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Answer Overview

Response rates from 172 State Senate District 36 voters.


Historical Support

Trend of support over time for each answer from 172 State Senate District 36 voters.

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Historical Importance

Trend of how important this issue is for 172 State Senate District 36 voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from State Senate District 36 voters whose views went beyond the provided options.

 @9RDHKH3 from Minnesota  answered…8mos8MO

I don’t believe this concept has been explored to a degree where it is possible to determine whether the pollution reduction outweighs the effects of pricing on lower-income drivers, or vice versa.

 @9QXC4Y7 from Minnesota  answered…8mos8MO

No, cities should be putting more effort into community designs that encourage non motorized traffic.

 @9RBTJRM from Illinois  answered…8mos8MO

No, generally these congested cities are filled with persons who live paycheck to paycheck which would make it much more difficult for those people to make it to work.

 @9PSNK4X  from California  answered…9mos9MO

Congestion pricing serves no purpose other than to raise funds for city and state governments, and only highly populated states like California, Texas, New York and Florida (there are more) would be affected by these regulations. The already clear population migration issues of those states would only grow more severe with regulations like these.

 @9QT5RZP from New York  answered…8mos8MO

Yes, but ensure that cities have proper public transportation in place for the surrounding suburban areas first.

 @9QSH8FV from New Jersey  answered…8mos8MO

No, offer incentives for cites to implement alternative transportation options to reduce congestion instead.

 @9MM7KVZ from Minnesota  answered…10mos10MO

 @9NH4KTR from Massachusetts  answered…9mos9MO

invest more in high speed rail to limit the number of cars on the road and implement parking control

Top Debates

Explore and engage in the most popular conversations.

Democracy and Creationism

The conversation revolves around the nature of democracy, the role of government, and the teaching of creationism in schools.

Which political ideology do you most identify with?

Socialism. Socialism is a political ideology that advocates for the collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distr…


Dear lord you act surprised when being called a bigot and then spout this utter bull. Let’s start from the beginning, you assume the intent of gay people as if you understand them in the slightest, but in this conversation alone, you have called them delusional, “cultists”, “abominable” (their “practices” at the very least), and as far as calling their legalization propaganda. I am LGBTQ myself, I have talked to THOUSANDS of that population, and they’re just want to live happily, that’s all they really want. The reason pride parades happen…  Read more


That's a mouthful of fallacies. Let's examine them. "spout this utter bull." That's begging the question because the notion that it is utter bull has not yet been logically established, indeed that's the very point in question. "You assume the intention gay people as if you understand them in the slightest." Well, you're also kind of assuming the intention of conservatives by smearing them as bigots motivated by prejudice, when, in fact, they are realists motivated by a desire for the truth to be known and virtue to be encouraged. So appealing to…  Read more


is winning the debate

Fetal Independence

The conversation involves a heated debate on whether a fetus is a separate individual from its mother, touching on moral implications and comparisons to dependent adults.

France Makes Abortion A Constitutional Right


Demonstrably false. From the point of conception, the new life is a baby. He/she is a separate individual than his/her mother. Science.


you are pretty embarrassing, jesus christ. i never said we don't live off of other people, but living off of other people and a fetus living off a person's body are not the same things. consumerism and birth are not comparable, jeez louise! you're a little coocoo, y'know, patriot? but I still love you, sweetie pie. you'll be mine forever.


Don't worry, feeling embarrassed is totally normal after someone schools you and mops the floor with your argument's bloody carcass. Yes, unborn children living off their mothers and us living off other people are very comparable, and you've provided no evidence they aren't. This entire argument was an emotional unload totally devoid of all logic.


is winning the debate

Counter Argument

Should teachers be allowed to carry guns at school?



While your concerns are valid, consider this: in some rural areas, law enforcement response times can be significantly long, which may mean the difference between tragedy and safety during an active shooter situation. In such cases, having a trained, armed staff member could potentially save lives. Now, as for the comfort level and training, isn't it possible for interested staff to undergo rigorous, police-level training to ensure safety and responsibility? This would also tackle the issue of gun access and mental health, as such training usually includes psychological evaluations. What's your take on this approach?


Well greater spread of funding would be helpful in the police aspect, I do understand the need for safety officers, while I dont like many of the other roles they play, which they should not, on this issue is one of the only cases in which they are a benifit, I dont think for this you need armed teachers. While you could decide teachers who want to be able to do so should, I still think overall the additions of more weapons into the environment isnt a helpful addition. Also I was reffering to gun access and mental health not of teachers but as it pertains generally, mental health being increa…  Read more


An interesting perspective on this might be to consider how our education system could be restructured to prioritize mental health. For instance, in countries like Finland, where schools have full-time mental health professionals and regularly incorporate social-emotional learning into their curriculum, instances of violence are significantly lower. This approach emphasizes preventive measures rather than reactive ones. How do you feel about adopting such a model? Would it be more effective than increasing gun control measures?


is winning the debate

Abortion Debate Intensifies

The conversation involves a heated debate on abortion, focusing on the complexities of individual circumstances versus moral and ethical considerations surrounding the right to life.

What is your stance on abortion? Abortion is a medical procedure resulting in the termination of a human pregnancy and death of a fetus. Abortion was banned in …



You would then punish a child for the mistakes of other people – punish with DEATH, DEATH! In what world is that right? The child did nothing wrong, the child's not even old enough to think of sinning! Two wrongs don't make a right. once you're a mother you're a mother forever.


I explained my point in the other message you posted, though I’ll continue with extra reasoning. There aren’t always ways out of that situation where an abortion isn’t done. That could would be tied to her and her husband, and as such, would likely be required by the court to stay. There’s a thousand possibilities, and she DID consider adoption, but that wasn’t the life she wanted for her child. She didn’t WANT to do the abortion, but she felt she HAD to, and I will not judge her in the slightest for it. A situation is always more complicated than simply providing a sentence-long solution.


