A sanctuary city is a city that adopts local policies designed to not prosecute people solely for being an undocumented individual in the country in which they are currently living. In January 2017, President Trump issued an executive order that would withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities. In April 2017 a federal judge ruled that Trump’s order was unconstitutional.
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Sanctuary cities such as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles have all admitted that they cannot afford to support the number of migrants currently seeking sanctuary. The number arriving to their cities has been overwhelming financially, and crime has increased. They are also running out of shelters. People are living in the streets.
This is why border control is necessary.
Across the world, border control has been a proven necessity for civilizations through out history.
Although I understand why certain cities would like to undergo humanitarian efforts, it is undeniable that border security, and all of the problems surrounding it, have become a massive issue for the US that many of the states have been divided over. It is unreasonable that sanctuary cities should receive federal funding, as the government should not use taxpayer money that comes from people who reside in states where they will be inherently against it. This violates the founding principles of America as a union of states where the input of all people is to be respected. Only those who states democratically voted to have sanctuary cities should fund sanctuary cities, and others who aren't in support of them should not be expected to pay for the lack of border security.
There are plenty of domestic issues in this country. Why spend money supporting people who come here illegally instead of all the problems at home.
It costs too much in taxpayer money. Our citizens struggle every day to make a living. They shouldn’t have their money taken away for illegal immigrants.
America first. States cannot afford to harbor these individuals. They need to get turned away and deported.
Why should illegal immigrants be funded by legal citizen's tax dollars, I think sanctuary cities should be abolished, and all illegal immigrants should be deported.
No, and we should ban the use of sanctuary cities
That is absolutely nonsensical, if cities want to become a safe haven for immigrants it is absolutely in their right to do so, especially since the process to become a citizen is too lengthy.
Yes but decrease the amount of sanctuary cities.
Governments shouldn't be funding cities, and illegal immigrants from some countries have lower IQ’s and are more violent that Americans.
No, we should spend money on reforming our broken immigration system to ease the path to citizenship instead. Then illegal immigration won’t be an issue and sanctuary cities will be irrelevant
No, funding should be directed towards fixing our broken immigration system, not funding cities that perpetuate the existing crisis
No, federal funding is unconstitutional
How would you react if someone close to you shared that they were living in your city without documents—how would it influence your perspective?
It would depend if they have a job & are wanting to be here in the US to work & make their life better by contributing to society not by living off the government.
i don't care as long as they don't bother me or is doing stupid things.
I wouldn't be affected but it doesn't matter to me
Sanctuary cities should be subject to the same conditions on federal funding as all other cities, so that the federal government can deny funding to a sanctuary city but not because of the policies designed to not prosecute people solely for being undocumented.
No, but leave it at the state and local levels.
We should allow states to decide wether or not they want sanctuary cities and eliminate federal funding and construction of sanctuary cities
@9ZLWXN2 4mos4MO
No, provide additional funding or resources to jurisdictions that enhance cooperation with ICE rather than punishing those that do not
Yes, but only because every city already receives some degree of federal funding. This level should not be increased for sanctuary cities.
No, funding should be devoted to fixing our broken immigration system and ending all reasons for the existence of illegal immigration, not subsidizing cities that help perpetuate the problem
No, we should address the root problem of illegal immigration and focus on reforming the broken system. Then sanctuary cities wouldn’t exist in the first place
@Sam-From-The-Pool 1yr1Y
Sanctuary cities should not be necessary; we should adopt laws that federally protect undocumented immigrants
This is a weird question. I don't think the federal government should be redistributing wealth. Illegal immigration sanctuary cities are a mistake; however, nullifying federal laws should be more common.
No, We don't need Sanctuary Cities, we need to make legalization a little more accessible. Then sanctuary cities wouldn’t be necessary
@9L4Z23BIndependent 10mos10MO
No, any state with sanctuary cities should not be eligible to receive grants and loans through federal programs
No, because no city should receive federal funding
Yes, but decrease the amount of sanctuary cities.
Yes, but to a limited extent.
