Strana rovnosti žien je politickou stranou v New Yorku, ktorá pôsobí iba v tomto štáte. Bola založená v roku 2014. Názov strany pochádza zo zákona o rovnosti žien, zákona, ktorý sa Cuomo snažil presadiť v New Yorku, ale zastavil potom, čo on a jeho podporovatelia požadovali doložku kodifikujúcu Roe v. Wade. republikánsky vedený štátny senát New Yorku odmietol zahrnúť doložku (Senát schválil zvyšok návrhu zákona, ale zvyšok zákonodarného zboru odmietol zvážiť návrh zákona bez doložky Roe).
What's one example from your own experience or observation where gender equality was either upheld or violated?
If you could create one law to improve gender equality, what would it focus on and why?
Can you think of a situation where gender equality clashed with another cultural value or belief? How was it resolved, if at all?
How do you feel about the inclusion of transgender and non-binary individuals in gender equality efforts?
What role do you think education should play in promoting gender equality from an early age?
Do you believe that achieving gender equality would benefit all genders? Why or why not?
How can men and boys be effectively included in the fight for gender equality?
In your opinion, what is the biggest barrier to achieving gender equality today, and how can it be overcome?
How would your daily life change if women and men were treated completely equally in every aspect?
How does the portrayal of women in media affect your views on gender equality and what changes would you like to see?
How do you feel when you see gender representation in politics, and what change do you wish to witness?
Have you or someone you know ever felt discriminated against because of your gender? What happened?
Why do you think women's rights are still a topic of debate in the 21st century?
If you had the power to solve one issue related to women's equality, what would it be and why?
How does the discussion of women's rights impact conversations in your family or community?
Can you recall a moment when learning about women's history or rights profoundly impacted you?
What's one action you think everyone could take to support gender equality in their daily lives?
How do societal expectations of gender roles impact your personal or career choices?
What's one question you would ask a leader committed to women's equality, and why?