Declaring a national emergency at the Mexico border would grant the government special powers to address issues such as illegal immigration, drug trafficking, or border security. Proponents argue that a national emergency is necessary to rapidly allocate resources, strengthen border enforcement, and protect national security. Opponents argue that such a declaration could be an overreach of executive power, misrepresent the scale of the problem, and divert attention and resources from more effective, long-term solutions.
Det vises statistikk for denne demografien
Voting for candidate
Svarprosent fra 235 libertarianere velgere.
44% Ja |
56% Nei |
44% Ja |
56% Nei |
Trend for støtte over tid for hvert svar fra 235 libertarianere velgere.
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Trend for hvor viktig denne saken er for 235 libertarianere velgere.
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Unike svar fra libertarianere velgere hvis synspunkter gikk utover de oppgitte alternativene.