
Alex Skarlatos’ policy on mandatory vaccinations

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average American voter ranked them on the quiz.



  Alex Skarlatos voterbase

Alex Skarlatos’ answer is based on the following data:

Updated 15小时前

Alex Skarlatos voters

回答: 不

重要性: 更不 重要

Reference: Analysis of answers from 136 voters that voted for Alex Skarlatos in the 2022 Oregon District 4 US House of Representatives election.

This candidate’s support base disagrees with their political party on this issue.

Party influence

共和党人 党派 回答: 是的,它们对保护其他对接种疫苗来说还太小的孩子来说是至关重要的

重要性: 更不 重要

Reference: “House Republicans allied themselves definitively on the side of public health at a hearing Tuesday, breaking from Kentucky Sen. ...” ‐politico.com

Personal answer

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Voting record

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Donor influence

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Public statements

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Updated 1min ago

Party’s support base

共和党人 党派 Voters’ 回答: 是的,但是豁免那些其宗教信仰禁止注射疫苗的孩子。

重要性: 更 重要

Reference: Analysis of answers from 162,806 voters that identify as Republican.

See any errors? Suggest corrections to this candidate’s stance here