't care less about laws against cold-blooded murder are going to respect gun control laws? Do you think they're just going to say to themselves, "Dang it! I wanted to massacre a bunch of innocent children, but it turns out it's illegal to own the gun I wanted to do that with. Never mind! It's wrong to break the law, after all." Of course not. The only people on this planet who are going to obey gun control laws are people who would never dream of using guns for anything but hunting and self-defense.Read more
Statistics prove you right.
In the United States even if there was a ban on all guns for citizens, there would still be criminals that can get there hands on a gun and murder an inocent person with nothing to defend themselfs.
I think it's more about if it was harder to obtain a weapon that could do such damage it would deter those obviously sick in the head people into doing it in the first place. Making it a process to obtain a gun won't stop tragedies from happening 100% of the time, but if even one child could be saved from it, I think it's worth trying to do something different. It would mean there are less guns on the street period, and those of sound mind and of proper age would have nothing to worry about in regard to obtaining a gun. I am very much pro 2nd amendment; I think a lot less crimes against women would happen if every woman carried a gun and had the knowledge to use it well. If every man who attacked a women knew that they were carrying it would deter them from attacking them.
#3 Engaged Domestic Policy Informed Gun Control
I strongly agree with you, people you use guns for murder or other malicious intents are criminals, and most probably would care getting a gun through illegal ways.
Trained personnel, in the right places, would ensure that this would never happen. Mass shootings, like the one in Maine yesterday, wouldn't have occurred if a concealed weapons permit holder with a weapon, had been around. There will always be evil men and they will always find a way to enact their depravity. The overwhelming majority of gun owners are law-abiding citizens others are safer because of.
Additionally, nine of my ancestors fought in the American Revolutionary War to give us the right to protect ourselves from enemies both foreign and domestic. I will NEVER give up my right to protect myself and my family!
But if a teacher ALSO had a gun, she could mow down that scumbag in two seconds flat instead of having to wait half an hour for the police to get there.
Yes that would be good but what if the teacher is the shooter
Then the school system has fallen even lower than it already is.
"Won't shoot the people who they're responsible for" is a very low standard of trust compared to everything that we already expect from teachers.
@9GFFTZP 1yr1Y
if people weren't able to walk around with guns then other people wouldn't feel endangered, and they wouldn't feel that they'd have to carry around a gun as well.
It is our constitutional right to own and carry firearms and no laws are going to prevent bad guys from owning and carrying firearms either
A gun isn’t the issue, it’s the mentally ill people that walk around thinking it’s okay to kill children that are the issue.
So you agree, there should more regulations in place to make it so that firearms do not end up in the wrong persons hands such as background checks, mental health evaluations, etc?
I definitely agree that people who are mentally ill shouldn't have a gun. However, I think this is where "preventative practices" would be beneficial. Instead of focusing on banning or restricting firearms, we should focus on initiatives for mentally ill people to receive treatment so they don't have thoughts of killing people. I agree that there should be some restrictions for the mentally ill, but if we start paying more attention to mental health treatment, and incentivise it, then the issue of restriction would be less necessary.
That's a utopia I'd love to see. But in the meantime, in the real world, people carry guns for a myriad of reasons, often for their own personal security. Your suggestion seems to overlook that reality.
We can ensure that responsible, law-abiding citizens who feel the need for protection can still obtain firearms.
Take Australia for example, they implemented strict gun control after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996. The regulations didn’t prevent people from owning guns entirely but made the process more rigorous. Subsequently, both gun-related homicides and suicides saw a significant decrease.
The Government has nuclear bombs and Tomahawk missiles and you won't let us have what are peashooters by comparison. The Government will inevitably become more tyrannical if it does not fear & respect the people, and if the people do not have the capacity to defend themselves against tyranny.
No matter what people are somehow going to get their hands on a gun, its happened before in places like Britain. Either way it is sewn into our constitution ot bear arms. We should be allowed a gun to protect ourselves and our country
@9G3MTS2 1yr1Y
Every day, 116 Americans lose their lives as a result of gun violence. Guns play a crucial role in the majority of suicide deaths. In comparison to other nations, America has some of the laxest gun laws. In America there are also more guns than people, with about 120.5 guns for every 100 residents.
