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 @9NFNFSL from Pennsylvania answered…6 days6D

Yes. Providing they do not use any other gathered intelligence of a crime against a citizen. Nationsl security purposes only!

 @9NFFLMZ from Texas answered…6 days6D

It should only be allowed under serious or major circumstances, with a warrant justifying the reason.

 @9NCVR3Kfrom Virginia answered…7 days7D

Yes, but only if the threat is a serious issue such as domestics or foreign terrorism and the suspect is undeniably suspicious.

 @9MMZ5ZP from Florida answered…3wks3W

Yes, only in the case of sexual and other violent crimes, as well as distribution of illegal sexual content.

 @9MMY3BY from Arkansas answered…3wks3W

Only for plausible reasons and it should only be allowed under serious or major circumstances. Situations as if someones planning to blow up a building and authorities need to know where then yes.

 @9MMXQM4 from Illinois answered…3wks3W

Yes but only accessed after legal review from courts Ala search warrants

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