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 @744VCGP  from Kentucky answered…6 days6D

The government shouldn't make laws preventing food waste, and it shouldn't be wasting food it's agencies buys

 @9NCW7BK from Georgia answered…1wk1W

No. Publix groceries has a wonderful program that shares food with local shelters. Our local farmers have boxes for pick-up on specific days for those who need help. One of the clinics I worked for - the nurses took the leftovers from our pharmacy lunch and learns to a local shelter. Encouraging food sharing and food drives - reduces food waste. Composting is another wonderful way to use food waste. Of all the big problems we have - this is not one of them in our country. And we sure don't need to have the government address this!

 @9N9CHQZ from Florida answered…1wk1W

Yes, use the imperfect product of local farmers as the ingredence for any government programs that gives away or sells food.

  @ChaseOliverLibertarian  from South Carolina answered…2wks2W

The government pays farmers to not grow crops in areas they deem environmentally sensitive, compensating them for what they have historically grown. While we can all appreciate conservation, such schemes are fiscally irresponsible and the definition of waste.

 @9MLF5VJ from New Mexico answered…3wks3W

Yes, there is a bunch of food that gets wasted that someone else can eat.

 @9MLDCL7 from Florida answered…3wks3W

Yes. School lunch is extremely wasteful, and regulated food stamps should be used instead.

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