They need to change the caliber and size of guns certain people can purchase based on experience and trust with types of firearms
How could young people become hunters, then? Or do something like 4H shooting sports?
There has been too many cases of people being victims of shooting be those who are not mentally well so there should be more restrictions on gun control to prevent this
Agreed. I think guns should still be allowed in America obviously, but they need to do stricter background checks and verification before a person can buy one.
Every day, 116 Americans lose their lives as a result of gun violence. Guns play a crucial role in the majority of suicide deaths. In comparison to other nations, America has some of the laxest gun laws and the highest number of firearms.
Gun possession should be accompanied with adequate liability insurance to cover the loss of injured and dead.
The concept of "insurance" against intentional criminal acts is fundamentally absurd and slanderous.
Prosecute the **** bricks who murder innocent civilians, not the normal person on the other side of town.
I agree with this comment about gun control. America needs to enforce stricter laws on gun control and the processes of purchasing a gun.
There should be many restrictions to gun use and purchase instated, such as mental health screening and intense background checks.
I believe we should raise the regulations on guns, but keep the constitutional right for anyone of age to bear arms.
@9FNZWSR 1yr1Y
Top Disagreement
There should be more restrictions because if sellers gave thorough investigation on why someone wanted to buy a gun there there would be less gun violence.
absolutely, I belive that in order to get a gun license you should have to go through extensive background checks and tests to show mental stability and courses educating the buyer on on how to properly handle a gun, aswell as having to wait up to 2 weeks after buying a gun to recieve it, which has been shown to greatly reduce the rates of impulsive gun violence and suicide.
@NationalGuy47 2mos2MO
#3 Engaged Domestic Policy Informed Gun Control
There would be barely any less gun violence from that, if even less at all, the type of people that would hurt someone with a gun wouldn't care to get a gun through illegal means, meanwhile law abiding citizens couldn't defend themselves and possibly get murdered because someone thought that they didn't have a good reason to have a gun.
I agree with this statement because I believe if we did effective background checks on people buying guns, we can see who is eligible to be a responsible gun owner.
@9F9PSDLIndependent 1yr1Y
I really think they should be banned but I know that's too much to ask so I think we should go the Japan route. Make them expensive and require a lot of yearly training and fees.
@9G2BGZ4 1yr1Y
If someone is going to do something like, rob a bank, or shoot up a school, they are not worried about the weapon they're using is illegal. They are going to obtain them whether or not threw a legal or illegal way.
Making a certain weapons illegal as well as creating more limitations on the purchasing on firearms will make it increasingly more difficult to purchase the weapon. There is also the issue that if the weapon is illegal then their friend, parents, whoever is much less likely to leave it lying around for someone to take and use in an illegal way.
Lots more restrictions will reduce the number of school shootings and robberies and shootings in general.
They will be used in self defense. If I lay my gun in the street it wont kill anyone its the people using the gun
Well people aren’t picking the guns off the street now are they? Nope! Last time I checked the gun was never at the swing-set, people are getting them from their own homes that were purchased from somewhere else, that also was not a street with a random firearm. People give the gun the power to do the killing, but the gun sure does make it easier to do the killing, doesn’t it? Removing/making it more difficult for someone to obtain a weapon like that is necessary
But why would we make it easier for them to be obtained by doing nothing to stop it in the first place?
They are not going to worry because a 22 lr can do the same damage compared to a 9mm or a 45. They are going to obtain the suspect how ever they can if its going to save lifes.
@9HNJSK5Republican 1yr1Y
I said "No" towards gun control bc I believe that gun control is a violation of the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution. I think what should happen is better training, education, and emphasis on how we should and shouldn't behave. I also think there should be a law where gun owners have to lock away their weapons when they're not using them. That way, we can keep them away from children and have responsible people owning a gun.
The point of allowing everyone to have guns was to prevent something like the British takeover from happening again, and now since that threat is over, we should interpret it for how it is, which is living document, and understand the original intent and not just blindly follow it.
I wouldn't put it past the Govt. to try to take over the people by force.
I think that gunst should be controlled, because it only takes 1 person with daddy issues to go pick up a gun and shoot up a school, and I think that they should ratify and get rid of the second amendment.