Yes as much as other cities
@B3S2HKG4 days4D
Should support undocumented people who have no criminal history and work to have them documented if not why would there be funding people who continue to be undocumented
@B3RSQGD4 days4D
Yes, but to help those immigrants get background checks, take an oath to legality, and obtain tests for papers.
@B3R2FHX5 days5D
All cities should receive federal funding. Federal government should not be able to determine a "sanctuary city" from a non sanctuary city.
@B3QM2V96 days6D
No their government should be impeached, removed from office for breaking a federal law and given time for treason.
@PKhaos 6 days6D
Yes, how to deal with migrants (work visas etc.) should be handled locally by the state and grant them the power to expel migrants not given protection federally. National citizenship and permanent residency is the only concern of federal government.
Yes, but give immigrants a certain amount of time to get citizenship before they are deported back to their original country.
Yes, but decrease the amount of scantyary cities, the illegals should get a work visa and legal work in the US, or the illegal should have a skill that benefits the country.
Sanctuary cities such as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles have all admitted that they cannot afford to support the number of migrants currently seeking sanctuary. The number arriving to their cities has been overwhelming financially, and crime has increased. They are also running out of shelters. People are living in the streets.
No, if immigrants are not yet a governmentally recognized citizen and/or not paying taxes, they shouldn’t receive benefits that they don’t contribute to or if they have not been properly background checked/deemed fit to be a citizen.
Yes, but implement strict policies allowing police to run background checks on suspected gang members, but also allowing noncriminal, undocumented immigrants greater protection from deportation
yes but they can only be an undocumented individual of the country for up to two months before getting kicked out.
Why have a government funded place to hide from the government? Just get rid of the government problem.
Money for medical treatment or house should be available, but randomly handling money such as stimulus checks should be optional.
They should receive funding if said cities support everyone (not just immigrants). They should work towards creating an environment where everyone is respected.
Yes, as they are still cities within the U.S., and shouldn't be discriminated against based on who lives there.
if there are legal citizens there, they should have access to federal funding, but not the people or institutions that protect illegal citizens that are breaking our laws.
No, unless sanctuary cities are reformed to serve the purpose that the cities of refuge served in ancient Israel as described in Numbers 35.
Yes, but sanctuary cities should have to pay more in state tax; if the state doesn't require a tax, then raise the income tax on undocumented workers.
This is a difficult question, because it's asking should Illegal Immigrants from any countries be punished for living in a place that they feel is better for their lives automatically.
Now, I believe in a system that is EFFECTIVE at allowing people in legally, and those who come here legally and have waited years are disadvantaged versus Illegal Immigrants purely on the basis of let's say Time for example.
The funding requirements that a sanctuary city would require are probably not overly exorbitant, but I believe that as this country is overall led by our Government at the Administ… Read more
Regardless, immigrants of all documentation statuses are too vital to our existing economic system that mass deportations of nonviolent undocumented persons does more harm than good and the government should not persecute our neighbors with these racist policies
I believe that sanctuary cities should receive funding because they provide essential services to everyone, including education and health. But I also understand that some people think that if they don't follow immigration laws, they shouldn't receive federal money. Perhaps the solution would be for the funds to depend on what they are used for, rather than just whether the city is a sanctuary or not.
Yes, only if the people in that city actually try to become citizens and learn the culture and the language
Federal funding should be given if anything is left after helping and supporting our own citizens, even our retired veterans instead of giving it away.
I think if your home country is so bad you have to flea then you should be able to seek sanctuary in the US as long as they abide by laws and aren't trafficking and killing i don't feel its unconstitutional.
yes becuase most city have one illegal immigrants so it mean cut funding for most cities will lose there funding.
No because they chose to be in a sanctuary city however if they didnt choose to be in the sanctuary city then yes I think they should receive funding.
Yes I believe so because to get doca takes time you have to be a certain age, and if fled, at a young age, to the US and are trying to become a citizen it takes time but that shouldn't stop you from getting health and medical assistance
They should, but simultaneously, should find more effective ways for immigrants to eventually follow the path of naturalization and becoming a legal citizen instead of simply leaving the problem to stay as bad as it is
Yes, and increase the amount of sanctuary cities. A lot of these people are refugees who had to flee violence and/or warfare without adequate time to prepare documents, let alone pack much of anything.
