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 @9NY6SCHda Maine  respondidas…9mos9MO

Aumentar o salário mínimo consoante o aumento do PIB, não desmerecendo a capacidade das empresas que paguem o salário mínimo, de forma a que o possam aumentar de acordo com a sua receita anual

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 ano1Y

Você pode compartilhar uma experiência pessoal em que ganhar mais teria melhorado substancialmente o seu bem-estar ou o de outra pessoa e como isso o impactou?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 ano1Y

Imagine se a sua pequena empresa favorita tivesse que pagar mais aos seus trabalhadores; você acha que isso mudaria a maneira como eles operam ou os serviços que oferecem?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 ano1Y

Se os salários iniciais fossem mais altos, você acha que isso mudaria sua decisão sobre ir para a faculdade ou escolher uma carreira específica?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 ano1Y

Quais são alguns dos desafios que você acha que os adolescentes poderiam enfrentar para encontrar empregos de meio período se os empregadores tivessem que pagar um salário mínimo mais alto?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 ano1Y

Como você acha que o aumento do salário mínimo poderia afetar os preços das coisas que você compra regularmente, como alimentos, roupas ou entretenimento?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 ano1Y

Como poderá um salário mínimo mais elevado impactar a sua comunidade, especialmente em áreas onde muitas pessoas trabalham em empregos com salário mínimo?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 ano1Y

Você acredita que o aumento do salário mínimo pode afetar a qualidade dos serviços ou produtos, à medida que as empresas tentam cortar custos em outros lugares?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 ano1Y

Como você se sente em relação ao conceito de “salário digno”, onde o salário mínimo é baseado no custo das necessidades básicas na sua área versus uma taxa fixa em todo o país?

 @NKDHFZ da Georgia  respondidas…4 anos4Y

There should be two minimum wage levels set, one for smaller independent businesses and for multinational businesses. Smaller businesses can pay the present amount (ex. $8.00) or raise a new floor level to ($9.00). On the other hand, multinational businesses and companies would have to pay at least, for example $9.50 or $10.00.

 @LHRHCK da South Dakota  respondidas…4 anos4Y

 @NJDZZ9 da Illinois  respondidas…4 anos4Y

The issue is the maximum wage, not the minimum. Companies need to distribute profit not only to shareholders, but to employees in the form of increased wages.

 @M34PRX da California  respondidas…4 anos4Y

Before we talk about raising the minimum wage, taxes for the job providers must be lowered significantly (both on the state and federal levels)and all unnecessary regulations should be eliminated. If that is done, more jobs will be created because the more money the job providers have, the more jobs they can create, the better able existing businesses will be to expand, more businesses can be more easily established thus bringing in more jobs and opportunities; producing a more competitive environment which would provided businesses and corporations to offer better services, and a greater…  Consulte Mais informação

 @NNF34W da Ohio  respondidas…4 anos4Y

Minimum wage is not relevant to anything. You are worth what you bring to the workplace. If I choose to have a starting wage of $2.50 per hour and no one applies I will have to raise the wage until I get to a number where I have sufficient applicants to fill the openings. Minimum wage jobs are entry level, they are not now or ever have been intended to support a family on. They are intended for youth as a learning foundation of what is needed regarding job skills, attitude, commitments, work ethic etc. to move to the levels above. Case in point - If I owned a McDonalds franchise I would pay…  Consulte Mais informação

 @heinrichda North Carolina  respondidas…4 anos4Y

Yes, but W Buffet recently made a very good point that adjusting income tax credits could have a more powerful and positive impact

 @2JK7PTZda California  respondidas…4 anos4Y

 @2JKQRV6da Florida  respondidas…4 anos4Y

Society has an obligation to support each person to live a life worthy of living as defined by each such person

 @NNVSJBDemocrata da Minnesota  respondidas…4 anos4Y

First get our currency back on the Gold Standard to secure inflation, than set a minimum wage according to the value of gold.

 @2JJN367da Michigan  respondidas…4 anos4Y

 @2JJMBWHRepublicanoda Wisconsin  respondidas…4 anos4Y

The minimum wage should have a C.O.L.A. built into it and that would solve the problem. The democrats use it constantly as a hammer at election time then never do anything about it anyway.

 @2JJX8VF da Washington  respondidas…4 anos4Y

Replace minimum wage and welfare benefits with a Guaranteed Basic Income for all Americans.

 @2JK9WSHda California  respondidas…4 anos4Y

 @2JKBM7Fda Missouri  respondidas…4 anos4Y

Yes. While this is a short term solution to a problem that is much more systemic. Modern economics had reached a stalemate with technology and the need for scarcity has become nothing more than ploy to continue to consolidate power

 @2JKF2KVIndependenteda Mississippi  respondidas…4 anos4Y

Leave the minimum wage alone, but require companies to limit outsourcing, and to produce within the U.S.

 @2JKVP6Lda Utah  respondidas…4 anos4Y

Yes, and maybe there would be a way to offer certificate programs or other higher education to those who are interested, using some of the added income tax to help subsidize them.

 @2JKMXPQda Utah  respondidas…4 anos4Y

Living wage for people over a certain age. Businesses would not be able to fire people though as they age just for getting older.

 @2JKWXTLda Tennessee  respondidas…4 anos4Y

We should adjust and raise the minimum wage but we should also address that even starting salaries have not risen with inflation over the last 20 years.

 @2JKXPKHda Georgia  respondidas…4 anos4Y

minimum wage is not meant to be a living wage...it provides entry level opportunities that would not otherwise exist.

 @2JKYS7Nda Kansas  respondidas…4 anos4Y

No but corporations with more than 10% of their workforce eligible for government assistance should pay a tax penalty

 @2JKYWNCda Arizona  respondidas…4 anos4Y

 @2JKYYLYda Utah  respondidas…4 anos4Y

yes, and make it dependent on living situation (age, number of dependents, rent costs etc.)

 @2JL2RFBda Kansas  respondidas…4 anos4Y

NO, doing that will certainly kill a lot of businesses.

Those jobs are never meant to be homestead supporting jobs. We don't need immigrants coming in to fill these type of jobs either. We do however need to be able to get public transportation to where minimum wage workers can get to those jobs that can not afford cars with high property taxes and high cost insurance. (Ever notice how many of these insurance companies have high dollar television ads? I'm fed up with Geckos and Flo, aren't you?) $4.00 a gallon for gas didn't help either.

 @2JL6ZRVda California  respondidas…4 anos4Y

The system is rigged anyway, arguing over these listed points is only keeping the middle class down.

 @2JLGNVCda Kentucky  respondidas…4 anos4Y

No. The government should step out of price controls/subsidies and allow the economy to be an economy truly based in capitalism.

 @2JM4WJJda Arizona  respondidas…4 anos4Y

Leave it up to the business world. Fair companies will get good workers. Get the government out of our lives.

 @2JMLBV7da Alabama  respondidas…4 anos4Y

Maybe...but this is NOT the solution, but this may help for the short term...and I would suggest that the increase targeted to specific industry's and firm of a size exceeding a certain threshold

 @2JMLJVVda Texas  respondidas…4 anos4Y

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 ano1Y

Como sua vida mudaria se seu primeiro emprego lhe pagasse significativamente mais devido ao aumento do salário mínimo?

 @gjp102da Arizona  respondidas…4 anos4Y

only if those receiving the new wage understand the consequences of paying for their own insurance and other benefits now paid for by employers...including their half of social security as do all self employed workers.

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 ano1Y

Você já sentiu que um emprego que você ou alguém que você conhece estava pagando menos do que o valor do trabalho, e o que você consideraria um salário justo?


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