But what about the people using these tools in self defense? It's not the guns its the people using them. If I lay my gun in the street, it wont kill anyone.
@9HNJSK5Republican 1yr1Y
The problem with getting rid of the 2nd Amendment entirely is the fact that it's impossible to do. Getting rid of an entire Amendment means that the Supreme Court and Congress have to then rewrite a 200 and something year old law that didn't need to be ratified or get rid of
And it only takes one Hero to draw a gun and shoot down that maniac. Take away guns from law-abiding men and you give criminals a monopoly over firearms and weaponry. Brilliant.
But what about the people using these tools in self defense??? It's not the guns its the people using them. If I lay my gun in the street, it wont kill anyone
There should be little gun control. Too much gun control would be violating the 2nd Amendment, but I believe that there should be more background checks to help prevent shootings.
Gun control is a violation of the 2nd Amendment of the United States. In my personal opinion, cops should have a right to carry a gun on them at all times even when they are not on duty.
Yes, require strict background checks, psychological testing, and training
@VeggieleezyDemocrat 1yr1Y
Top Agreement
Buying a firearm should not be easier than buying cough medicine at the pharmacy, and owning a gun doesn't make someone instantly an expert in its safe usage unless their intent is deliberately unsafe use. Existing gun control laws need to be more strictly enforced, and the ability to purchase firearms, especially assault rifles, should come with stricter background checks and clearances. Also, gun owners should be required to keep their weapons safely and securely locked in their homes to prevent accidental use or deaths, and anyone who purchases guns should go through training to use them safely.
The right to keep and bear arms is as fundamental to the United States of America as the freedom of speech we utilize to discuss it. You cannot have one without the other; that is where the conversation starts from. We take the wrong approach to changing the impact guns have on the lives of Americans. Rather than hiding them away, as we did with drugs, prostitution and human trafficking, and mental health, we must push them into the light.
1. Gun familiarity, (safety and respect) should be taught in the schools.
2. The federal government should establish publicly accessible mental health… Read more
I agree with this statement, the sale of military grade guns have become way too prevalent and unregulated.
"Military grade" only means that it's durable and cheap, if anything.
One could go out and do the same amount of damage with a .22 LR as with an AK-47.
Buying a firearm is the inherent right of all Americans and any freedom-seeking individuals who wish to either break free from an oppressive regime or to establish a free society. This tool is a good check on government authority. Both cough medicine and firearms should be easy to obtain. The safe use of firearms is already practiced by a large majority of firearm users, and the restriction of obtaining, possessing, securing, and using firearms will only be met with revolutionary action. “By the people, for the people” will be suppressed if firearms rights are restricted. Not can be, WILL be.
@9GNDP2VLibertarian 1yr1Y
There are already restrictive gun laws in many states. I support the gun laws requiring stringent background checks, not allowing sale of guns to those with mental illness or history of felons. However; most of these gun laws are not ENFORCED! What good are good laws that are not backed up? More aggression in the enforcement of gun sales is needed.
these laws literally are enforced just go to a gun store and try to buy a gun
Although you have made good statements, more gun control rules are taking away our constitution right to the second amendment.
@9GNDP2VLibertarian 1yr1Y
Allowing guns to be sold to folks with known mental health issues is taking away the right to life of our school children and other innocent bystanders. Some folks should not have access to guns.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed." Need I say more.
these laws literally are enforced just go to a gun store and try to buy a gun
@9F9PSDLIndependent 1yr1Y
They should have a psych exam and go through multiple training and handling courses. They should also not be allowed to own a gun if they have any red flags in the background check. You should also get references from people outside the family.
@9FTJW64 1yr1Y
Supporting strict background checks, psychological testing, and training is vital for effective gun control. Studies show that countries with comprehensive gun control measures have significantly lower rates of firearm-related deaths. Background checks can prevent individuals with criminal records or mental health issues from accessing guns, reducing the risk of violent incidents. Psychological testing and training ensure that gun owners are mentally stable and proficient in firearm handling, promoting responsible ownership. These measures, backed by evidence, prioritize public safety without infringing on citizens' rights, making them essential components of a sensible gun control policy.
