
Jason Smith’s policies on healthcare issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average American voter ranked them on the quiz.


医保  ›  COVID Mask Mandate

Should the federal government require people to wear face masks in public during the COVID pandemic?

JS>JS  Jason Smith voterbase

医保  ›  Stay At Home Order

Should the government enforce a “stay-at-home” order to combat the coronavirus?

  Party’s support base是的

医保  ›  COVID-19 Vaccine

Will you get the Covid-19 vaccine once it is ready?

  Party’s support base

医保  ›  药品价格监管


JS>JS  Jason Smith voterbase不,政府绝不应该管控私营企业的定价

医保  ›  Pre-Existing Conditions

Should health insurers be allowed to deny coverage to individuals who have a pre-existing condition?

  Party’s support baseNo, it is immoral to deny health insurance to people with pre-existing conditions

医保  ›  Masks on Public Transportation

Should the Federal government mandate that masks be worn by all people on public transportation?

  Party’s support base

医保  ›  精神健康


  Party’s support base应该,但是只应增加个性化护理方面的资金,而不是资助制药公司

医保  ›  Stay-At-Home Order

When should your state end the “Stay at Home” order and reopen its economy?

  Party’s support baseMay 1st

医保  ›  大麻


  Party’s support base是的,但是只应该用于医药用途。

医保  ›  医疗补助


JS>JS  Jason Smith voterbase

医保  ›  单一支付者医保


JS>JS  Jason Smith voterbase

医保  ›  COVID Employment Health Pass

Should the government require employees of large businesses to be vaccinated from COVID?

  Party’s support base

医保  ›  Medicaid Work Requirement

Should people be required to work in order to receive Medicaid?

  Party’s support base是的

医保  ›  安全港


JS>JS  Jason Smith voterbase不应该,这会促进药物的使用和减少康复中心的资金

医保  ›  Medicare Drug Prices

Should the federal government be allowed to negotiate drug prices for Medicare?

JS>JS  Jason Smith voterbase不,政府不应该干涉自由市场

医保  ›  Vaccine Mandates for Customers

Should private businesses have the right to ask customers for their vaccination status?

  Party’s support base

医保  ›  World Health Organization

Should the government fund the World Health Organization?

  Party’s support base

医保  ›  奥巴马医改


JS>JS  Jason Smith voterbase

医保  ›  退伍军人事务私有化


JS>JS  Jason Smith voterbase更多,退伍军人应该可以去看任何他们选择的医生

医保  ›  Vaccine Passports

Should the government issue vaccine passports?

  Party’s support base

医保  ›  Medical Consensus

Should medical boards penalize doctors who give health advice that contradicts contemporary scientific consensus?

  Party’s support base