تاریخ پیدائش:
- November 29, 1971 (53 پرانے سال)
تعلیم پر:
- Mount Marty College
- Mount Marty University
- Northern State University
- Secondary School
- South Dakota State University
سیاسی تجربہ
مقام منعقد:
- Governor of South Dakota
- member of the South Dakota House of Representatives
- member of the United States House of Representatives
- United States representative
- United States Secretary of Homeland Security
پیشہ ورانہ تجربہ
- Agriculturalist
- Beauty Pageant Contestant
- Cattle Rancher
- Civil Servant
- Farmer
- Politician
- Rancher
- Writer
کام کا شعبہ:
- Agriculture
- agriculture OGM