I agree, I would also like to add that we should have routine mental health checks. This would ensure gun owners aren't in poor mental health while still in possession of a firearm.
A "mental health check" is nothing more than "does this shrink have a grudge against me or my choices", since "mental health" is far too subjective and pseudoscientific to be the basis of any restrictions.
Also, I forgot to mention the comically high costs (not just fees, but also just having enough experts to deal with the process).
@B3MH69J 7 days7D
“Studies show that countries with comprehensive gun control measures have significantly lower rates of firearm-related deaths.”
More gun control doesn't directly change gun deaths. In fact, Mexico has some of the strictest gun control in the world, but in 2012, they had more gun deaths than the U.S. had by about 2,000 people. Even today, Mexico has a higher crime and murder rate than the U.S. has. Brazil has the highest amount of gun-related deaths in 2024, and they have stricter gun control than the U.S. And I think we all know the reason why: the cartels. But, the cartels prove how gun control doesn't work. They don't just waltz into the ONE gun store in Mexico and buy a gun. No, they smuggle them int… Read more
No, only for criminals and the mentally ill
@9F8SQZQ 1yr1Y
Top Disagreement
Many of the criminals or mentally ill citizens that perform acts of gun violence are not consider criminals or mentally ill until after they have performed these crimes. The stakes are too high to assume that an otherwise healthy and stable person cannot one day become an unstable person that may harm other people.
People who have a criminal history should not be trusted with guns unless they are 100% reformed, and even that isn't enough. People who are mentally ill shouldn't be trusted with guns either because we don't know what they are going through and what they might do with a gun if they were given one.
Criminals should not be trusted with firearms. For those with mental issues, it depends on the condition and the severity.
Yes, I agree. Those who have committed violence before or who are mentally unstable should not be allowed to have a gun with which they could hurt or kill people.
I don't think criminals should have access to guns. I think that some people can have guns but not everyone.
#4 Engaged Domestic Policy Engaged Gun Control
Criminals don't have guns and if they do they likely got it from an illegal gun seller or smuggler (most often illegal immigrants)
If someone have criminal background and they try and purchase a gun I think they should be denied it because you have no proof that they won’t harm anyone with it
Having a felony conviction that wasn't pardoned, being a fugitive, and any history of unlawful drug use is enough to make someone a prohibited person.
All of those (except drug use which lacks a criminal record, obviously) are already part of the NICS check system, which must be done for every potential gun buyer (some states exempt concealed carry permit holders which already are checked daily).
The main problem is that some police agencies don't report incidents for months or years after. This can be fixed without imposing more invasive measures on gun buyers.
All people have the capacity to be dangerous such weapons should not be available to the public without harsh process of license so people who have them are well evaluated and educated.
@9GMCDCQ 1yr1Y
All people have the capacity to be dangerous such weapons should not be available to the public without harsh process of license so people who have them are well evaluated and educated.
Many of the criminals or mentally ill citizens that perform acts of gun violence are not consider criminals or mentally ill until after they have performed these crimes. The stakes are too high to assume that an otherwise healthy and stable person cannot one day become an unstable person that may harm other people.
Well, I actually agree since nowadays it is easy to get a Weapon. Because possibly the parents have them at home or falsify the ID.
I agree that all people have the capacity to be dangerous so everyone should have a thorough background check and the process to own a gun should be intricate.
No, and the government should pass a national “stand your ground” law
@Jordan-Souza 1yr1Y
Top Agreement
Every citizen has the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We should be allowed to protect our lives at any cost.
@ewskivNatural Law 1yr1Y
From my point of view the right to protect one's life is important, there is a need for responsible regulation and the consideration of public safety to prevent gun violence and protect the lives all all citizens. The debate over gun control is often about striking a balance between individual rights and societal well-being.
Every citizen in this country has the birthright to own weapons, whether for sport, practice, hunting, or to defend themselves, their family, friends, property, or livelihood from attackers, weather that be a street criminal, or from a power they are holding accountable or civil unrest, we should be allowed to protect our lives at any cost and with whatever weapon we so choose, and the regulation and restriction of that freedom, from acquisition to use, should not exist in any manner, as when the government controls the weapons we have to a point that we do not have the same weapons as the… Read more
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