I don't give a d@mn if how murderers "feel" about their decision to murder someone, or how they justified it, what I care about is how the FLAMING VICTIM "felt" about having his right to life blatantly and violently denied in the must inhuman and abominable way. That's the problem with the issue of Life – people's emotions are convoluting the discussion and distorting rational thought and consideration of fundamental moral laws like THOU SHALT NOT MURDER. Abortionists emotions have no place in an issue that means life or death to six million children worldwide per year. The only emotion we should experience is righteous anger at the blood of these innocent children, slaughtered in cold blood, their bodies, torn limb from limb, crying out to God for vengeance.


is winning the debate

LGBTQ Rights and Homophobia

The conversation revolves around a debate on LGBTQ rights, adoption, and the impact of homophobia on families, with a focus on Ghana's stance on LGBTQ issues.

Ghana Bans All LGBTQ Activities. Lawmakers in Ghana have unanimously approved a bill criminalizing homosexual activity, despite warnings from Western government…


I've never seen a family being destroyed because of gays

I wish I could stop seeing families being destroyed by homophobia


Yes we do! And as a people, we should respect other nations’ sovereignty and ability to enact the will of its citizens. You may not like it, but it’s not up to you. We are similar in many ways and absolutely different in others and that’s okay. The world doesn’t owe us anything.


It isn't up to me. But People will suffer because of this. That's one way we're similar in. I'm in no way implying you're not entitled to your sovereignty. I am implying that this law is a calm before shit storm. It won't affect you personally, but it will affect some of yours


is winning the debate

Pornography Ban

The conversation involves a debate on banning pornography, focusing on its societal impacts, personal freedom, and the potential for government overreach.

If the 2024 Presidential election were held today, which candidate would you vote for?

Donald Trump


Name one radical thing in Project 2025.


I just want to punish the distributors, who are far smaller in number

Slippery slope issue. Then go after distributors who are illegally exploiting women and children. You are widening the scope beyond your stated concern to ban everyone, even if they are legally, safely, and voluntarily producing or consuming the content. You sound like an anti-gun activist.

It is extremely addictive, and as cognitively damaging as any illegal drug

Again, look how quickly you are going down a slippery slope. Next you are going to try to ban video games because they have the same cognitive effects.


I don't care if exploiting women and children is legal or not. It's irrelevant. If any exploitation is going on, ban it, and punish the exploiters. And no, video games do not have nearly the same cognitive effects as that does.


is winning the debate


The conversation involves a heated debate on human reproduction and the possibility of a man getting pregnant, with one user suggesting an unconventional experiment.

If the 2024 Presidential election were held today, which candidate would you vote for?

Donald Trump


Marriage is between a man and a woman. Only a man and a woman can create a baby. A man and a man, and a woman and a woman, cannot. It's as simple as that.


Im saying, you should personally test that theory, and have sex with a man to see that you WILL get pregnant. If im wrong, im wrong, and will admit that, but we first need to test this theory to prove who is actually right here.


This conversation is useless and boring. You're contributing nothing to it


is winning the debate


If the 2024 Presidential election were held today, which candidate would you vote for?

Donald Trump


Utter crap. Provide one shred of evidence that Trump is racist.


It proves you acknowledge Trump is sexist


Actually it does nothing of the sort


is winning the debate

Defining 'Woman'

The conversation revolves around a heated debate on defining 'woman,' with discussions on societal, biological, and personal interpretations, leading to accusations of circular reasoning and fallacies.

Black Women and LGBTQ+ Candidates Aim to Make Historic Political Gains


What is a woman?


I'm ending this conversation. I'm sick of presenting logical lines of reasoning and you calling out false fallacies while committing the fallacy of argument by repetition. Women is a term crafted by society fo control females with no real meaning.


You've lost the argument. You have no argument. I'm glad you realise you're wrong.


Language Evolution

The conversation revolves around a debate on the evolution of language, specifically focusing on the use of 'singular they', and touches on generational intelligence.

NATO Gives Ukraine Permission To Strike Targets Inside Russia With F-16s


No their statement refers to the thought that NATO was starting WW3, which is false, alongside the fact that one of the two is creating the fighting forces, and it’s not NATO.


It's a generalisation based on dear experience, sir, dear, dear, experience.


Experience that I share, but I don’t view the problem to be their own laziness, I view the problem to be what perpetuates it in the first place, and the far back roots of this issue.


is winning the debate

Consent and Bodily Autonomy

The conversation debates the principles of consent and bodily autonomy in contexts like pregnancy and organ donation, emphasizing the ability to withdraw consent.


What is your stance on abortion? Abortion is a medical procedure resulting in the termination of a human pregnancy and death of a fetus. Abortion was banned in …


Even grown adult people do not have the right to use another person's body without their consent, so why exactly do you think a fetus should be entitled to do the same, whether you consider it "a person" or not..?


If you believe that consent to bodily autonomy can be withdrawn at any time, then how would you resolve this scenario? Let's say a person voluntarily consents to donate a kidney to a person in need. The operation is done, the kidney is transplanted successfully. But after a month or so, the donor decides to withdraw consent and wants their kidney back. Should the recipient be obliged to return it because the donor has withdrawn their consent?


Once the operation is done, it is literally no longer your kidney, as it belongs to the other person now, and you don't have consent over someone else's kidneys. Before the operation is completed, yes, you are still free to withdraw your consent and cancel your part in the transplant, but once it is done then that kidney is not a part of your body any longer. Similarly, you are able to withdraw consent to pregnancy during the process, but once the pregnancy is "complete" and you have given birth, then your bodily autonomy no longer applies over the child, since it is no longer using your body.


is winning the debate