They should still receive federal funding, but not any for the illegal immigrants that may be residing within the city.
I think that the cities should be given more funding to provide illegal immigrants with the chance and opportunity to become citizens and get a good job.
they should be able to receive federal funding, but it is only when necessary and they would have to abide by federal law to get it
Some but not all federal funding should be pulled. Funding towards things like infrastructure should still be maintained.
No, No, we should spend money on reforming our broken immigration system to ease the path to citizenship instead. Then illegal immigration won’t be an issue.
Sanctuary Cities should only exist if you are fleeing your country from a threat, or you can not get the care you need that can support you living from where you originally are from.
Yes, but let us get to a point that we no longer need them in the first place. Every city should be one in the first place.
Yes, but penalise local authorities and companies if they knowingly employ illegal immigrants and exploit them.
Of course but the money shouldn’t be spent on anything related to managing the effects of their sanctuary policies.
Sanctuary cities should only receive a certain amount of funding based on how many immigrants are in the city on average, if the city exceeds the limit they should deport those who have been there the longest if it causes problems. The federal funding can also be used for keeping more police to watch over the cities if there is an increase in crime.
I think sanctuary cities should still receive federal funding, but not as much as what people are trying to push for.
Well, if they are here illegally, there is no reason that we should reward them in any kind of way for breaking the law. The government wouldn't fund a city that hides people who evade taxes, would it?
Yes, but federal spending should be lowered to account for whatever is being spent on illegal immigrants. For example, money the federal government gives to states to healthcare. Whatever money the state budgets for illegal immigrants should be subtracted from federal funding
I feel as though requested grants should be the only federally allocated money for sanctuary cities.
No, they should be immediately removed with all sanctuary guidelines. These places are to be immediately demolished and all participators are to be labeled as tyrants and arrested for housing illegal immigrants which are considered felons.
I think if sanctuary cities are going to exist they should receive federal funding for helping illegal immigrants get citizenship, or at the very least a work visa, and illegal immigrants should have to pay taxes on all money earned like everyone else. Illegal immigrants need to be documented. They are coming over here to work to send money home to their families. Which is fine but they should be taxed for everything they do while they are over here just like we are as citizens. We have all sorts of funding for schools and housing for undocumented people. We are waisitng a lot of money on undocumented indivduals and not spending it on our own legal citizens. Basically we help everyone else but ourselves.
Yes but the funding should be directed toward the vetting process and helping people get their citizenship.
Yes, but companies must report when they employ illegal immigrants. (this is to make sure they don't have the immigrants work then report them to ICE and not have to pay them.)
Yes but only for federal programs not related to sanctuary cities. Like funding for public education not pro sanctuary policies or programs.
Yes but increase the number of sanctuary cities but place a percentage of that city’s initial population at the time as the limit allowed
Yes, but there should be both a fine for illegal immigrants and a decrease in the amount of sanctuary cities.
No, but put stipulations on federal funds not allowing expenditures on illegal immigrant related programs
yes if those undocumanted individuals are paying taxes or some way benefiting country or contributing to it like going to schools or college
I would only do federal funding for legal immigrants and send illegal immigrants back to there country.
I don't think they should necessarily receive federal funding but they should not be degraded or disturbed.
Sanctuary cities shouldnt get federal funding, they COULD get state or other type of local funding tho.
Yes they should receive federal funding, however only funds that don't directly go to funding the lifestyles of illegal immigrants
no not a whole lot only enough for them to make good money and to keep the area around them save and very beautiful.
I believe every city should have federal funding, why is it called America if it isn't taken care of even if it has immigrants to seek the same American dream as anyone.
yes i believe help should be given but to a certain extent and the funding should not be super massive
Yes, However most funding must come from taxes like all other cities. Illegals must become citizens within a fair timeframe before getting deported
@B2Z3HDBIndependent 4wks4W
Yes, but acknowledge their capability of helping out on jobs, they don't have to receive all the funding but they have to put their own effort.
Yes, but only as much as necessary. In the past, the government has given too much funding to the support of illegal immigrants in our nation. I think some funding should be given, but only a certain amount.
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